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She's My Collar (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He glared down at her, hand beside her head against the wall, before his gaze softened slightly, "Are you alright, your Majesty...? I didn't upset you, did I...?"
She gasped and moaned weakly against him, her head spinning. "G-Gods I missed you.." she gasped as she pulled back.
"I have things to do, your Majesty. I can't just abandon my duty." He told her, "As much as I would love abusing your body for my own sick, selfish needs...~ I don't have the time right now...~"
"Queen?" He repeated, his eyes holding that same coldness from before, "oh, no, your Majesty. You must be mistaken. Until you have a ring on your finger, your no more than an honored guest. I don't take orders," he inched closer, lips barely touching hers, "from whores."
She gasped and bit her lip. "Bastard.." she said, her face flushed darkly. "Pull me into this alcove and tease me, show off to me and then deny me.." she said. "Why do I find myself drawn to such a cruel man..?"
"Need I remind you that you are the one who pulled me in here." He said, "And perhaps you're so drawn to me because you've never had a man satisfy you as I have, despite my cruel behavior...~?"
Her face flushed again and she released him. "V-Very well then, see to your silly little chores.."
He smirked and kisses her hard, tangling his fingers in her hair and deepening the kiss before moving away and leaving.
Gods, he was perfect. She wanted him so bad she was tempted to get herself off until he was free to finish the job.
She stumbled back into her room and panted, trying to take her mind off of it. He'd be back, right? Gods what was wrong with her?
He would be back, though it was much later in the day. He was speaking with the guards inside, making sure they knew their job and would call him should anything be amiss.
He was walking around, she could tell it was him by the sound of his armor. He was inspecting everything, making sure it was up to his standards.
He knocked on her door, as if hearing her thoughts. Or maybe the Gods decided to be kind? "Are you well, your Majesty? The servants say they haven't seen you since you returned home."
The door opened and he stepped in, closing it behind him, "My silly chores are done." He said with a hint of amusement.
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