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Academy of Sirdin (Closed)

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Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

We have alot of people, just they don't seem to be interacting with one another.
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

not of my handfull-of-naga tribe has anything to say about it. >:3
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

Well, I'm sure your Naga tribe heard that Ganzi broke the deal. You could always help him out XD
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

technically, since they're not 'of the forest' i can't say any of them have such a connection, especially since Ko and the 'gang' are 'freshmen' this year as well. >.>
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

      • Lol.
        Red should be the decided color font for all monsters.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

      • The only monsters in this roleplay thus far are using some type of red for their text font.

        And I hope Jinghua posts some time today. I don't want to wait forever, since she hasn't posted in a while.
        That, and regardless of what anyone else might post, I'll still have to wait for her response. >.<

        How is everyone?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

      • Aw, well... the weekend is nearly over, so I guess I can wait then.

        Misha: Why would Ganzi need to act?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

Well, I kind of can't we do need to wait for her, I am sorry/
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

      • Lol, I only realized what you meant by 'act' after I posted. xD

        And yeah, to continue the story over in the forest, we do need to wait for Canvas...

        >.< I'm bored, too, but meh. I can wait ~ xD[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

Think of it was you Misha would you want people continue without you?
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

I guess not, but sometimes it's better for the group to continue without you so the rest don't get bored. I'm not saying we have to continue without Canvas, I'm just an impatient person.
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

      • But then Canvas won't be able to respond to anything correctly, everyone would have posted so many times without giving her a chance that she'll have to inevitably skip responding to things she should have, and would have, if everyone had only waited and thus leaving her in a difficult spot.

        That's why I usually think that in situations like this where there's so many people interacting with one another in one place, a posting order is best. Sometimes people are left waiting, but that way, no one gets left behind, lost, or confused and no one gets left feeling neglected.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

indeed. *monacles* btw, the red typing is actually just a coincidence, since i always type in red and wolf does a dark red for his 'darker' personalities for his character. :3 lol pun.
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

Raziel99 said:
(I can shift to mist. The fire wouldn't affect me at all, and anything would go straight through me)

Raziel turned his head, picking up the feel of another monster behind them, and the teacher. He put his hand on Naomi's shoulder for just a moment, a spiritual thing more than physical. "Take care of this thing, I will cover the teacher from behind. I will make this fast." Then he jumped forward, to the other side of the teacher.

Lightning was arching up in the sky, and he decided to flex his power. His hand shot to the sky and a bolt came down to it. It wrapped itself into a ball at his palm, growing in power as his teeth bared at the Wraith.

      • She was going to attempt to cleave your body in two from behind, while your character's full attention was focused on a monster standing right in front of you. I doubt your character would have even noticed before it was too late that he was being attacked, at least not without putting your character at risk of getting killed by Ganzi himself at the same time.

        And untl Canvas posts, I'm going to ignore your post. She hasn't had a chance to respond and I barely have my character even two feet away from Jinghua for you to have the space to move in without shoving one of us away. Chances are, when she does post, I'm not even going to give your character the time to have competely finished everything you were doing before the end of your post.

        As I mentioned, even the slightest hostile movement from any one would cause my character to attack Jinghua, which would take less than a second given how close he is. Raziel did more than enough to provoke my beast before you even decided to move in front of Wrath. So, chances are the first thing I'll do when it's finally my turn to post again is attack, and likely kill, Jinghua and only Jinghua will really be able to do anything about it.

        ... Basically: Do you honestly expect my character, who's famished, starving mad, vicious, and angry, to just stand there the entire time your character is doing a thousand things while he has the full intent of killing the person in front of him who's just two feet away?

        ... As you can tell, I get very... "into it", once I start fighting. I tend to get very technical, too, and take a lot of things into consideration such as all the actions happening within the same span of time, among some other things.

        ... But judging from the reaction I'll probably get from this post alone and the tons of arguments I expect from the people I'm fighting, I might just fight normally and not try to kill anyone. D;

        -hides behind Dready- [/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

i'm agreeing with Ame due to the fact that i read through that entire rp and there's no way you could have done that without provoking a major attack of opprotunity by either him *points behind himself* or wolf's demon.
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

      • I'm female. <.<
        I just play a male demon canine... thing. And chances are, later, a male student.

        But yeah... that's basically it. >.<
        Seeing as how I even noted how my character would attack with the slightest hostile movement, I would have probably attacked Jinghua while Raziel was sitll either, A) speaking to Naomi, or B) just starting on his way around Jinghua in an attempt to squeeze himself in between the two.

        And at the same time, being Naomi (maybe) and Raziel (definately) will be somewhat distracted, it opens a major opportunity for Ganzi to attack without much flaw since he's in front of the both of them. Particularly Raziel, since his character is concentrating mostly on Naomi, Jinghua, and supposedly my character all at the same time.


        How are you, Dready?[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Re: Academy of Sirdin(Need female)

i took a wild stab at your gender, mostly because girls are the only type of peeps i've met who use me as an asian sheild. >.> other than that i'm just running around on ell at the moment whilst posting this, being bored, and wanting a decent rp. O-O but it never comes. DX
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