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Stealing at it's Best (NaoChan and Rainbows)

"Well, I am glad you've made friends with some of the people that work for me," Chrystofer murmured, nodding his head as he got into the driver's side and unlocked the passenger's side. "I wouldn't want you to be lonely while I am at work," he said, waiting for Sam to get in the car as he buckled up.
Sam smiled and nodded, though he wasn't sure if he was serious or just being sarcastic. But he took him as being serious for now. He got in the car, sat down and buckled up tightly. He still wasn't a fan of driving in cars, but Chrystofer proved to be a fairly good driver so he wasn't too worried.
Chrystofer drove off to a restaurant, Olive Garden. If they were dressed up a little nicer, he would have taken him to the Bistro, but this was good all the same. He got out of the car after parking and walked around it, opening Sam's door for him with a small smile.
Sam actually looked out the window as they drove, it still made him uncomfortable, but he would be able to deal with it. He smiled as they finally stopped and Sam saw where they were. He had been past this one before as he remembered the smell. It was quite a good smell. Sam got out as Chrystofer opened the door for him, muttering a small 'thank you' before stepping out of the way and waiting for him to lead Sam into the building. He would feel uncomfortable going in first.
Chrystofer nodded at him and shut his car door. He turned started to walk with Sam up to the door and snaked his arm around his waist as they walked. He gave Sam a small smile and opened the door for him. With a gentle hand on his back, he pushed the boy inside and followed him in. "This place always smells good."
((Ahh, so I'm Tristan now? Haha I think you're getting your roleplays mixed up a bit))

Sam smiled and walked as well. He was a bit shocked that he would put his arm around his waist like that in public. He blushed a it before walking through the door and into the restaurant. He nodded at the comment. "Yes it does." He said with a grin. He liked walking past restaurants just to smell them some times.
((XD My bad. Hehehe. Imma skip to past the dinner. Roleplaying eating isn't that fun XD ))

Chrystofer sat back with a satisfied sigh. He was full, had ate everything off his plate. Now he needed to go to sleep. Sam would be safe from him for a couple hours. He couldn't perform when he was this full. "Mmm...are you ready?" he asked, cocking his head to the side a little bit as he reached inside his pocket for his wallet. "Do you want dessert? Tirimisu is to die for." But Chrys couldn't eat another bite.
(Haha It's all good. Indeed it's not all that great.))

