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The Life of a Recovering Succubus (MotionlessOrbit x Ouroborus)

Levi would be having a very happy Christmas when he got all the pictures the girls were taking for him. All three of them had gorgeous bodies and the same could be said for their asses.

Anaise and Maya's were round, pale and plump while Kimberley's was equally as plush but with the fuzz of her auburn fur growing down her legs.

"Merry Christmas girls" giggled Kimberley as the camera flashed. "And Merry Christmas Levi" agreed Maya, giggling too as their candid pics were saved on Anaise's phone for her to send to their mutual 'friend'.
"Merry Christmas!" Anaise laughed along with them as the oictures were saved. "I know he's going to love them. We look way too good in them!" She grinned as she looked through the pictures. It was tempting to send them to him now but she decided to wait. After all, it wasn't time to open presents yet.

"I almost wish I could wear something this cute every day, but then that defeats what makes jt special."
"Thanks to those shopping trips you took me on, I can at least wear something this skimpy every day" said Kimberley, still shaking her ass and playing with the frilly red skirt, Maya just giggling and hiding her face.

"Speaking of, we need to take you out again Maya. Your wardrobe still needs some improvements" said Kimberley as she straightened up, Maya biting her lip and nodding.

"I know. Levi told me too. I just still get a little embarrassed wearing things like that in public" confessed the mermaid, Kimberley looking to Anaise for some help in educating their fellow slut-in-training.
"Oh don't worry," Anaise offered Maya with a smile, "You're just not used to having all those eyes on you, yet! But it's not embarrassing, they just really like what they see! You're beautiful!" She assured Maya, throwing an arm around the girl.

"Just be proud of how you look, and share it with everyone! You'll get used to it, and you'll be happier too!" She assured the Mermaid. "Especially when all those boys can't keep their hands off you. It'll feel so so so good, trust me. The more you open up the better." She squeezed the Mermaid against her, grinning from ear to ear. "And it'll make Levi super happy!"
Maya smiled widely again, pleased Anaise was no encouraging even after they'd had some envy towards one another over Levi's affection. The mermaid was very smitten with their shared case worker but it was no secret that Anaise had been their first and got more of his attention.

"Thanks. I'll do my best. The guys I've met at school so far have all been fun I'll admit" she said, biting her lip and blushing a little.

There was another knock at the door and before Anaise opened it again she would be able to smell the food on the other side. Garret , her neighbour from a few doors down greeted her with a grin as he held out a stack of trays covered in foil. "Fresh out of the oven as promised" said Garret, handing everything over.

Anaise had bumped into Garret in the hallway a few times and one thing had led to another on a few occasions, as seemed to happen with most men Anaise met nowadays. He was a genuinely nice guy, regretfully single after a messy divorce and very much enjoyed have a nymphomaniac succubus as a neighbour.

"You girls having a little Christmas party?" asked Garret, swallowing as he peered past Anaise, seeing Maya and Kimberley, the latter whom greeted him again with a playful smile and blew Garret a kiss.
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"Garrett!" Anaise greeted him with a grin. She was always happy to see her new favorite neighbor, especially when he was carrying such delicious smelling food. The scent hit her nose and filled her nostrils, making her tummy rumble just a bit. "It smells amazing!"

She ushered the man inside, leading him to her kitchen. "Yeah we're having a bit of a Christmas party!" She answered him. "These are my friends, Maya and Kimberly!" She introduced them. "Its just the three of us, a little girl's party." She explained to him. "But I can't thank you enough for the food, I'd die if I had to cook all of this."
Garrett helped Anaise get everything inside, nodding to Maya and smiling as Anaise introduced Kimberley too. "We've met" he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "We passed in the hall" said Kimberley, batting her eyelashes at him as Anaise would remember Kimberley had explained when she arrived that she was only late because she had been 'thanking' the man who was cooking for them.

"Oh I'm sure you'd do fine. Cooking is great, I'll happily give you lessons anytime" said Garrett, smiling at Anaise and clearly a little flustered being around the three scantily clad women, even if he did enjoy the sight. "I'll leave you to it. I'm heading out to see family. Have a great Christmas girls" he said, Garrett, giving Anaise a kiss on the cheek before heading off.

"Shall we? We can help dish up" said Kimberley, Maya jumping to her feet too, eager to be helpful as they went about setting the table so Anaise could divvy up their Christmas dinner.
Anaise looked between him and Kimberly, a small laugh escaping her as realization dawned on her. She snickered a bit, giving her friend and Garret a grin. "Ohh you're acquainted! That's good to know!" With the food all placed, and Garett ready to go, she walked him to the door, escorting him out. "Have a good time! Merry Christmas!" She called to him before closing the door behind him.

