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The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Braelyn was just leaning against him gently as she cradled their son, her tears falling. This is when she was actually whispering that she was scared.
Braelyn was just commenting that she was scared that this was just a dream and she was still at the mansion. A valid fear at that point in time - especially since Lo-Wen did know how cruel the king could be towards those that displeased him. Yet with the information that he had been given by Eristella, who had gotten Braelyn to open up about what had happened... it had been the king's goal to impregnant her just to get at Lo-Wen.
"its not a dream my love your home safe and sound" Lo-Wen knew they would have to talk about her possibly being pregnant and what she would want to do but he also didn't want to stress her out either
Braelyn was just giving a nod of her head before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I hope that this isn't a dream..." Although it wasn't long before she was more or less ordering a maid to take the child from her since they were in front of them. With good timing too because shortly after the child was being taken she seemed to be doubling over and just throwing up. She was stressed, trying not to have a panic attack.
Braelyn was just coughing a bit and was just straightening up some before looking at the maid for a moment who was still holding their won.
Braelyn was just giving a nod of her head although it was as they were walking away that she would hear a few of the maids talking about how she seemed to be unfaithful, and the comments about how she could be pregnant with another man's child. Oh that wasn't even a thought that had crossed her mind at the time.... it hadn't been a thought that she had wanted to deal with at the time. After all she was still trying to just process what had happened. Yet hearing those words had her going dangerously pale. "That is inappropriate to speak like that! Especially about a woman who has just been through the trauma of being raped!" came the annoyed voice of Eristella as she seemed to be coming up out of nowhere with Vin close at her side, her eyes just flickering towards the maids for a brief moment in time. After that she was just going over to where Braelyn almost seemed to be going into panic mode; and didn't seem to really register much of what was happening around her.
LO-Wen pulled her close and spoke softly "calm yourself all is well we will talk after breakfast I am not mad and I won't be mad at you" Lo-Wen knew that the king had done thins to get back at him and he wouldn't get mad at her for any of it
Braelyn did find herself reacting a bit negatively to him pulling her close, just being caught up in bad thoughts at that point in time. So she was yanking away from him and telling him not to tough her - although her voice more full of fear. Caught in a delusion it seemed at the time. Some of the maids were definitely whispering at that point in time; one of them making a rather snide remark to her that there was no need to treat her husband like that. Eristella was just rounding on the maids that were there before she was speaking in a harsh voice, "Every single one of you. Leave this area. Right now. You are upsetting my patient even more." With that she was going over to Braelyn and Lo-Wen before she was speaking to Lo-Wen in a soft voice, "Keep your hands where she can seem them and approach slowly, speak calmly. Just let her come to you right now. She is frightened and feels unsafe, that is why she reacted how she did. Just reassure her she is safe, that you care for her, but leave her to come to you."
In the end, Braelyn seemed to be coming over to him - clearly seeming to be a little more calm at that point in time. She was just apologizing softly before pushing him away like that. Eristella was looking over before she was commenting, "Braelyn. Do not apologize. It is a common occurrence for one to react in such a manner after what you went through."
Braelyn was just sniffling some before burrowing her head into Lo-Wen's chest, before Eristella was taking a step back to go to Vin. "What do I do.... If I am pregnant... with that man's child...." Braelyn was speaking in an almost broken voice. This had Eristella looking over before she was speaking, "That is unfortunately something you will need to figure out between you two. You can either keep the child and raise it as your own, or you can terminate the pregnancy. But... I would recommend calming yourself first and make a decision with a more level head."
Lo-Wen kept Braelyn close and spoke softly "I will support what ever decision you make Braelyn" Lo-Wen wasn't going to make the decision for her as it was her body and her choice in the matter
Braelyn was just looking for a moment but it was pretty clear that she wasn't sure what to do at the moment, she had no idea what answer to give.
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