The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

"we were just sleeping so dont worry" Lo-Wen shifted lightly so that he could get a better look at her and hoped the guards would move fast and get the male out of her chambers
Eristella was just giving a small nod of her head although it didn't seem like long before she was just taking to sitting on the ground after moving away from the door, just staying out of the way at that point.
Braelyn was just watching for a brief bit before she was getting up and wandering over to Eristella, kneeling down in front of her to see if she was alright. "I don't want you to just say you are fine because you don't want to be a burden. Let me tell you... everybody else may be scum and treat you terribly all because of who your father is, but I won't. Because you can't choose your parents, nor can you control their actions. Because it that was the case... then I should be just as hated by everybody as well. My father was that mass serial killer that killed almost one hundred people before he was caught and executed. My mother was a harlot that seduced anything with a penis." Braelyn was speaking after a moment in time, revealing a bit of her history that not even Lo-Wen would have known. After that she was just gently hugging the princess gently.
Lo-Wen didn't say anything but let the two of them do what they wanted as he was simply waiting till it was safe for her to return to her room.
Eristella was just speaking in a soft voice that there was no need for her to worry about her at all. "I am just a tool for the king to use to ensure this army doesn't die in the fight against the rebels. I am worthless otherwise." Braelyn was just shaking her head some before she was stating that she would beat anybody's ass if she ever heard them say that.
Braelyn was just looking up for a moment in time before she spoke, "At this point the more the merrier."
"Lady Braelyn... Don't do anything to get yourself hurt... You have people who care and love you." Eristella was speaking in a soft voice.
"You have people that care as well." Braelyn was speaking in a soft voice but her heart was aching a bit when Eristella was just stating that she didn't truly have anybody that cared. The only reason most people cared is because they were ordered to tend to her. With that she was rising to her feet when there was a knock on the door and a guard was stating that it was safe for her to return.
Lo-Wen looked at her "that man cares for you he was never given an order to tend to you only to learn from you" Lo-Wen had been there when the order had been given
Eristella was just speaking, "I...I doubt her truly cares that much. He cannot learn if the person is learning from is too injured or dead."
"he could learn from anyone yet he took care of you when he didnt have to he protected you when he didnt have to, he cares" Lo-Wen shook his head slightly
Braelyn was just looking towards Lo-Wen for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "No need to act annoyed with her for not believing it. From the sounds of it very rare people have truly cared. I'll betting that that man, myself, and perhaps yourself are about the only people who truly showed they cared."
Braelyn was just helping Eristella up before she spoke, "I wouldn't believe that easily that people care if hardly anybody truly showed that they cared."
Eristella was once again just giving a small bow and starting that she was sorry for having bothered them. Soon enough she was wandering off with the guard. "The guard looks annoyed with even having to escort her. I'm sure if she was able to see... seeing his look would hurt her even more." Braelyn was speaking after a moment in time.
Braelyn just shook her head before she spoke, "To treat somebody like that because of a disability is awful."

Getting back to the tower and Eristella was thanking the guard, who was simply grunting in response. This had her just clasping her hands together in silence. No she should have expected that. Although how she had to wonder if Vin was in her room or still upstairs... yet there was that chance he didn't want to see her either.
Vin was in his room at the bottom of the stairs tending to his hand.

"that is how they are you either ignore it or spend more time fighting it then anything else" Lo-Wen covered his eyes and he was tired and wanted to go to sleep
"L...Lord Vin. M...Might I enter...." Eristella was speaking in a soft voice as she was knocking on the door although was ready to retreat if he said no, or didn't answer her at all.

Braelyn was just looking for a moment before she spoke, 'Then I'll fight for her."
Vin stood up and walked to the door opening it "I am not a lord so you dont need to call me that just call me Vin everyone else does"

"you're going to be doing a lot of fighting then" Lo-Wen didn't bother anymore as it hadn't worked when she was little
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