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Cuddle the person above you...

Zehehehe, though you can drop it when asked, can't you?

*Grabs his hand with both of mine, rubs my cheek along the back of his hand*
*Rests my hands on his head, one hand running up and down the top of his head, the gloved hand playing with his ear a little*
Of course. And Aww...How cute.

*sits down next to the pair, content with just watching them cuddle*

*sigh* No rp's going right now...Arceus, am I bored...
I've got a couple of super sweet ones I'm enjoying right now. One is a Fantasy Adventure deal, the other has Giant Mechs.
Heck yeah it is.
So in your RPs, what are your favorite characters? Your own, or theirs?

*Caresses Drake's cheeks with the gloved hand and rubs his neck, the other hand still running through his hair*
Personally, I like mine, because I put a lot of depth behind them when I get a good partner. I do that with all of my characters though. :p For my D&D character, I wrote out a 7 and a half page backstory for him, and I didn't even have to.
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