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She's My Collar (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She huffed and moved to get undressed from her gown, and change into one of the outfits she had Lazar buy.
Seemed he had different plans; he wanted her to come to him. If she wanted to make demands like the queen she was bound to be, she would have to get him. He was not a pup who came trotting to its master looking for affection. So he continued to bide his time, expecting her to find him, but she didn't.
She was having a difficult time keeping herself occupied, but she made do. It wasn't the most fun, but damn him. She threw herself on him, and he walked away. Worse than that, he played dumb.
There was a knock when the sun began to set, "Mistress?" It was a servant, "dinner is ready, if you're hungry?"
"Thank you.." she said, before laying down. If Orin wasn't going to come, then he'd just have to wait until she deemed it time
She laid in bed waiting until it was dark outside and she was forced to light her candles. She could hear the laughter from the barracks and wondered - bitterly - if Orin was there with them.
She laid in the dark for a while before she heard her door carefully push open and footsteps against the floor, her door shutting quietly.
"Actually..." She felt the bed shift as he crawled next to her, "I just wanted to hold you while you slept. The idea of having you against me in total peace was nice.."
"Oh now you try to be romantic.." she said. "How long until you leave me again, a minute this time?" She asked.
She made a noise and didn't move. "That's not going to work, Orin." She said. "A lady throws herself at you, you play it off as nothing, leave her for hours then come in.." she sniffed a bit, smelling wine, "come in only what I can assume as a spell of drunk bravery and think everything is fine?"
"Well..." His hand moved up from around her waist to her breast, "Perhaps gentle pettings and kisses would work to start off?"
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