With him gone, she headed back to the kitchen, grinning at the two of them. "Yes, let's plate it up and then dig in, I'm starving!" She told the two of them, grabbing a stack of plates from her cabinets. "The moment the smell touched my nose I thought I was gonna die, it smells so so good!"
"It really does" remarked Maya, her and Kimberley getting everything ready with Anaise. The fawn put Christmas music on a player she had brought and once everything was out, the girls sat down and dug in. Garrett was as good a cook as he had boasted, all three of them getting to enjoy an authentic human Christmas, even if they did alter the usual image slightly with their outfits. They had turkey, pulled crackers, listened to music and shared more stories about their adventures outside of school. Also during school.

"I think I'm going to go pop" moaned Maya, tugging on the section of her leotard that covered her stomach, sighing as she leaned back in her chair, her Christmas pudding all consumed. "Me too" said Kimberley, pushing her plate aside and smiling at Anaise.

"Thanks again for inviting us. This is great" she said, Maya smiling and nodding. "Yeah, it was nice seeing my family again but you girls have been really fun to hang around. I'm really glad Levi introduced us" said the mermaid.
"Ahh, I think I'm going to go into a coma." Anaise agreed with her friends, taking a moment to oat her belly. She'd finished more than her fair share of food, having stuffed herself silly. Of course, she never had to worry about losing her figure or her beauty, and Kim and Maya both were of a people with high metabolism, especially with track and swim. If anything, it was good for them to stuff themselves the way they did.

"Thank you for coming, girls. This was great! Holidays are always better with others, and it was great to have it with you." She flashed them both a grin. "You two are my bestest friends! I'm glad we got to meet up and get close." She hadn't really had friends before. Not like them at least. It was just her and Noah up until a few months ago.

"You're welcome to stay the night if you want too." She offered. "I got more than enough room and blankets! It could be a Christmas sleep over!"
"N'awww Anaise, I'm gonna get all teary" said Kimberley, coming over and throwing her arms around Anaise's shoulders, giving her a kiss on the lips that was definitely more friendly than most gal pals would have given each other. Maya just smiled and nodded as the pair helped Anaise tidy everything away.

They both agreed that staying the night sounded like a great idea. They could stuff their faces with more treats and watch human Christmas movies.

"I heard sometimes humans open just one present from friends and family on Christmas Eve. Should we do that?" asked Maya, once all the dirty dishes were cleaned up and tidied away. She was clearly eager to see what they had all gotten each other.

Anaise had plenty of presents. Ones from Noah of course but there also plenty from the men in her life. Mr Gladstone, Seilenos and even Gabriel had slipped something in with a label saying for it not to be opened in front of Noah.
Anaise kissed Kim back, grinning against the fawn's lips. "I didn't mean to get so sappy, girls, but it's just true. It's nice!" She patted Kimberly on her butt before she got back to putting everything away. That didn't take long, thank god, especially with the three of them.

"I think we should! One present each!" She decided, clapping her hands together. Admittedly, she had quite a few, and while she was sure the other girls had their presents, they were more likely at their homes than here. "Ah...I just gotta figure outwhich one to open..." She completely glossed over Noah's as she surfed through them all. The note from Gabriel made her giggle a bit, her mind racing with ideas of what it could be.

"You girls should totally open yours, though! I know you're gonna love it!" She'd gone toy shopping for them, inspired by the toys Seilenos often used during their nights together. A small and discrete, but nonetheless powerful vibrator for Maya to wear at school. She figured being more aroused would make it easier for her to give herself to her classmates, and build confidence. For Kimberly, she'd gotten her a nice sized, albeit exotic and draconic shaped dildo, hoping the shape could excite her in more ways than otherwise.
The girls all settled down around the Christmas tree in their slutty but festive outfits. Kimberley and Maya picked up their gifts from Anaise and smiled as they began to open them.

"Oh wow. I've never had one of these" remarked Maya, opening the vibrator and peering at it. She blushed as she saw that Anaise had gotten a powerful one, no doubt strong enough to turn Maya into a wet and needy mess.

"I suppose its small so you can wear it around other people?" she asked, blushing still but clearly excited about the concept deep down. Kimberley meanwhile had gotten her larger and less subtle presence open gasp.

"I love it! Dragon shaped, that's so hot, and it's huge" gasped Kimberley, immediately hugging and kissing Anaise again, her lips lingering on the succubus' a little longer this time.

"It's got so many bumps and ridges all over it" remarked Kimberley as she pulled away, running her hand down the big bulging shaft, giving the head an experimental lick as she giggled playfully.
"Yeah, I thought it would help you get more used to using your body." Anaise told Maya with a grin. "It'll really warm you up for the day's fun, and it feels soooo good, no one will know unless you make a mess." She leaned over and gave Maya a kiss on the cheek. "Or you let them close enough to see." She teased before looking to Kimberly.

