Dance Macabre (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He smiled and gently held his hand out to her. "I know, but I know how much this means to you.."
She looked at his hand and reached for it. She wasn't wholly solid, but she didn't phase through him. She was cool to the touch and she held his hand firmly, "You're just being nice..." She said softly.
She smiled softly and moved closer, "We don't have to bake all day...but of you like, we can catalog...? Save all the recipes I remember...? That way, if I ever...leave..." She seemed to sadden before smiling again, "you can remember me...maybe even pass them on to your children if you ever have them..."
They sat at the table for a long time, her reciting every recipe she could think of; savory meals she used to make for her husband to sweets that sounded as bizarre as they were delicious. She seemed to have cheered up a lot, happy to share with someone. She would rub his hand gently, or at least as well as she could, whenever it was sore from writing.
"I hope you enjoyed our little date, sweetie.." There it was again, that word. "I know I did.."
Her face turned red and she pulled her hand back in alarm, recognition flashing in her eyes before she relaxed, "G-Good..."
"Um...yeah...I just..." She paused, "he called me it was a bit jarring, hearing it again..."
"No, no, sweetie, don't!" She said quickly, "It's ok, really! I don't mind, I don't, it just startled me!"
She blushed, it was almost like they were dating. Were they dating? They slept together, so...logically it would make sense.
He pat her hand. "I still have a few things I wanted to get done today, is that okay with you?"
He would glance at the table some times and she would still be there, just sitting and staring off into space. Poor girl. This was a lot for her. But after a couple hours and going to check on her, he saw she was gone. Must've gotten upset and "went home".
After working on a few more things on the house and cleaning up, he sat down on the couch and flipped through the tv. He saw movement in the corner of his eye and looked, only there was nothing there.
"Darling~" Turning his head showed Layla on the couch beside him, reaching for him and kissing him deeply, "When did you get home~?" Oh no. Oh, Layla...
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