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The superhero fetish - overfiend_87/Jakiline

The girl rubbed her head as he looked to her, a little confused why he was dressed differently. The blood on his hands puzzled her, the drug still having a dizzying affect on her mind. She knew the surgery had happened but...She wasn't connecting pieces together as easily as before. One thing was for sure though. She knew she didn't want to lay back down. She twisted her hand, the fist twisting into a larger, hammer, shape. She went to push him back with it when he moved the needle to her arm. Once it got back in she found herself getting dizzy once more.

"I-I....I'm starting to feel worse again." She answered, the heroine loosing power once more. Her hand moved out of her own control, shifting and contorting. It became a fist again, the fingers slightly irregular as she went to lay down. The second doze seemed to have a stronger affect, making her dark blue eyes dull, her body limp. She laid back against the table, oddly calm after he had given her the drug.

This time, she had started to dream. Blotches of memories and color swirled in her mind as she laid down on the table.
"Damn...well that's something I'll have to make a note of. Double the dosage." he said outloud before having her body escorted back to her cell and allowed to lay on a bed. He didn't want to place the new plate on her just yet. The flesh had to take hold and being back in the dapening feild she should be unable to change shape, giving her ample amount of time to heal.

He now started watching her more often, but why? There was no research being done, he wasn't taking notes and yet he was still just staring at her. He couldn't explain it. Could he be sick? He did feel a bit odd, but it wasn't sickness or an infection. Maybe it was something he hadn't researched? He didn't know, but all he did know was that he should try to make her feel more at home and upon this he decided to program his machines to analyse her brain, find out what food she liked and replicated that. Also to find her a new costume. She wouldn't want to walk around the place naked all the time right?

Cyber Lord was actually thinking of someone else, completely selflessly and for no other reason but to make her feel better and more at him. It was taking him a while but he didn't mind, she seemed to be in a deep sleep and there was no problems with her vitals.
The Super Hero did not wake up for a long time. Her body laid dormant, the dampening ray making her sleepy. Yet the healing was taking place. At first it was just a sore tingle, but by the end she didn't feel pain any of the few minutes of the day she stayed away. It was refreshing, being able to see her stomach, the large breasts now very natural. It was comfortable, to say the least.

After about three days she finally begun to walk around. The soreness had gone from her limbs and she stood up, actually walking to the end of the cell to look down. Her eyes drifted over the labs, though she could no focus as well. The goggles had lenses for her. Without it the huge lab was only half exposed. Her thin fingers curled around the bars, looking down at him.

It had been about two days since the operation. "How long do you plan to keep me here?" She questioned, the heroine tone in her voice. She leaned against the bars, for the dampening ray was still taking away energy. She couldn't wait to get out...It seemed that she had gained control of her thoughts. She remembered what he did, how he had tricked her. And she was going to take him to jail. Eventually.

But something was on the edge of her mind. She knew it had been a while since she was captured...Where was the League of Heroes to bust her out? Wasn't it there job to stop villains and save people?
"I see you are finally awake. I'll have to make sure to study the dosage. Enough for a normal human." he told her as he looked her over and smiled, bringing a suitcase with him. "I have something for you. I'm sure it'll make you smile. Just step back." he told her, making sure to lower the shild before putting the case in the room for her and then putting the sheild back on. In the case there was a skin-tight super hero suit, similar to her old one, however this one looked far more well crafted. It had her name written down the side of her body when she wears it and the style it is made in was also very eyecatching and should fit with ease.

There was something strange about the fabric too. It wasn't just simple material for tights, but something much more. It appeared to streach with ease and revert to it's size without wearing out.
"I thought I'd get this for you since you'll be here a long time. The League don't want you." he now told her. "I've been watching the news. They talked about the robbery and how I was victorious, blowing up police cars and harassing citizens, but they never mentioned you. So you see why they won't save you. They don't even want to achknowledge your existance." he pointed out to her, deciding to show her a monitor of the news report. It all seemed to be true. They mentioned the robbery, but nothing about the hero who was sacrificing her own saftey to save her.
"I doubt it will make me smile." She retorted, but she did step back. She saw the briefcase slid towards her, the shield buzzing as she reached down. After opening the case she did realize that it would make her smile. It seemed to be a better version of her suit. Stretchy, yet still stylish. At least, as stylish as spandex could be. She turned away from him, and from the camera that was in the room, to slip on the red suit. It was a tricky task, but in a few moments the red costume fit her like a glove. It stretched better, and now that her breasts were smaller, it looked...Nice. The only thing that seemed to take away from her joy was that the material pulled against her groan, rubbing against it with every step.