"I thought you'd like it, it's so much fun! I knew you'd like a good toy!" She returned the fawn's kiss as well, fighting the urge to slip her tongue into her mouth. She watched with glee as Kimberly ran her tongue over it. "It was so hard not to use it, you have no idea." She giggled. "Those ridges and bumps must feel really good." She was pretty pleased with her choices in gifts for her friends, now it was time to open one of her own.
"I think I won't be able to help making a mess if it's in me too long" giggled Maya, blushing a little as Anaise kissed her and teased the mermaid more. She still looked eager though, inspecting the packaging.

"I'll wear it on my first day back, after the holidays. I know there will be a few boys who have missed me and are going to show it" she said, giggling more, looking as Anaise and Kimberley had a more loving exchange.

"I'm surprised it doesn't already taste like you" said Kimberley as Anaise explained she had been tempted. "I'll just have to get you on for yourself and we can use them together".

Anaise looked at her own presents and the two girls immediately grabbed one box and handed it over to her. "This is from both of us" said Maya with a proud smile, Kimberley nodding.

When Anaise opened it, she would see packaging that proudly showed the cartoon image of a scantily clad and very busty succubus on it, the box advising it was part of a range exclusively for succubi. It was some kind of toy, although the shape was unlike anything humans would use.

"It's for succubi" explained Kimberley, scooching over to sit right beside Anaise and explaining how it worked. "This ring part goes around the base of your tail. It squeezes and I think it vibrates" she said with a grin.

"Then the other part goes down and fits inside your butt" giggled Maya, showing how the toy could fasten around Anaise's tail and then extended down almost like the top of her underwear, before curling inwards where it could be inserted into her.
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"Wah!" Anaise couldn't help the gasp that escaped her mouth when she saw the toy. Her tail shivered behind her, curling slightly in anticipating as she thought about it. "Thats going to turn me into an even bigger, slutty mess than j already am." She giggled excitedly.

"This is so amazing! I didn't even know they made something like this!" She gazed at the toy excitedly. "I'm definitely wearing this all the time." She then threw her arms around her friends, one around each, and pulled them into a hug. "Thank you both so much! This is the best Christmas ever!"
"Is than even possible?" teased Kimberley as she giggled with Anaise, even Maya joining in as they laughed together. "I've not done butt stuff yet" remarked Maya, looking at the plug part in timid fascination.

"There's companies making stuff for non-humans more and more. I got this new conditioner specifically for my fur" said Kimberley, running her hands over her particular glossy looking brown fur.

"And swim suits that account for tails and things" said Maya, lifting her legs, the leotard showing off her plump thighs. The girls grinned and hugged Anaise back, kissing her cheeks as they all hugged.

"Shall we watch some cheesy Christmas movies?" suggested Kimberley, looking to Anaise's television.
"Anal is the best, Maya!" Anaise assured her with a slightly dreamy grin. The thought of having a nice, thick cock up her ass made her butt tingle. "Once you do it, everything will change!" She didn't know herself if she preferred anal to regular sex, but thankfully she didn't have to choose.

"Your fur does look really good." She commented on Kim. She leaned in, pressing her face against her neck and inhaling the scent of her fur. Then she looked to Maya, giving her leg a nice stroke and squeeze. "I'll have to look into them! Om excited!"

"I guess it's not Christmas even without a cheese movie." She nodded her head quickly. She grabbed the remote and pressed the power button. "There's plenty to pick from!"

After a little browsing, she'd chosen a simple Christmas rom-com. It was funny enough that the three girls were entertained, giggling and laughing for a few hours. By the time it was over the food had digested and the trio were plumb tired. Anaise had given them bedding and let them sleep in her living room while she herself retired to her own room for the night, all three content with their Christmas Eve Celebration.
Full of food and friendship, Anaise would find sleep came easily. As did the other girls, Kimberley giving Maya the couch as she made a make up bed on the floor.

Anaise was so deeply asleep that she didn't hear the clock strike midnight and the sound of sleigh bells as something landed on her roof. However she was roused from her slumber as she would realise somebody was moving around in the lounge and it didn't sound like the girls.

When Anaise got up to investigate, in whatever pyjamas she slept in, or lack thereof, she would be able to peer around the corner and see a large figure moving around beside her Christmas tree.
Anaise rubbed her eyes to wipe away the grogginess, an unsure and wary look on her face. "What..." Her heart beat hard in her chase. She wasn't sure if she was being robbed, but then she realized he was putting things there, not taking them. That fact combined with his appearance led her to gasp sharply.

