ʀᴇɴᴇɢᴀᴅᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ (1x1 w/ Jikkah)

Megohime stood with her hands behind her back, casting her gaze to the wall when Akihime and Yukimura entered.
“Thank you, Katakura-dono, but I must decline.” Yukimura said, holding up his hand, as he moved to take his place behind Akihime.
"Of course. If you change your mind, do not hesitate." He said, and Akihime smiled softly.
"Thank you, Kojurou." She said, and he bowed before leaving them in peace. Akihime turned to Masamune and smiled softly.
"So, you said you had business? Are the celebre shipments doing well?"
"Ah, yeah, they're fine." Masamune said, "This is a bit more personal business, though."
Yukimura glanced to Megohime to see if he could gauge what the topic might be about before the talks really started, but Megohime stood with a blank expression, giving away nothing.
"I, uh...I have a bit of a problem...with someone who's been stealing some of the shipments." Masamune said. Akihime's brows furrowed a bit.
"Stealing...?" She repeated, and Masamune tried not to look terrified.
"Yeah... we've confronted him on several occasions, but he claims that they're his own supply of celebre."
"Then kill him." Akihime said flatly. Masamune rubbed the back of his neck.
"We, uh...we tried that...his Tags found Mego before she could pop him..." He admitted.
“They outnumber me by five, even with Kojurou’s help it would be a bloodbath.” Megohime sighed softly.
“So you need a third man to help on the mission?” Yukimura looked to Masamune.
"Uh...just...one man..." Masamune said carefully. Akihime scowled gently.
"You want to send Yukimura in to deal with him." It wasn't a question. Masamune grimaced.
"M...More or less..." He replied.
Megohime pressed her lips together and glanced to Masamune.
“Akihime.. if you’ll allow it I’m happy to help Date achieve his goals.” He said, trying to defuse the tension.
Akihime didn't seem any happier.
"What do you want him to do?" She asked. Now this was where Masamune became the most nervous.
"Well, I need him to infiltrate under the guise of a..." He hesitated and Akihime caught on immediately.
"No." She hissed, "Out of the question. How dare you ask that of me, of him."
"I understand you're upset..." Masamune said and Akihime glared.
"Beyond that, Masamune."
Yukimura fell quiet, looking down with a furrowed brow.
“He isn’t into women, otherwise I would have done it myself, please understand it isn’t meant as a sleight against you.”
“I’ll do it.” Yukimura spoke up.
"No the fuck you won't." Akihime stated firmly before she stood, "We're leaving."
"Aki," Masamune looked desperate, "if this bastard keeps taking the celebre, I won't have any to distribute... Twilights will get sick and die..." Akihime stopped, clenching her fists tight.
“I’ll do it.” Yukimura said again, this time more firmly, looking to Akihime pleadingly. “Let us help Date- it helps us too, Akihime.” It was the right thing to do, Yukimura knew that in his soul.
"Goddammit..." She muttered, "Fine..." Masamune let out a soft breath of relief.
"Thank you, Aki, I'll do anything I can to repay you."
"Damn right you will." She said.
Yukimura didn’t think much of the plan- use his body to complete a mission? It wasn’t the first time, he was used to being used in that way. He bowed his head to Akihime. “Thank you, Akihime.” Securing this celebre would help so many Twilights, it was a worthy cause.
"When does her start...?" Akihime asked. Masamune frowned softly.
"The sooner, the better, really...we need to secure the shipments back as quickly as possible.." He replied.
Yukimura nodded, looking to Masamune. “If Akihime deems it alright, I’m ready to start when you are.” He said. Truth be told, his stomach twisted at the idea that he would have to sleep with someone outside of Akihime, but if it let them complete the mission and save lives, then he could manage.
"I'll give you a couple days, prepare mentally, then you can meet us here and I'll have you dropped off in an unmarked car. I'll explain the plan to you then..." Masamune told him.
Yukimura nodded, face serious. “I promise to do my best, Lord Date.” He looked to Akihime. “I’ll pull the car around.” He said, moving to the door.
When he left, Akihime turned to Masamune.
"Nothing better happen to him."
"Aki, I swear, I'll raid the place myself if he's in danger..." He frowned, "I'm none too happy asking this as you are hearing it, but it's all I got. Lives are at stake.." Akihime looked away, knowing that if the Twilights didn't get their celebre, anything could happen. And she couldn't allow that.
"Just keep an eye on him..." She muttered and left to meet Yukimura outside.
When Akihime left and closed the door behind her, Megohime let out a breath she had been holding for some time. “You are so damn lucky she didn’t pull a gun.” She said with slumped shoulders.

Yukimura didn’t take long to bring the car around, parking and getting out to let Akihime into the car, opening her door for her.
Masamune leaned back in his chair with a loud sigh of relief, "God, honestly! I was so scared she would kill me right there!"

"Thank you, Yukimura." She said gently, climbing into her seat and getting comfortable.
Megohime moved closer, grabbing him by the chin and leaning his head back so she could look down at him. “And whose fault would that have been?”

Yukimura nodded, making sure she was inside the car fully before closing the door and moving around to the drivers side again. He got in and got buckled up before driving off, watching the road silently. “I’m sorry.” He said after a while of silence.
He grinned up at her, "Mine, I know. But it needed to be done."

"What for?" She asked, looking out the window, "You didn't do anything.."
Megohime pinched his cheeks and pulled. “And now we owe Akihime- not a position we can afford to be in.”

“Agreeing to the mission before consulting you on it.” He said, drumming his fingers nervously on the steering wheel. “I didn’t consider how you felt about it, I… I just don’t want to lose those shipments.” He said quietly, brow furrowed. “People are relying on him to get their medicine.”
He whined loudly as she pulled on his cheeks, "It was either that or send people to die, either way, I lose...~!"

"I don't like the idea of you returning to a life I saved you from..." She said gently, "You're right...people are relying on him...deaths would be on his hands as well as mine, being his sponsor..."
She released his cheeks and huffed before leaning down to kiss him gently. “You’ve got a reason for everything, don’t you?” She teased.

Yukimura pursed his lips, he didn’t know how to quite feel about the mission. Part of him wasn’t bothered by the idea of being used to help others- part of him didn’t want to have to be used in that way. “There won’t be any guilty party so long as I get the job done.” He said. “I’ll make sure of it.”
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