Running Lines (Mandy's Evil Shadow & Jemnai)

"Alright and I think we will win atleast one award but it isnt about winning the award its about the parties and hanging out with our fans at the convention"he said as they head to Vegas.
"That's true" she sighed softly as she leaned back against the seat. "Honestly, this is my first time attending the convention" she confessed. After a few hours of driving, she noticed they were coming up to a rest stop and fueling station. "Think we should stop for gas?"
She blushed and smiled as she looked at his hand on her thigh. A soft purr escaped her lips as they rolled on to the exit and pulled up to the rest stop and gas station. She smiled as she lightly caressed his thigh before she got out of the car. "I'll go pay for the gas and grab us some snacks"

As she headed inside, she deliberately swayed her hips, waving her tail in a teasing manner.
David get out of the his Escape and goes and starts pumping gas. He knew that their relationship could turn into a romantic one but right now it was best to leave it as Friends with Benifits and co workers.
As she returned to the cash register with the food items and to pay for the gas, she felt several pairs of eyes on her other than the attendants eyes on her breasts as she stood at the register. She grabbed the food and drink then quickly headed back to David's car carefully looking behind her as she returned. "Somehow I had the feeling that I was being watched in there" she said leaning against the car watching David.
"Well you are hottie"he said with a smirk as he leans over and kisses her on the lips as peopel watched as they embrace as his hands slide to her firm ass squeezing ands pulling her closer to him.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and leaned into his embrace returning his kiss passionatly as she felt his hand on her ass. "Mmm David, we'd better slow down or else we'll end up putting on a free show for the people here" she teased and kissed his lips once more
"Well I dont think they see that many Furries and Humans together around here plus her stone cold fox"he said with a grin as they get back into the Escape as they head back onto the road."So did you confirm the rooms before you left"he asked as he drives.
As she sat back in the passenger seat she pulled out a bag of chips and a sandwich unwrapping them for David mindful not to let anything spill. "Yeah, I confirmed with the hotel this morning before you came. The said they would have two adjoining rooms for us waiting."
"Alright and thanks" He said as he takes bite of sandwich which Maddy held out for him to eat as he drove. "So I heard that Playboy Nitecalls wanted to have you on for a session"he said.
"Yeah they do, but I don't know if I will do just yet" She sighed softly as she fed him a chip. "I mean I want to but I am also thinking of taking a break to perhaps start a family." She picked up her own sandwich and took a bite.
"Oh so is there a special guy that we been seeing that you wanted to settle down with"he asked curious as she never told him she was seeing anyone but then again it wasnt like they were dating they were just friend who could hang out with each other and if it they were in the mood screw nothing more then that."Well they just want to interview you that is all"he said.
"Well I guess I'll go ahead and do the interview. I know they e-mailed me about doing the interview at the convention." she looked at him then out the window. "As for a special guy, no. I haven't found anyone special yet" Madeline took a bite of her sandwich then held out David's so he could get another bite. "I want to find that someone special though"
"Well when you do find mister right I like to meet him so I know you dont get screwed over"he said as he put his hand onto her thigh and take another bite of sandwich and sip of the drink."Well I havent thaught about leaving the biz since I making really good money esp in the economy"he said
Madeline smiled as she looked at him knowing he was only looking out for her. "I will David. And thank you for looking out for me. I really appreciate it" She smiled and sat back as she ate her lunch.
"Well what is a friend for you know"he said as it was true he was looking out for her as he knew some people could try ands use her and he wouldnt allow that. Maybe he did love her but was it romantic love or paltonic type.
The two made the trip without any mishaps or events and arrived at the hotel early in the evening. Madeline drummed her fingers angerly on the counter top as she waited for the clerk behind the counter to pull up their room information.

"Um, I'm sorry Miss. Snow, but there seems to have been a mix up. Instead of two adjoining rooms, they put you in a suite."
David had parked his escape and gotten the bags out as he saw Maddy alil mad at the clerk."Whats the hold up"David asked Maddy.
"The hotel screwed up the room reservations. I requested two adjoining rooms, they gave us a king sized suite...just one." She held up the envelope with their room keys and sighed softly. "I tried to see if they had any other rooms, but the hotel is booked solid for the convention." She hoped she wasn't letting it slip that she only booked one suite.
"That is okay it not like the first time we never seen each other in the buff"David said as he lead them up to the elevator"What floor are we on"he asked as he presses the button on the up arrow.
Madeline looked at the envelope with the room keys. "Ah we are in room 1869 so the 18th floor" she leaned back against the wall of the elevator stretching, her tail curling and waiving casually as she watched David.
"You know this is going to be one hell ofa crazy weekend"he said as he goes in and presses the button for 18th floor once he was inside the elevator car"So what do you want to do first as we are a day early"he asked as they elevator starts to move.
"Well how about we freshen up a bit then see some of the sights...maybe get a little gambling in" she smiled as she continued watching him with a smile.
"We could do that and take in a show"he said as the car stop and he goes and puchs the bage cart out of the elevator holding it for Maddy to get out. Once she was out he couldnt help but notice her ass was lil bit up higher then normal even with the heels and figured she was going into heat. One thing about Furry females when it came to matting they has period just like thier human counterpart.
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