It was perfect. She wouldn't admit it, but it was perfect. She only wished she had it before she was locked into a cage. Her eyes looked up as he mentioned the news, her eyes widening as he spoke. The Red Stripe didn't believe him until she saw the newscast herself. Her hands slid against the bars, her body showing her fury. Her fingers curled around the bars, and after a few moments, she couldn't look anymore.

Instead she turned her back to the cage, slipping to the bed. She set herself on the edge, looking at her now gloved hands. It was easy to see how angry she really was, even if she tried hard to hide it. "I'll escape on my own then."
"I doupt you will." he said simply, sighing. "Oh...I'm glad you like the suit thought. It's made to streach to your size so when you use your powers it won't wear out. Not only that but it works like armour. It's resistant against the elements and things like bullets and knives. It'll be great in fighting." he told her, though he was pretty sure she didn't want to know how good of a gift it was that he gave her.

"Why don't you just admit you loved it when I gave you the kind of pleasure and attention no man has ever given you?" he asked her and grinned as he did. "Besides...I havn't tortured you so you should be feeling more like a guest here. I wouldn't have done such a thing to any other hero you know. They would all be dead and then examin their bodies. I like you though. You are seen as a freak and called one by those ideots, but we both know that you aren't. You are a beautiful woman." he now told her, against attempting seduce her with his words and see if she was going to give in or just strike out with anger.
No, she really didn't want to know how great the uniform was. She wanted her powers back. There was the lump between her legs, unlike when she usually was a heroine. Yet the dampening ray still affected her, making her weak. It was why she stood up to lean against the bars, her face between the metal. Her hand slid through, stretching as far as she could. The dampening ray wasn't as huge as it appeared, and it got weaker at the edge. Too bad the sheild still kept her from escape.

When he continued to speak to her she looked up, snarling slightly. Yet it was easy to see his words affected her. They always called her a freak every time she interviewed for the League of Heroes, and every time she got close to someone. But...He was a villain. It was easy to tell she wanted to believe him, but wouldn't let herself. "Yes. A guest in a cell so I can overlook my villain's evil plot as he takes over the World. The only reason why I believe you have kept me alive is because you can learn more about me alive then dead. But, if you plan on keeping me alive, I need something. Food."

It was true. It had been days since her last meal.
"Hmm...well if I wanted to learn everything from you I would have carved you up on that table, replicated your DNA and study how a clone of yours would function." he pointed out to her, but he listened to her talk about getting food. He typed a few more codes into the machine and the wall began to open up, showing all kinds of food. Junk and snack food to salads and more exotic food, since he didn't know what kind of food she liked.

Staring at her he still couldn't understand what this feeling was that he had for her. She was interesting to watch. Strangly enough he really wanted to just open up the cell and have a closer look at her. Something about being close to her felt important to him.
"If I did let you arrest me, destroy everything I created down here and return all my funds to the community, what would you do? What benifit would you have? Go back to being a two-bit super hero, never being remembered and never being accepted? You do know you may never find another man who'll accept you or understand you as I do." but as he said this there was a sudden blush. Clearly the heart he thought was dead and cold was alive and warm, burning for passion.
When he spoke about the idea of her broken on the table, ripped apart with a clone, she shivered slightly. Just the idea of what he could do made her clench her eyes shut as she looked away. As she clenched her eyes she heard a panel open to her right. The heroine prepared herself by clenching her fist...

But it was just an assortment of food. She looked at it quizzically before she reached out, her hand curling around an apple. She sniffed it, as if trying to detect something from it, before taking a deep bite. The skin cracked, a delicious crunch heard before she turned around to face him. It was much easier for her to walk around now, for she had strength, and she had healed from the constant attacks he had given her the first day. But she was finally better.

She was so good that she even got some of her mannerisms back. She took a bite of the apple before she heard what he said, how once again he spoke of the outside world. How he spoke of her. She nearly chocked on the apple. She twisted around, gagging on the piece till it slipped from her lips.

"Hey! I was accepted, part of society! Just because I kept some secrets...I mean I was...I don't need to be understood! Y-You..."

Yet she couldn't finish. She knew what the outside community would think of her if she walked out like this, with breasts and a cock. She was a thing. Her eyes clenched, the girl throwing the apple at the shield. She was done talking. She didn't care if he understood! The Red Stripe had hidden her insecurity, but now that he knew, that he was trying to pull her in? The way his words poisoned her. All she wanted to do was change herself. Turn into something beautiful, like she always did. The girl continued her rampage, taking another piece of food and throwing it at him. It just broke against the shield. After her small tantrum she let her hand pick up a water bottle, opening the cap and starting to drink it. She saw his blush, she knew what he wanted.

