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Now or Never (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

After saying their goodbyes, Cash and Vivi headed back to the hotel. Shawn and Mick were waiting in the lobby for them, Mick jumping to his feet when they came in.
"Well? How did it go?"
Mick howled and pulled Cash into a hug.
"This is it!! We're in the fucking big leagues now!!" He yelled before moving to Vivi and spinning her around, causing her to cry out in alarm before laughing.
Mick was going a little heavy, which was fine as they were walking distance from the hotel. Vivi didn't drink much, just wanting to enjoy the fun atmosphere.
"Viv, come on, have more!" Mick slurred from over Cash. Shawn pat his back gently.
"She doesn't have to, Mick, leave her be."
Aaww but w're havin fun, ain't we...?!"
She smiled back and squeezed his hand, "What do you think, Cash...? About everything...?" She asked softly, "And be honest with me.."
"What should I wear for our wedding?" She asked, "I'm not super traditional, but if you want me in all white, I can.."
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