"S-santa!?" He was real?! It made sense. After all, there was a trio of "monster girls" in the apartment right now. If succubi, fawns and merwomen were real, why couldn't Santa? "You're real!" She clapped her hands together suddenly, holding them to her mouth. "You're here!"
The man, who couldn't be anything else, turned as Anaise cried out. His eyes widened at the sight if her, making a shushing motion as he pressed a finger to his mouth, looking over as Kimberley and Maya stirred in their sleep.

"Yes, yes I am real. You didn't think it was just yourselves that dwelled in human fantasy for so long?" whispered the large, barrel-chested and surprisingly handsome man. He came over, gently placing his sack of presents down and letting his warm gaze fall on Anaise's perfectly curvaceous figure.

"I've always been here, only humans don't have the same connection to the magical side of things as creatures as you do and so they can't witness me" he explained, Santa standing before Anaise in all his glory. He was so tall and broad, his famous crimson outfit stretched over muscles and if Anaise's gaze wondered then she would see a bulge that looked like it might rival even Levi.
Anaise covered her mouth upon being shushed. She didn't want to wake her friends, he was right about that. At least, a part of her didn't. The other part did, Santa was real! And he was something to behold! The myths and pictures did not do him justice.

"ooh...I got it..." She murmured as her gaze looked him up and down, obviously so. He was far more handsome than the cute, chubby and jolly man depicted in the movie she'd watched before bed. His chiseled abs and well muscled chest peaked out at her, and she wanted to reach out and run her hands over them, but when her eyes landed on his massive bulge, her tail began to sway back and forth, and she bit her lip.

"Did you come to bring us gifts?" She asked him, finally able to tear her eyes away from his body to look him in his own. "I csn think of the perfect present for me..." She lowered her voice, suggestively stepping a little closer to him, her hard nipples hovering close to his chest. She was overcome with the desire to fuck Santa. Now that would make a story for Levi, if he'd believe it.
Santa didn't seem to mind that Anaise was stark naked, or at least he was enjoying the view too much to protest. Her swaying tail and wandering eyes didn't go unnoticed as Anaise managed to meet his gaze again.

"Well now... I was just deliberating that very thing" said Santa, feeling Anaise pressing up against him, Anaise getting a better sense of just how big his Christmas log was, pressing against her thighs inside his crimson breeches.

"See, I've been going over my naughty and nice list" said Santa, leading Anaise over to a chair and patting his lap for her to take a seat, withdrawing a long piece of paper.

"It says here you've been making a lot of people very happy indeed. That's very good. Lots of nice points for you Anaise" he remarked, giving her a warm smile.

"But there's just one black mark on your record. Seems you've been naughty with a young man... named Noah?" he said, peering at the writing scrawled all over the paper. "What can you tell me about that Anaise?" he asked, peering at her with his kindly eyes, twinkling with plenty of lust for her, the type Anaise always saw when men beheld her.
Anaise felt giddy when he motioned for her to sit on his lap. The size of his cock excited him, the lips of her pussy already growing moist. But there was a childish part of her that was extremely excited to sit on not just Santa's lap, but the real Santa's lap. How could she not be?

Even more than that, he was as interested in her as she was in him. She'd seen the look in his eye in almost every man she'd been with, and the thought of being fucked by Aanta was a real Christmas miracle.

She shuffled over quickly, turning slightly to the side and sitting her plump, perfect peach of an ass on his lap, draping an an arm around his shoulders. He'd be able to feel not just the heat of her body, but of her moist muff as well. "With Noah?" She did her best not to sound too disgruntled about him. She wondered if it was because of all her cheating, but that couldn't be it. She wasn't doing anything wrong, he deserved to be cheated on.

"Well Noah doesn't let me be who I am," She told him, a pout growing in her face, "I have to be what I am, and it makes so many other people happy..."
Santa's hand stayed respectfully on Anaise's lower back as she squished her large, plump rear into his lap, feeling his massive length pressing up against her. He wasn't quite used to the people sitting in his lap being naked and draping themselves over him but he clearly welcomed it, especially with how close it made her enormous melons.

"Ah I see" said Santa, inspecting the long parchment. "Well... I suppose as you are a succubus..." he said, musing as his hand gently caressed her back.

"There is an awful lot of people you've made happy it seems, according to my list. And it is part of your nature, then I suppose it would be terribly wrong of me to mark you down as naughty for that one thing" he said, Santa crossing something off the paper. The one thing of course being cheating on her boyfriend now probably more times than Anaise could count and even taking great pleasure in stringing Noah along. It seemed Santa was more focused on the naked succubus in his lap than investigating properly.

"Well then, with that settled, I need to ask. What would you like for Christmas, Anaise?" whispered Santa, smiling warmly at her as she sat with him and the other two slept peacefully only a few feet away.
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