The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was giving a smile before she spoke, "That is good to hear." With that she was wandering over so that she could sit next to Braelyn and was gently touching her.
Lo-Wen watched as he worked on healing Braelyn but knew that while she would be physically healed her mind would be another matter all together
Eristella was just focusing on healing her at the table, her hands just gently hovering over Braelyn at the time. After a bit she was drawing away from the woman.
Eristella was just looking before she spoke, "I am afraid that it'll be too early to tell right now. But give it a few more days and I might be able to tell you... I am... Unsure though... It is not something that I have ever done...."
Lo-Wen nodded his head "thank you I just want to know so I can tell her rather then have her freak out over learning and debating on how to tell me"
Eristella was just looking for a moment before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I...I am sorry I cannot be more helpful..."
"you have been more then helpful Eristella with out you she would still be in bad shape and I would be even more worried" Lo-Wen smiled at her lightly
Eristella was just giving a small nod of her head before she spoke, "I never did get to thank you... While they were gone... giving me that chance to help take care of your son. It was a different experience but it was... helpful. I'm still scared though... About when our child is born... that I'm not going to be a good enough mom."
"you will be a great mother I know this because I have seen how you are with my son and you cared for him as if he was your own" Lo-Wen knew she was nervous and he didnt blame her for being nervous
Eristella was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was just delicately touching her stomach - which if one did look they would see the faint baby bump now. It had already been a few months since she had found out.
Eristella was just looking for a moment before she was commenting, "We were... ridiculed for not knowing how babies came to be."
Eristella was nodding and getting to her feet so that she could get back to Vin. She was heading back to their room.
Eristella was making her way back to the room so that she could rest with Vin although on the way there she was assualted by a very strong light headed feeling, one that actually had her sinking down to lean against the wall. Closer to the ground. Oh she was definitely still recovering from being sick and had been using her magic quite a bit the past few days.
Vin came out to find her and after a bit of searching he found her sitting on the ground "are you feeling ok" he moved to her side and knelt down hoping that she was feeling ok
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