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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was just looking towards the man for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Stop sneering at me as though I am still afraid of you. I no longer fear you but... I shall make you fear me."
Eristella was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "No... I want him to feel the pain that he has put many woman through. Taking advantage of them but... I do now know what that pain feels like." Her eyes were flickering towards the man who was saying something very stupid - and that was more or less telling her that once he got free he would teach her how it felt. Implying that he was going to try and rape her.
Eristella was just taking a small step back at the threat and one of the guards that was there seemed to be moving closer to her when Vin was moving forward. There were a few cringes from the guards when he was getting decked.
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