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IRL Gender

Not one bit. For me, it's all about the story, writing, and dynamic/chemistry between the characters.
Not for me, I prefer FxF and if you're a guy writing me a kickass bratty woman, I'm happy.
A partner's RL gender doesn't matter to me one little bit. All I care about is the story and the character/partner vibes.
I'll answer my own question. IRL gender doesn't matter to me, either. If we click both in and out of character, and it's a good story, that's all I need. I was just curious. I did the Discord RP scene for a while and IRL gender seemed to matter a lot. Maybe I was just going to the wrong places, lol
I don't really care, and I don't ask. I've written with a spectrum of people and as long as they are interested in writing with me it's what truly counts to me.
nope. even if I know, it really doesn't make a difference to me. that's not saying that I find everyone attractive, it just means that I'm not thinking about fucking the author of the other character when I am writing out a sexual scenario between our characters. I'm thinking about their character and that's it.
The beauty of forum rp is that each person is willing and able to create an illusion to entertain one another's fantasies, separating each other from reality for a moment.
nope. even if I know, it really doesn't make a difference to me. that's not saying that I find everyone attractive, it just means that I'm not thinking about fucking the author of the other character when I am writing out a sexual scenario between our characters. I'm thinking about their character and that's it.
The beauty of forum rp is that each person is willing and able to create an illusion to entertain one another's fantasies, separating each other from reality for a moment.
πŸ‘ That is the best explanation I've ever read, Thank you.
Nope. I'm not writing about me sexing you, I'm writing about my character sexing your character. If you can make your character believable, I'm in.
No. What matters to me is the fact that they want to write with me and that they are polite/respectful and that we get along.

I know there might be some valid reasons for wanting to know in my opinion, but personally it's info I'm not comfortable sharing with just anyone due to bad experiences prior, and automatically seeing it as an attempt of getting something other than a roleplaying company and possible friend out of me.
IRL gender really shouldn't matter if you're both just RPing online, if you set boundaries you should be fine. If you both like each other a lot after time spent together OOC then you should perhaps talk to each other about that I guess? IRL gender should only really come up after months if not years of getting to know each other imo.

I'm pansexual so it doesn't matter to me, but I know you can't account for the sorts of people you wind up meeting on the internet. What matters most is that you as a person are comfortable.
I really don't care and the fact that people do care is kinda weird to me. I don't like people that ask either because like I'm non-binary, you're not gonna get the answer you want. Then if you want to ask what bits I have, uh, you're not gonna get those, especially not right away. So like, IRL gender? Not really something that matters to me as long as you can write good stuff.
nope. even if I know, it really doesn't make a difference to me. that's not saying that I find everyone attractive, it just means that I'm not thinking about fucking the author of the other character when I am writing out a sexual scenario between our characters. I'm thinking about their character and that's it.
The beauty of forum rp is that each person is willing and able to create an illusion to entertain one another's fantasies, separating each other from reality for a moment.

I also unfortunately experienced several unpleasant interactions with people who cared for my RL gender and couldn't accept the fact I am indeed capable of writing women despite being a dude (mostly because I wouldn't turn my characters into brainless bimbos at their request, lol).

And don't get me started on the homophobic ones.
Nooooope. Nothing OOC matters to me as long as you're a good writer and can make me want to write. Well, OOC age does matter a bit, I'd feel uncomfortable writing with someone under 18 or someone I suspect is under 18, but that's about it.
I know plenty of people who strongly prefer playing as characters that match their gender, and others who excel at writing their opposite gender but (in their own opinion) suck at their own. Personally I've thusfar failed at writing an interesting male character that isn't super feminine or so non-human that human notions of gender barely apply.

Conversely though, I agree with everyone before me that I don't care about what my partner is IRL; when someone demands that their partner's gender matches their character's, it suggests to me that they have ulterior motives or at least can't clearly distinguish between OOC and IC. If you don't expect me to have four legs, why do I need to be a girl to play a centaur princess?
No. Gender does not matter. That said there are two caveats:
  • I'm more likely to ignore a message from a guy. If we kick it off – then it's the same ratios, but I find that there are more guys who are very focused on very specific kinks, which is just not what I'm interested in. But it's not gender-specific, could be that my request threads just attract the wrong people sometimes! (All the right people attracted to my request threads – I love you!)
  • I don't usually approach guys to write a female role, unless they have a request thread in F-looking.
But yeah, apart from that – doesn't matter.

P.S. I don't want to shame people who looking for sexting and relationships. If cyber/sexting is your kink go for it, and when I was young it was fun. But for Roleplay, I'm just looking for good co-writers to write perverse RPs.
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In general, I don't care what gender my RP partner is.

However, when I play mxm RPs, I do have a preference to play with a female partner. When I play mxm with a guy, I am always afraid of making mistakes, because I am female myself. With a female partner, at least we're in the same boat, since we can both only guess how a guy feels. That's why I feel more confident with female partners there.
It only matters to me if they are someone that is touchy about their pronouns, and then it's more out of respect for them and not because I give a French fried fart about what bits they have, I'm more interested in how that headmeat works.
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