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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

"No but he has stated that the general should discard me after the child is born and find a woman more useful." Braelyn was speaking after a moment in time. No hearing somebody say that was almost more cruel then hearing them stating that they weren't allowed to get married. Eristella was just tilting her head before she spoke, "In other words... Father would never approve of their marriage even if the wanted to.
"does the general need his permission to marry" Vin didn't know if they did or not but he suspected that the king would want to approve of the marriage. Vin watched as Lo-Wen slapped the females hand away not caring if he hurt her or not
Braelyn was just shaking her head and stating that she wasn't sure. Although it was Eristella that was stating that all marriages had to be approved by the king - he liked to know who was marrying who - so if there was a traitor he knew how to get to them more easily.
Braelyn was just watching for a brief moment in time and while she wanted to intervene she didn't think that it was going to be the best idea at all. Although what would shock some of them was that it seemed to be Eristella that was intervening, this being one of those moments where the blindfolded female almost seemed to know exactly where she was walking. Yet again the woman's voice was rather shrill and annoying - but it was soon a shriek as wine was "accidentally" dumped on her by the young woman as Eristella had collided with her. "Oh my... I apologize...." Eristella was speaking in a soft voice which just had the woman huffing and she was soon enough stalking out so that she could go and get her dress cleaned up.
Braelyn would see Lo-Wen laugh at the whole thing as he found it funny. while he was aware the girl would probably cause him problems later he wasn't worried at that point in time
Eristella almost seemed a bit startled by what had happened although there were a few other nobles around that were asking her if she was alright, especially having "stumbled and fallen". This had her giving a soft smile before she was speaking, "I am unharmed... although I feel terrible about whoever I accidentally spilled wine on.... I hope that she isn't going to be upset with me... It wasn't intentional...." Well the sadness definitely had a few others stating that even if she was upset with her, that they weren't going to let her try anything. No Eristella seemed to have more allies and support than what she had thought.
Eristella was just getting to her feet with his help before she spoke, "I'm fine... I just stumbled and fell. Clumsy me."
Eristella was just following after and sitting next to Braelyn, who just seemed to be rest her head on Eristella's shoulder. "Are you alright? " the princess was questioning a bit worried.

"Hmm... Baby is being rather ruthless right now. I'm basically on bed rest until the baby is born. No more than three hours a day of being overly active. Just pain is all." Braelyn was commenting.
Braelyn was just looking for a moment before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I.... I was assigned a maid."
Although Braelyn didn't get to answer not with Damion sweeping over, and Vin would definitely see the hurt look on her features at the king's comment that the general would be busy training the soldiers, not tending to some worthless dancer. "There are maids that will take care of that." Damion was speaking although there was definitely a lot of shock from not only Damion but everybody else when Eristella seemed to be standing up and was all of a sudden slapping him across the face.
Vin looked at her and was shocked when she struck her father. Vin then looked at Lo-Wen who was standing near by and the look on his face could kill but it hadn't been because she had hit her father but more because of what the king had said. Lo-Wen had had enough and the king would find out the hard way that he wasn't one to push around or force to ignore someone close to him
Eristella was just speaking in a soft voice, "You have no right to speak of a person like that. Especially not somebody who you forced to remain with Lo-Wen. You forced him to have her marked as his - therefore preventing her from ever moving on if she wanted to. Yet in almost the last year since that happened... A bond as formed between them. They are truly in love. You have no right to interfere when you forced it in the first place." With that she was turning away and was stating that she wished to leave. Braelyn just seemed a bit startled although she didn't rise from where she was sitting at all; at least not at first. It wasn't long before she was rising to her feet and apologizing to Vin and Eristella in a soft voice. "I shall dismiss myself. I thank you both for inviting me to your wedding... and I apologize for... being the one who ruined it." With that she was heading off so that she could leave.
Lo-Wen stopped her from leaving his arm wrapped around her "you didnt ruin anything Braelyn so you dont need to leave" Lo-Wen watched the king and waited to see what he was going to do. Lo-Wen figured the king would get pissed and want to punish his daughter but he was the one out of line
Braelyn was just a bit startled by Lo-Wen stopping her for a brief moment in time but she was just giving a small nod of her head. No while she felt like she had ruined it the other reason she wanted to leave was because she was tired. But she wasn't going to say anything - no she would keep to herself. Damion was definitely pissed off at his daughter but he was going to reign it in for the time, just stating that he expected to see her in the throne room later.
Lo-Wen looked at the king and while he wanted to say that no he wouldn't he knew that picking a fight at the girls reception wasn't wise.
"This party is dismissed anyways. The mood as been brought down." Eristella was speaking before she was actually ordering everybody to leave at that point in time.
Lo-Wen looked at her and then nodded before he guided Braelyn out of the room so they could return to their room

Bailey followed the king out as she had been ordered to stay close to him at that point in time
Braelyn was just following after Lo-Wen at that point in time, just keeping her eyes on the ground as she followed after him. There was no complaint from her, not even after the quicker pace that he had. No she just kept up with him at that point.

Damion was just turning and heading out of the ballroom.

Once everybody was gone Eristella was actually sinking down to her knees, her heart racing. She was in so much trouble...
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