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Academy of Sirdin (Closed)

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Re: Academy of Sirdin(Teacher and monster)

*pulls misha from white* there yah go, while she's frozen in post time. X3
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Teacher and monster)

Sorry for the wait. I needed bed early 'cause lack-o'-sleep + finals = failed. Anyway, I've posted ^^
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Teacher and monster)

running around on ell, chatting up, and getting mai dailies done. :3
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Teacher and monster)

I am done with this fight people are having to much of a hard time understanding me. Who wants my two characters?
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Teacher and monster)

Wolf_Demon said:
I am done with this fight people are having to much of a hard time understanding me. Who wants my two characters?
hm... i dunno. i'd take them but i dislike being a high powered character.
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Teacher and monster)

*Shrugs* Like I sad I will try, but no promises on it getting less confusing or crappy.
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Teacher and monster)

good job man, i didn't need to re-read any part of the post. :3
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