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She's My Collar (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He really did head down to train the men, watching them like a hawk as they worked, only moving to correct someone's form.
He was quite masterful with the sword, correcting techniques as he watched and barking at them when they did poorly.
Would he act like that to her if she asks? Theoretically, since she had status above him, he would have to obey, wouldn't he? The idea made her clit ache.
She fought a hard shudder and bit her lip. The way he kissed her ear, pulled her aside just to grab her.
She had never had a man be so bold like that, just take from her without thought of repricussion. It excited her.
"It is a rather lovely day. I was wondering if you would perhaps like to go into town with me? See the people you'll soon be reigning over?" He offered, fiddling with his fat fingers.
"Of course I'm sure! Come on, we'll have a grand time!" He said. Seemed he wouldn't take no for an answer.
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