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IRL Gender

It's interesting how things have changed on BMR. People used to care a lot about gender, particularly women. That seems to be a thing of the past.

I am pretty sure that it is still the case, just that people with strong gender preferences are either not aware of this thread or choose not to disclose their opinions for fear of a public backlash.
Even for those who make their gender public, you can't know they're telling the truth. I've had writers (on this site and off) admit to me that they listed their gender as something different than what they identify with just to widen their potential pool of partners. You're never going to know if that person you're writing with is really the gender they say they are, so in my opinion, it's a bit silly to care about it.

I'm a woman, but I write both men and women and often find that my partners I play male with compliment my writing and state that I'm just as good as (if not better than, in some cases) some males writing male characters. If you're a good writer, you're a good writer; gender is irrelevant in my opinion.
Even for those who make their gender public, you can't know they're telling the truth.
I'm a woman

Or so you claim :)

Joking aside, I really do not mind. Some of my online friends use a differently-gendered persona online, and while I am aware of their real life gender, I prefer to suspend my disbelief and accept that they are who they present as (sometimes even nonhuman; one of my best online friends is a pixie).

In effect, I treat their real and fictional identities as separate people, and out interaction is akin to an RP (or when we are actually roleplaying, an RP within and RP). Though it is kind of funny in a way when the conversation touches on real-life situations, and my mind makes a seamless switch between them. I guess having an overactive immersive imagination has its benefits :)
Question. IRL gender. Does it matter to you?
Not really, it's about the plausibility of the plot, convincingly written characters and good prose as well as descriptions.

Too much emphasis is being put on the RL gender IMO.
When I first started with ERP, I did so on Discord. That was probably a mistake. lol. Or maybe I got unlucky. Who knows. I brought it up because 90% of the time, gender mattered for the reasons most think. I even got hit on a couple of times. When I moved to play-by-post forums like BMRP, gender didn't matter as much. As a guy who writes both male and female characters, straight or gay, I have had many wonderful experiences here.
I absolutely do not care so long as the relationship remains "RP partners" or "Friends". It only becomes an issue if my partner gets attached to me IRL and expects more out of the RP relationship.
Not in the least. If we become good writing partners with a mutual respect for each other, have a great story and characters that are interesting, I would say that's a win and what's more important.
Back in the day when the internet was new and most of my system RP partners were goth girls playing femme vampire guys.. yeah, I could totally tell when it was someone not familiar with being a man was writing their "man fanfic". I loved my partners and enjoyed playing, but the contrast with the occasional male partner was obvious.

After a very long break and finding these sorts of non-system forums, it's been rare that I could really the difference between a male or female partner playing a male character. If someone states their sex/gender it in their RT, I forget it immediately. I never ask. I never bring it up in OOC. I'm absolutely ambivalent.

I appreciate that for female players, there can be a sense of threat or power dynamic with a male partner. I've experienced creepy male players that I ended up blocking. I respect if a female player prefers female partners. I don't think I've been declined for being male, but that's probably because a gay dude is lower risk of getting creepy with a female partner. Regardless, I respect that players have comfort preferences.

Interestingly, I've had a large percentage of partners eventually tell me they were trans. I had no inkling while playing, but in hindsight there were sometimes a few hints IC, but nothing that was exclusive to trans partners. *shrug*
Honestly It used too, but now I don't care, if you can play the part and have fun I'm down regardless.
No it doesn't. If you are male and rp a female against me, great, if you are a female and rping a male against me...super. Honestly you rp what you feel like and gender shouldn't get in the way of that. It is already difficult as it is finding an rp partner and if I were to limit someone based on gender...that is just a lot of missed opportunity right there. I get that for a lot there is this comfort thing and by all rights I imagine since this is page 5 some have already answered to that, but, for me, simple it does not. I'm of course talking from an rp perspective which I imagine was the reason for the creation of this topic.
It doesn't matter to me. Just be decent human being, and we'll get along just fine. Never saw what your roleplaying abilities had anything to do with what's underneath the clothing. Besides we're all here to enjoy a hobby right?
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