Sam looked up at him as he leaned back. Sam was still picking at his food, but then again he wasn't all that hungy He had even ordered from the kids menu, that menu having smaller portions. He nodded as he asked if he was ready. He was pretty content as of right now. "No thank you." He said, as the other offered desert. He wasn't used to eating so much and he would start gaining a bit of weight, but not in a pudgy sort of way, just enough so he didn't look ridiculously skinny like before.
Chrystofer pulled out money from his wallet and set it on the counter, tipping the waiter well. He then stood up and stretched his arms over his head. "Want to go back to my place?" he asked curiously, moving around the table and snaked a kind of possessive arm around Sam's small waist.
Sam smiled as he saw the money and the very nice tip. He had the unual impulse to steal the money and just leave, but that wasn't going to happen and he wouldn't be doing that anymore. He looked back up at Chrystofer as he stretched and shrugged. "I'm not sure where else we'd go." He said. He blushed a bit as Chrystofer put his arm around his waist. A few people were staring, which made him a bit nerveous. Normally when people stared at him, it tended to be bad.
"They are staring because they know who I am. Well, some of them," Chrystofer whispered with a small laugh and decided to just go on home. He was tired after all that food and wouldn't mind taking a nap or going straight to bed. He gently squeezed his waist a little bit.
Sam just nodded, looking down at the table. "O-ok, if you say so." He said softly, still not liking them staring. He didn't really know what to do after that, so he just sat there, waiting for Chrystofer to get up first. "Shall we go now then?" He asked, looking up at Chrystofer. He wasn't sure if he wanted to sit there for a bit longer or what, but Sam wanted to leave now.
Chrystofer nodded, getting up and walking out of the place with his arm around Sam's waist. "Don't be nervous. Get used to it. I like going out when I can, meaning I'll be taking you with me," he said with a small smirk, rubbing up and down Sam's side as they walked to his car. When they reached it, he let go and turned Sam to look at him. Then he leaned down to kiss those lips.
Sam just sighed a bit and nodded, it would be a bit hard for him to get used to, but he was sute he would he able to do it. He smiled a bit and walked with him out of the building, shivering a bit and moving away from his hand as he rubbed his side. He was quite ticklish so he ended up moving closer to Chrystofer when he moved away form the hand. He looked up at Chrystofer as well, wondering why he didn't get in the car until Chrys kissed him. He then understood and was a bit shocked His automatic reaction was to push him away, and he did, looking up at him, blushing and embarassed. He wasn't ready to be seen kissing another man in public.
Chrystofer blinked when he was pushed away and cocked his head a little bit down at Sam. "Not really into public displays of affection, are you?" he asked, smiling and kissed his forehead. "Ah well, you'll get used to that too. Let's go back to my house," he said with a small chuckle and went around the car and got into his side, waiting for Sam.
Sam frowned a bit as he was told he would get used to it. He didn't want to get used to it. He sighed and got in the car, staring down at his lap as they drove home. He didn't want to change at all, in fact he still didn't even want to have sex with this man again, even if he liked him quite a bit, he didn't want to go through that again, even just thinking about sex now made Sam think about that time in Chrystofer's office and how horrible it was for him.
It was quiet on the way home, so Chrystofer turned the music up loudly so they wouldn't have to sit in silence. He pulled into his driveway with a wide yawn. Yup. It was definitely time for bed. He got out of the car, stretching his arms over his head again, popping his back. He dropped his arms with a sigh and waited for Sam before going inside of the house. Maybe he could get a shower first.
Sam didn't mind the silence too much, that was what he listened to during the day while Chrystofer was at work. After they stopped, Samgot out of the car and walked into the house with Chrystofer. He didn't bother changing clothes, he jsut took off his shirt and laid down on the bed, stretching out and yawning softly. He was pretty content just like that.
"You don't want something a little more comfortable?" Chrystofer asked as he pulled off his shirt and took off his pants. He grabbed a pair of sweatpants from the dresser and pulled him on. He walked over to the bed and crawled under the covers, snuggling up to their coolness.
Sam looked up at Chrystofer as he asked him if he wanted something more comfortable. "This is confortable." He stated. And he wasn't lying. He really was comfortable in just about anything he wore normally and could easily sleep in it. He tried to look away as Chrystofer started changing, but he just couldn't do it. His eyes followed him until it disappeared under the covers.
Chrystofer had caught him peeking, but he didn't say anything as he pulled Sam close to him. He let out a soft sigh at Sam's warmth and his lips almost immediately went to Sam's warm next and gently started to kiss and suck on the sensitive flesh.
Sam sighed, and didn't do much of anything as Chrystofer pulled him close. He was a bit shocked that he started kissing and sucking on him though. Sam bit his lower lip, trying not to moan as the other did as he pleased. He enjoyed this quite a bit, but he also didn't really like how Chrystofer knew how to turn him on but he didn't know how to do that to Chrys.
Chrystofer smiled a little bit, but he knew he wouldn't be able to actually fuck him properly with a full stomach and tired eyes. But that didn't mean they couldn't do other things. The hand that held him slowly moved down his chest and stomach to his crotch where he firmly, but gentle all the same, cupped Sam's crotch.
Sam just laid there, not quite sure of what was going to happen. His eyes widened as Chrystofer's hand moved lower to his crotch. He wasn't quite sure if he wasnted to do this right now, but he had to admit, it felt quite nice. He moved his hips a bit foward into Chrystofer's hand, hoping maybe he'd go a bit further.
Chrystofer smiled against his neck before he continued to gentle attacks on the sensitive skin: sucking, licking, and nibbling. His hands started to undo Sam's pants, unzipping them down as he rubbed up against the bulge that was there. Then, he pushed them down a little bit, pushing down Sam's underwear as well. His hand wrapped around Sam's dick.
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