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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

"I have come to deliver a message from the king. Return to his side and he will forgive your treason. You are to bring his worthless daughter with you as well." the guard was speaking although he was perhaps a little startled that Eristella didn't seem to react to his words.
Eristella was just looking over to watch for a brief moment in time but was turning her attention towards Braelyn, just holding her gently in a hug whispering to her softly at that point in time. The guards that were there were grabbing the man and dragging him off towards the dungeon after a moment in time. "I shall come down shortly to pay a visit. He will be a nice guinea pig for something I want to test." Eristella was commenting after a moment in time. Lo-Wen would have a bit of an idea of what she was talking about since it had been an accidental thing that had happened while the others had been gone. She had been frustrated about something and had ended up punching a wall, accidentally hurting herself in the process. He had gone over to try and comfort her although she had still been annoyed. The moment he had touched her as though to check her hand the pain she had been feeling had vanished and all of a sudden his hand had been hurting. A very brief thing but it had been something anyways. It had her tossing around a theory with him that while she could heal she could also inflict pain - without actually hurting a person.
Lo-Wen nodded his head "sounds good but make sure to take your husband with you when you go as added protection" Lo-Wen then walked over to Braelyn and wrapped his arms around her lightly
Eristella was giving a nod of her head before she was looking towards Vin after a moment in time. It wasn't long before Braelyn was just following after Lo-Wen.
Braelyn was just looking towards him for a moment before she spoke in a soft voice, "And what if he gets out... what if he hurts her as well..." She almost seemed to be entering a panicked state.
Braelyn was just nodding her head and was just curling up in bed before apologizing to him in a soft voice.

Eristella was heading down into the dungeon with Vin, the guard already having been chained up in a cell.
"its ok love you went through hell so dont fear" Lo-Wen kissed her lightly and then ruffled her hair

Vin watched her and wondered what she was going to be doing but he figured he would leave her to her work
Braelyn was just giving a nod of her head.

Eristella was just looking at Vin before she was explaining what had happened before, and what she was wanting to try.
Eristella was just looking for a moment before she was speaking, "It is only a theory and idea... I don't know if I will actually be able to do anything though." But she could still try anyways. Yet she wasn't sure what she had done before when she had passed on that pain to Lo-Wen on accident. Did she need to feel pain herself to be able to do that? Or could she just visual how she wanted him to feel pain?
Eristella was just looking at the guard who just seemed to be speaking profanities at her at that point in time, although all she could do was giving a small smile. It was a bit funny how he hadn't seem to realize that she was looking straight at him - yet again nobody had often seen her without her blindfold off at the palace. This just had her thinking of some of the pain that he had put her through and she was just pursing her lips for a moment - more recalling those memories for a moment in time. They were still vivid memories, and she could still clearly feel the pain even now today. "Lets see... how this goes..." she spoke, although her voice was a little shaky.
Eristella was just approaching the man and was just touching him on the chest, the guards there just grabbing onto him to prevent him from lashing out more. Nothing seemed to happen at first and then he was giving a yell as though he was in pain as she was drawing her hand away.
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