The Cavern (Lunarwolf and Guardian Angel)

Eristella was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "I think.... It is time for us to go there to rescue her. I know that castle better than anyone."
Vin shook his head "for now it better to let her be while I am worried she is strong and a good fighter if she needs to protect herself she will"
Vin nodded his head "so do I" VIjn felt bad because he shouldn't have let her go if he had insisted that she stay he would feel a lot better right then
Eristella was just looking for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Although I wouldn't be shocked if Braelyn didn't enlist some help of sorts while she was there."
Eristella was just curling into him and just seemed to be falling asleep alright right away.

Braelyn seemed to be asleep although it would become obvious to Lo-Wen that she was slowly beginning to get restless, and almost afraid, as though trapped in a nightmare.
Lo-Wen gently took her hand and then spoke softly to her "its ok your safe now no one will hurt you here" he didnt know if it would help or not but he figured he would try
Braelyn seemed to rouse a bit at hearing his voice but it didn't last for long. He would feel her hands trembling some as she gripped onto his hands as though afraid to let go. "I'm sorry...." she whispered, her voice so broken.
Braelyn seemed to calm more and seemed to be falling into a more natural sleep at the time, her breathing a little more panicked but far calmer than it had been. The fear was still there but not as badly as it had been prior.
Lo-Wen let out a small breath but he didnt let go of her hand knowing that she needed the comfort but he didnt know how she would react sleeping next to him
It wouldn't be for another few hours before Braelyn was waking up again and she was just slowly looking around the room. At first she was afraid but then it struck her as the room was familiar... but in a good way. Granted it was quite early in the morning still, only about 2am but she was awake after a few days of being unconscious.
Braelyn was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was actually shifting some to try and sit up.
Braelyn was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was just whispering his name in a soft voice; although it was almost as though she was only awake for a breif moment, fading back into darkness.
Braelyn was just falling back asleep and it seemed like this is around the time that there was a light knock on the door and a maid was letting Lo-Wen know that Eristella was there. One final healing session.
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