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A Bite of Family Love

Carlyle smiled nad watched as Yuri got into the bed, followed by Velken who cuddled up to her, resting his head into her bosom. She smiled softly and kissed his head gently and rubbed his back, smiling to Ryu. She lay down and held her son to him as he fell asleep rather quickly. She relaxed too and kept her eyes on her lover before she too fell asleep.
He smiled, looking at Carlyle for a while before falling asleep. He did not dream, his body and mind too exhausted for that. He would speak a little in his sleep, but nothing to loud or coherent. He had been through so much, and he wished he could tell her all of it, but his pride, and shame wouldn't let him tell her his darkness.
Carlyle had stop having dreamless nights for a long while. For five years actually. For the first five years they were mostly nightmares of that horrible day but eventually she got help to make sure she didn't have dreams or nightmares. It was such a soothing and better night. And now, even though he was back, still no dreams and she preferred it that way honestly.
He smiled as he continued to sleep, letting his body calm down and letting his mind relax. It'd been a tough journey, and so many things had happened. He took a deep breath in his sleep, glad he could finally relax, with both his wife, and his children. He never wanted to leave, he didn't think he'd be able to handle being alone again.
As the day faded out, the night wore on and she was waking up. Due to her movements, it caused Velken to start waking up, making cute little noises, just like his mother. She sat up and he did as well, crawling into her lap and nuzzling against her. Her arm wrapped around him and she stroked the back of his head, watching Ryu and Yuri, a tired smile on her face.
After a little while Yuri slowly woke, opening her eyes and rubbing them a bit before moving and giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. She then slowly slipped out of the bed and moved towards the bathroom to do her wakeup rituals. Ryu slept a little while longer before he yawned, rolling over a bit as he started to wake up,"Noooo..." he said softly, with a slight whine in his voice,"I don't wanna get up..." he said as he stretched slightly.
Velken fell asleep in her arms and she didn't mind holding him to sleep. She often did anyways. He was so tiny. She giggled a little bit when she saw that Ryu was waking up and she moved a little closer, shaking him violently so he would wake up now. It amused her so much.
He woke when she shook his, groaning a bit,"Mean..." he said as he opened his eyes, taking a deep breath as he sat up. He saw her and Velken and he smiled, leaning and kissing her softly,"Sleep well?" he asked, letting his hand ghost over her cheek gently as he slowly woke his body up.
Carlyle giggled a little bit and she watched him. She rubbed Velken's back and kissed his head and smiled at him. Kissing Ryu back gently, she sighed contently. "Very." She moved her hand over his hand that was moving over her cheek. "How about you?"
He smiled, letting his hand move to take hers,"Where's Yuri?" he asked, looking around a bit. He never knew what that girl did when she woke up, but most nights he would find her missing from the bed and he wouldn't find her until it was time to eat.
He chuckled and nodded,"Just like her mother..." he said as he laid back, stretching a bit before he moved to get out of bed,"I'm going to get something to eat... would you like something?" he asked, letting hsi hand ghost over her cheek before placing it softly on Velkens head.
He smiled and nodded,"Will do..." he said as he moved, kissing her lovingly once more, letting his lips linger over hers before he moved off the bed. He headed for the kitchen, his bathrobe on as he stepped into it, seeing that Yuri was already there, making some food,"Evening..." he whispered, letting his ahnd ghost over her cheek gently.
Carlyle smiled softly and she started to move which made Velken wake up again and then get out of her arms. "Evening, dear." She smiled kissing his forehead. "Did you and Yuri have fun?" She asked softly, moving off of the bed and grabbed her elegant robe and put it on but kept it untied for now.

"We did." He spoke, his voice a soft one. He spoke like Ryu. Looked so much like him too. He had an unmatured voice. "That man is my father isn't he?" He asked. Carlyle nodded and she smiled gently. "How do you think of him?"
Yuri cooked slowly, making some food for herself. She was so self sufficiant, she didn't really need anyone else. Ryu yawned softly, laying his head in his arms as he watched her cook a bunch of food, knowing there'd be enough for everyone who was hungry.
"Does he know that I'm his son?" He asked softly. "It seems he only cares for you and Yuri." He frowned a little bit. All his life he wanted a father and now that his biological father was there, it made him wonder if he was happy to have a son when he already had Yuri.

Carlyle went over to him and she knelt down and put her hands on his sides. "Of course he knows. And he does care for you. You two should bond, just like I wish to bond with Yuri some more. He does care for you sweetheart. Don't think he doesn't." She whispered, kissing his forehead. "Alright?"
Yuri moved slowly over to him, sitting down near him and eating slowly before looking up at him,"Is she...?" She asked softly, looking at him while still eating. He gave a soft smile and a slight nod,"Yes... she'll be your new mother..." he said as he let his hand move out, ghosting over her cheek,"She's really nice... so don't be afraid..." he said as he moved, giving her a soft kiss on the forehead as he stole a bit of her food.
Velken nodded and he looked up at his mother. She put her hand under his chin and kissed his forehead and then turned him, walking out with him, her hand on his back. "Lets get something to eat, yes?" She walked into the kitchen and smiled seeing Yuri and Ryu. "Evening Yuri..."
Yuri looked at the two as they entered, moving a bit closer to Ryu before giving a soft nod,"Evening." he said softly as he gave a soft nod, eating a bit more of Yuri's food before she moved away, looking a bit angry before she moved, offering them some of the food.
Carlyle watched as Velken sat down to eat. She didn't accept the food since she had a feeling that Yuri didn't really want to share so she moved to the fridge and pulled out some ingredients to cook before actually cooking them.

Velken moved to Yuri and he whispered in her ear. "I think you're angry..."
When Yuri heard Velken she kind of glared at Ryu,"It's cause daddy was stealing my food..." She whispered back to him, still keeping an eye on Ryu.

Ryu laughed as he leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes a bit as he watched the two children,"What...? I'm hungry..." he said to Yuri,"And you didn't bring me a plate..." he said, hoping to win the arguement.
Velken laughed and he sat back as he admired her. He blinked though when his mother put food in front of him and then moved back to the stove. "Ryu would you care for food rather than steal Yuri's?" She asked with a small smile, raising a brow.
he chuckled,"I'm fine for now..." he said, snatching one more bit of food from Yuri playfully before lookking at her,"Though I haven't actually fed in a while... if you know what I mean..." he said, looking at Carlyle then at Yuri, who had a look of confusion on her face.
"Then we should relieve that for you." She said softly as she prepared herself something little to eat and then sat down at the table, across from him and crossed a leg over the other. "but how?" She tilted her head to the side, almost gazing a look of playfulness at him as she took a bite of her food.
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