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A Secret Godmother (Foxxy_Mama and Lawless)

She jumped out of the bed and walked out which she pushes Draco up against the wall. "You walk out of here and they'll kill you." She says to him. "If I have too I will bind and gag you to a bed." She says to him but not in a kinky way. "Or how about I leave you with your father with the information about what you were gonna do to me and Harry?" She says to him softly. "Bet dear daddy wouldnt like it." She said with angry eyes.
He yelled at her. "I'm here trying to do the right thing for the first time in my life and you're being like THIS?" He then lifted himself up and send a couple of knees to her stomach. "I'm going, if you stop me, tie me up, or anything, I swear to God I will press charges for kidnapping. You're holding me against my will."
She grabbed him and turned him around, shoves him up against the wall. "It isnt against your will. This was your father's idea to keep you here with them, alive no less." She says to him and kept him against the wall. "Who will believe you that I'm kidnapping you anyways? No one will believe you since I am the perfect Ministry Officer." She says to him softly. "You can deal with your son, Lucius." She says as his father comes into view. "If I leave it to Harry, you would be dead by now." She said as she lets him go. "No one leaves his house." She says as she walks towards the stairs and down them, out the front door. She turns around and binds the house so no one could leave it. She walks down the street and disappears.
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