The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was just blinking a bit before she was mumbling that she should get ready to the go to the reception. Her cheeks were definitely flushed and it was pretty obvious that the pair had just finished having sex.
Eristella was just moving a bit although she wasn't sure about the strange feeling of almost having something down between her legs. "W...What is sticky on my thighs...." she was questioning after a moment in time but was moving to get up anyways. Well the proof was on the bed.
Eristella was just wandering with him towards the reception hall so that they could go inside and enjoy the night. Or attempt to enjoy the night.
Eristella was just speaking in a soft voice, "I guess... I am not really sure." Braelyn was just giving a faint chuckle although her smile didn't really reach her eyes at all, not that Eristella would see it at all. "And your first time with your husband?" Braelyn was teasing and just chuckled a bit when Eristella seemed to flush. No she was at least glad that the already tormented woman at least hadn't lost that by force.
Bailey smiled and was glad that she was happy with Vin since she had been worried that things would have been hard on her. Bailey then looked over when she was yelled for and sighed before getting up and heading over to see what she was wanted for
Eristella was just giving a soft smile before she spoke in a soft voice, "I'm just worried.... I won't be able to make him happy." This just had Braelyn shaking her head before she was speaking, "No... Don't think that. He cares deeply for you... I've seen it for a while now. He loves you and would do anything to prove it is real." If only she could say that she felt that way about Lo-Wen.... or at least for how he felt about her. It made sense that everybody saw her as just his toy.... because he didn't treat her as though she was his actual mate in front of others - not unless it was an event where he needed to just for appearances. Eristella was tilting her head some before she was questioning, "Why stay then if you are unhappy?" "Because.... I do love him but.... I don't feel like.... He feels that same way about me fully...." Braelyn was speaking in a soft voice although Eristella could catch the sad tone and almost seemed to know that Braelyn was just watching Lo-Wen for a moment. The general seeming to be speaking to some other nobles at the time and Braelyn was just absently making a comment that the noblewoman speaking to Lo-Wen was certainly beautiful.
Vin had joined then and looked at her "watch his gaze Braelyn watch how he looks at them" if she watched Lo-Wens face she would see that his gaze held no interest in the female in fact it held a look of distaste and even irritation. when the woman moved to touch him he moved out of her range and spoke. those that were near by would hear him say that he has a mate and would like it if she didnt try and touch him
Eristella was just speaking, "I do not blame her for the concern.... especially since she came up here as a dancer. Usually the dancers that are made to stay here... aren't treated with respect. Usually they are just tossed around from man to man." With that she was just pushing a bit of her hair away from her face. Braelyn was just watching before she was speaking in a soft voice, "Not like it really matters in the end... We will be nothing more than this."
Vin looked at her "fight for what is your you carry his mark and his child he is your fight for him" Vin would do anything he could to keep Eristella and he would fight for her and figured that Braelyn needed to do the same to put not only her mate in his place but those around him as well
Braelyn was just looking towards him before she spoke, "There is no fighting against the king's word. Right now the only thing keep me safe from his wrath with my actions... is my child."
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