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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Bailey looked over when the maid came in and this had her reacting bad she managed to break out of the room and head to where Braelyn was being taken as she didnt want to see her harmed by the king
In the end Bailey would be walking into the room to see Damion rather violently forcing himself on Braelyn, the other female just sobbing at that point in time. She was covered in bruises and cuts, and obviously in pain. The man had no care in the world - just finding this as a punishment on Lo-Wen as well. Violating the woman that he loved and there was nothing that Lo-Wen could do about it. "Be sure when I return you to your husband... You tell him what happened." Damion was commenting to Braelyn before looking at Bailey as the other female was coming in, commenting that he would make sweet love to her soon enough; he was taming a feral cat at the time.
Bailey reacted badly to seeing her friend hurt like she was this had her using skills she had kept hidden from him and with a few practiced moves she sent him flying away from her friend and to the ground "you may be using me as your personal fuck toy but I will not let you harm another mans wife"
Damion was just laughing a bit before he was commenting that she was a little too late to have stopped him. No he had already had his fun and had already gotten off. "I wonder how Lo-Wen would react if he ever learned his wife was carrying my child..." he spoke with an almost mad smile. No he definitely seemed to not be himself at that point in time - the advisor having rubbed onto him more and more. And Bailey would perhaps know that it was pretty unlikely that Braelyn wouldn't get pregnant - it was almost as though Damion was able to get any woman he slept with pregnant. There were a few maids that were carrying his children as well - definitely not a loyal husband. Yet he was definitely changing more and more with the advisor around. "Return that whore back to her husband.... Make sure that he knows what happened to her. I'll get joy out of envisioning his expression." Damion was ordering some of his guards as they came up, and Braelyn was being grabbed roughly which had her giving a cry of pain.
Bailey smacked the men away from her and carefully helped her up and spoke softly to her so the king didnt hear her "have Vin make you a potion it will prevent pregnancy but you have three days only or it won't work" Bailey then helped her get dressed so that she could get out of there and she hoped that she wasn't followed.
Damion was just watching them for a brief moment in time although it was pretty obvious that Braelyn wasn't going to be making it to Vin within those three days sadly. Not with the guards seeming to wanting to take the long way to the border - which took them at least four days. And they were just leaving Braelyn collapsed in the clearing, bloodied and naked, ironically where she was suppose to be meeting Vin anyways. They had agreed to meet after a week - not that anybody else knew that.
Vin showed up with a large number of people and then helped get her and in to a wagon that they had found and stole to take the elderly to where Lo-Wen was.
There were definitely a few of them that were talking about her, having recognized her. There were a couple who were wondering what had happened as well - yet a woman was commenting, "She was raped."
Vin looked at them and then swore he then went to work on making something anything that would prevent a pregnancy as he didnt know how long ago she had been raped
"Judging by how injured her feet are, she traveled by foot for some distance. If it was from the palace- by foot that is four days to here." a woman was speaking after a moment in time as she was sitting next to Braelyn, letting the woman use her lap as a pillow. One of the men was even taking off his own cloak to place it over her since she was mostly naked. It took them a couple of days to arrive back at Lo-Wen's mansion and in those few days Braelyn hadn't seemed to wake at all, and she was burning up with a fever.
Vin looked at her and when they arrived he rushed to get Eristella and a doctor to tend to her as he would rather have someone he trusted look her over then leave her be
Eriatella was sitting with Lo-Wen at the time, just playing with the little boy, although she was still a bit afraid to touch him.
Vin walked in to the room and spoke softly to here so as to not alert Lo-Wen knowing that they needed to keep the male as calm as possible
Eriatella was just looking for a moment and listened to what he was having to say. She was nodding before she spoke "I planned on retiring to my room soon anyways."
Vin nodded his head hoping that she would be able to tend to Braelyn before resting.

while Vin was making sure that Braelyn was being tended to Bailey was dealing with the consequences of having interfered with what the king was doing. this meant she was being forced to play happy and loving wife all day and then spending the evenings with the king. currently she was being forced to sit on his lap during a meeting with his advisors while they talked. Bailey wanted nothing more than to get up and run but the king had a grip on her making it so that she couldn't get free. Bailey was glad that when the meeting was over she would be able to see her son for a little bit before he was taken from her again. Bailey was almost tempted to beg to have her son back but she knew that he wouldn't give her her son back as it was a way to keep her controlled.
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Eriatella was heading after Vin and was getting the story from him on the way there. "lo-Wen will find out what is going on. His staff will not keep it from him." She was commenting.
"I know but he doesn't need to see her like this once we have her tended to is better" Vin didnt like hiding it from the man but he knew that they needed too
Eristella was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "It could take a few days still with how severe the injuries look." With that she was just shaking her head as she was wandering over to sit next to Braelyn, who was still asleep at the time. Her breathing was pretty labored at the time.
Eristella was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I am guessing that it was my father who raped her... Given the high level of brutality. None of the guards would be so rough. Even if they were ordered to. Because they know that the order could be turned against them easily. Doing what they are told then the king punishing them a few days later for being too rough." She was just placing her hands on the woman gently and Vin would be able to see the light golden light seem to drift over Braelyn and cover her.
Eristella was giving a nod before she was looking at the maid who had been assigned to her, Braelyn's own personal servant. She wasn't concerned about the woman reporting to Lo-Wen at all - the pair of them had build up a bond in the past week. And she seemed to know how Eristella worked when it came to healing - but that didn't stop some of the other servants who had seen them arrive - and one of them was reporting to Lo-Wen that Braelyn had returned.
Lo-Wen looked up at the news and stood holding there son as he did. When he was informed that she was hurt he rushed to her side wanting to make sure she was ok
Who would have figured that it was actually Braelyn's handmaiden who was standing outside the door just speaking with Vin at the time. Basically everybody had been shooed out by Eristella at the time so that she could focus on healing.
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