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She's My Collar (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He made an effort to cover her up, not wanting anyone to see her in such undress. He waddled to the carriage with her and struggled to climb in after her, watching her and smiling at her as they rode into town.
She made a noise and watched the town as it passed by. The day was a mess. Lazar would show her off like some prized statue, some possession of his that he needed to shout about.
People bowed to her regardless, which was nice but it was bitter. She didn't enjoy watching them lower themselves before her, she was still one of them. "Come, darling, why not pick some things out for yourself?" Lazar urged.
He took her to every shop he saw, telling her to pick out anything she fancied. Clothes, jewels, didn't matter.
She decided to humor him, and picked out some things for him to buy for her. A dress or two, a new necklace. There were some things she snuck in, things she hid well enough that he wouldn't see. Those were for Orin.
After splurging and showing her off, they headed back, his smile wider than it had ever been, "Well? That's nicer, isn't it? Some fresh air is always nice."
"I'm sorry, I really am.. I'm just... having more touble than I thought.. adjusting, that is.." she said.
He nodded, "Well...there's time before the wedding.." He said. She didn't even know how much time she had left before she was stuck with this pig.
He nodded again, though his body language screamed he was upset. They returned to the castle and she was helped out first, and as soon as she looked up she saw Orin. He looked angry.
"When were you going to tell me you had left?" He demanded, but not of her.
"I don't have to tell you every time I leave." Lazar hissed as he waddled over, "I am King."
"And what if you were murdered in the street? What then?" Orin chastised. Lazar had nothing to say.
"Your Majesty, with all due respect, you don't know that. If you had known an assassin were there, he wouldn't be doing a good job." Orin said. Lazar fumed and stomped his foot.
"You will not speak to either of us in that way! Scold me like a child again and I'll have you removed as captain!" He threatened. Orin's eyes were cold and hard as he looked down at him.
"And then what? Who would lead your men? Guard your castle? Protect you while you slept soundly in the night? Hm?" He sneered. Lazar fumbled with his words for a minute.
"I-I would find someone! Someone far more capable!!" He stated. Orin gave a joyless smirk.
"There isn't a man alive who can do what I do, your Highness."
Oh, thank the gods she had bought what she had. This was all too much. "P-Pardon me, I don't deal well with confrontation.." she said as she left to the room.
"Now look what you've done!!" Lazar fumed, "Leave my presence at once!!" Orin briskly touched his fist to his chest before turning to leave, hand white knuckling the pommel of his sword.
Lyra went to the same alcove he had pulled her into and panted softly. It was hard keeping herself together when Orin got like that.
She heard the sound of armor, and saw Orin walk passed briskly without seeing her, "Stupid fucking child. An absolute fucking baboon with a crown." He muttered hatefully as he passed.
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