- Joined
- Jan 10, 2009
First off, post here, or pm me, if you have any question, or think that I forgot something.
Rp thread
This academy is one of the best for training magic user to fully control his/her powers. What do I mean by magical power? Elemental, light, dark, anything not technological. They have teachers from both sides to teach you, showing you what they have learned. This school is not only famous for how legendary there magic is, but for letting teachers teach that are from the good, evil, or neutral side of things. The campus ground is a neutral place, where you can do what your heart desires. Do not be afraid of the grounding at night. As long as you stay in your room, you will be alright. Many monsters roam the halls at night, some even in the day, so be careful. Some of the teachers let the students do what they want in and out of class. Many races, ranging from humans to demons to everything else, roam these halls as students. Recently, there has been something wrong with the academy. It has been lending to the more evil side of things in certain areas. The principle who never seems to leave his office is worry about something, but he is not telling a soul what he knows. The only thing that anyone has felt from him is his voice and his power that he wields leaking from his office
(People, are limited to two profile, a three on approval.)
Teacher Profile
Pref: (Straight, Gay, lesbian, or bi)
Written or pic)
Class taught: (Three of them)
Powers: (Main) (Secondary)
Special Ability: (Something your charger can do with the assisted of there power or your body does 4 max.)
Student Profile
Pref: (Straight, Gay, lesbian, or bi)
Written or pic)
Year: (Are you a first, second, three, or forth year student)
Powers: (Main) (Secondary)
Special Ability: (Something your charger can do with the assisted of there power or your body does. 2 max.)
Monster Profile
(Monster, if you want to give up your secondary, for two more special ability you can, three more special abilities if, you give up your main.)
Pref: (Straight, Gay, lesbian, or bi)
Written or pic)
Powers: (Main) (Secondary)
Special Ability: (Something your charger can do with the assisted of there power or your body does 6 max.)
Stalking: (This could be another monster you hate or want or anything along those line)
Rule 1 You can die in this, no one need permission to kill your character (Because in the real world, that now how it work)
Rule 2 You have to have a minimal of one paragraph, we understand writer block through.
Rule 3 Have fun with it.
Rule 4 No godmod, powerplay, and etc everyone has a limit to them and a weakness.
Rule 5 Freshmen are not all power and do lack control of there power sometimes, they do not have endurance for days either. Second are a bit better in control and how much magic they can conjure too. Three years are pretty skill in physical and magically, but they can not complete with a senior. Teacher are as strong as three student combine, a monster are stronger then 2 teacher and upper beings are stronger then two monster.
Rp thread
This academy is one of the best for training magic user to fully control his/her powers. What do I mean by magical power? Elemental, light, dark, anything not technological. They have teachers from both sides to teach you, showing you what they have learned. This school is not only famous for how legendary there magic is, but for letting teachers teach that are from the good, evil, or neutral side of things. The campus ground is a neutral place, where you can do what your heart desires. Do not be afraid of the grounding at night. As long as you stay in your room, you will be alright. Many monsters roam the halls at night, some even in the day, so be careful. Some of the teachers let the students do what they want in and out of class. Many races, ranging from humans to demons to everything else, roam these halls as students. Recently, there has been something wrong with the academy. It has been lending to the more evil side of things in certain areas. The principle who never seems to leave his office is worry about something, but he is not telling a soul what he knows. The only thing that anyone has felt from him is his voice and his power that he wields leaking from his office
(People, are limited to two profile, a three on approval.)
Teacher Profile
Pref: (Straight, Gay, lesbian, or bi)
Class taught: (Three of them)
Powers: (Main) (Secondary)
Special Ability: (Something your charger can do with the assisted of there power or your body does 4 max.)
Student Profile
Pref: (Straight, Gay, lesbian, or bi)
Year: (Are you a first, second, three, or forth year student)
Powers: (Main) (Secondary)
Special Ability: (Something your charger can do with the assisted of there power or your body does. 2 max.)
Monster Profile
(Monster, if you want to give up your secondary, for two more special ability you can, three more special abilities if, you give up your main.)
Pref: (Straight, Gay, lesbian, or bi)
Powers: (Main) (Secondary)
Special Ability: (Something your charger can do with the assisted of there power or your body does 6 max.)
Stalking: (This could be another monster you hate or want or anything along those line)
Rule 1 You can die in this, no one need permission to kill your character (Because in the real world, that now how it work)
Rule 2 You have to have a minimal of one paragraph, we understand writer block through.
Rule 3 Have fun with it.
Rule 4 No godmod, powerplay, and etc everyone has a limit to them and a weakness.
Rule 5 Freshmen are not all power and do lack control of there power sometimes, they do not have endurance for days either. Second are a bit better in control and how much magic they can conjure too. Three years are pretty skill in physical and magically, but they can not complete with a senior. Teacher are as strong as three student combine, a monster are stronger then 2 teacher and upper beings are stronger then two monster.