The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

If he did examine her he would find that the mark seemed to be on the side of her neck where he had bitten her, and he would find that he had the same mark in the same spot on his own body. He would also notice that the tattoo that he had forced her to get seemed to be fully healed up now as well. Braelyn was taking the clothes from him so that she could get dressed.
Braelyn wasn't aware of the mark at all, but that was only because she had yet to actually look in a mirror and she wasn't really paying too much attention to him at the moment. Focusing on getting stressed and staying on her feet.
Braelyn did make it to the bed safely and was just sitting down on the edge of the bed, before falling backwards onto it.
As they were sleeping once again, Eristella was just laying awake in her bed with her face buried in her pillow at that point in time. She was however tilting her head a bit when she heard the noise of somebody walking up the stairs to her room - although they weren't steps that she was familiar with at all.
Vin heard the steps as well and came out of his room only to see and figure heading up the stairs. this had him following the person to see who it was
Vin would recognize the person as somebody from below but not necessarily know who it was persay. All he would know is that they were pulling a dagger from a hidden sheath as they were opening the door to the young woman's room.
The man was making a startled noise which was even more alerting Eristella to the fact that somebody was there. "Who the fuck are you?" the man was questioning as he was spinning around and before Vin could react he was bolting into the room, and taking the startled Eristella as a hostage, the dagger to her neck.
Vin walked in to the room his eyes narrowed "I suggest you let her go otherwise I won't be held responsible for what happens to you"
The rebel was just backing away and drawing the young woman with her, Eristella more than freaked out at that point in time, having no idea what was going on.
Vin looked at the male and then mode his move darting forward and grabbing the knife in his hand and yanking it away from the females neck
Eristella was giving a startled squeak and the man that was holding her found himself just being equally as startled, and taking a stumbling step backwards, just shoving the young woman towards Vin.
using his free arm Vin moved her behind him and spoke sharply "go and get the guards hurry" while he didnt like the idea of handing a fellow rebel over the man had gone to far in targeting her as she was innocent and not part of her fathers actions
Eristella was just gasping a bit and was hurrying off, the man actually trying to move around Vin so that he could get to her - although while he managed to catch her wrist he wasn't able to hold on. She was able to move away and flee down the stairs to go find help.
Vin shoved the male back and slammed him in to a wall gritting his teeth as the knife cut in to his hand "I am not going to let you hurt her"
Eristella did find some guards and they were heading off to go assist Vin with the rebel, and one of them was just taking her to Lo-Wen's chambers as he was closest. "General Lo-Wen." the guard was speaking.
The guard was speaking in a bit of a hesitant voice, "Princess Eristella was attacked by a rebel, but that man with her kept her safe enough for her to get help. I have her here with me, I figured your rooms were closest where she would feel safe."
Eristella was just a bit hesitant but in the end she was entering the room slowly before giving a small bow to Lo-Wen and apologizing to him for interrupting him.
"it is fine you did the right thing going for help and they did the right thing by bringing you here" Lo-Wen didnt bother getting up but he did watch as he door was closed
The guard was nodding his head before he was bowing and leaving the room. Eristella was just giving a small nod of her head before she was stating that she would try not to be too much of a bother. " can forget I exist." she was speaking after a moment in time.
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