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She's My Collar (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

His breathing became labored before he slammed into her hard and dumped his massive load inside of her, giving a strangled moan as he did.
He sat still for a moment before he slowly pulled out of her, "I can't stay for long...but I will stay.."
She panted and turned to kiss him. "Only if you promise you'll come back.. if not, I'll have to find you.." she said.
He chuckled softly as he kissed back, "I don't think I could keep away if I really wanted to, Majesty.."
He kissed back and laid woth her, holding her tenderly until she fell asleep before he pulled himself away; gathering his things and leaving quietly to his room.
It continued like this, maybe not every night but often enough that it was habit. If he wasn't in her room, she was in his, and they fucked almost all night before they were tired. Lazar didn't seem to catch on, which was a relief. Orin didn't want to be killed at a ripe twenty four.
Lyra, on the other hand, didn't really care. This was the only man she'd ever met who made her feel something other than disgust. So, she made sure to enjoy it.
Orin had left his station at the king's side to go train the men, and as Lyra walking through the castle when she was pulled gently into a hidden alcove. It was Orin, holding her gently against him as he nuzzled into her neck, "Forgive me if I startled you, Your Majesty..." He said softly.
He let his hands move over her, "I just wanted some solice before I went to comence training..." He said quietly.
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