And she wasn't ready to be his partner. She had to agree, no one had ever been so nice to do. But... "You're evil! Keeping me in a cage, talking to me like an experiment. If you really understood me you would let me out of this cage!"
"I do understand you. I know that you know I do. If I didn't understand you, I wouldn't know the conflictions you have in your mind. I would let you out here and you would probably arrest me or do something to me before handing me in because you still believe that hiding your true form will let you become accepted, but you should know deep down that they won't. I enjoy seeing you like this. You are in your natural form. Your beautiful form." he told her as he was sure that this would've complimented her, but she still didn't trust him.

"I am not speaking to you as if you were an experiment. If I did indeed speak to you in that way I would've poisoned the food or put something on the food and ask you how you are feeling. Plus...I could fill the room with water and electrofy it or stick in a cattle probe, but I won't. I don't want to...." he trailed off as he said this, blushing again as he didn't want to tell her why. In truth he didn't understand why not.
The girl snarled as she turned away, throwing herself on the bed again. Arguing with some mad man gave her a headache, and what he said...Well, she knew it was all true. He seemed to know her every feeling, every thought. She knew he wasn't a mind reader, yet he even knew how she was going to respond. The Red Stripe was baffled. How could the Doctor understand so much about her after a brief time with her in a cell? How could he know all the small things that made her soft, or what she thought of other people.

When he called her beautiful she flinched, her face showing shock for a brief moment. No one had ever called her beautiful after they had seen what she really looked like. No one. It made her turn her face away, a tear sliding down her cheek as he continued to talk. So many emotions were swirling around her as she listened. He didn't want to torture her, he sounded like...Like he actually cared. Her expressions soften as she kept her back to the wall, almost refusing to look at him. She didn't want him to see the tears dripping down her cheeks, or the way his words made her feel. It was a weakness, even she knew it.

Instead she just held out her arm, aiming for another fruit. She willed it to stretch...And nothing. The girl missed being flexible, standing up and taking an orange. While she unpeeled it she got her emotions in check, gaining control of her voice so her tone wouldn't waver.

"You want me to trust you when all you do is set me in a cage." She said, her voice unwavering. It wasn't exactly cold, but it was much nicer then before. "Turn off the ray, but keep the shield on. I want to be able to have energy...And I swear I will not try to break though the force field you have constructed around the cell you place me in."

While she said that she knew it was a leap of faith for a villain like him, but she hoped he would turn the ray off. The girl just missed her abilities, it was like part of her was gone. She would even accept a caution by him, like placing the small metal circle on her chest like before.
Cyber Lord thought for a moment He wasn't sure if he could trust her, however they were similar in their way of thinking. He was the same when he was back in school and picked on, but he at first didn't want to turn evil. There was no point. Why be evil when you could be a leading example for everyone and behave, but he realised the truth. No one was innocent. Everyone was guilty. He saw no point in protecting people after years of creating devices to help the world, people would use them to commit murder, but she needed to see this before she could be like him. He noeeded though, thining that he should give her a bit more freedom to trust him.
"Alright...aslong as you put this disc back on, then I'll turn it off and let you have your powers back." he told her, turning the sheild off ot hand it to her through the bars. "Place it on your chest and it should activate automatically. Do this and I'll turn the field off, letting you have a bit more freedom." he smiled to her. It was strange because he would never do this for anyone else. Hell, no villain would do this because they wouldn't even give the hero such an accomodation. That was another thing that came to mind. Shouldn't he try to make it a little more homely? Why was he thinking this? He didn't know, but atleast hoped she would be a bit more comfortable.
She was quiet until he spoke, hearing his reply. She turned around, her hand sliding out to take the small metal disk from him. She knew she was putting herself at his mercy, for she knew what this could do. But, it was a trade. She got more freedom to practice and bend her form. As soon as she got it she looked up at him, seeing his small smile. The hero looked at him, staring at the smile, before she gave a nod, pressing the metal disk against the spandex between her now normal breasts. The metal disk extended, a slight hum as soon as it stuck to her person. She knew she wouldn't be able to remove it, she could feel the metal claws dig deep into her skin. But that was fine. The Red Stripe got what she desired.

She still could feel the ray upon her skin, but she knew any moment she would feel the energy pulse though her, her atoms once again under her control. "Thank you." She mumbled, somewhat hesitant to thank a villain. He was the one she always defeated, who always wanted to fight her. They were enemies. Yet...It seemed different now. Almost like he wanted to keep her here. Forever. But she broke herself from her thoughts as she turned around, looking behind him at the large lab, her hand reaching up to touch the metal disk.

"What are you working on anyways? I didn't get a good monologue at the bank."
" I guess I was so shocked that this time I had finally defeated you I lost it." he said as he changed the programming, letting her have her powers come back. He looked back at the laboritory and sighed. "Well the dapening field is something I didn't invent. They use it in the super powered prison benieth the ocean. I managed to 'borrow' some of that technology and try to impliment it into a weapon. Unfortunatly it hasn't gone very well. The suit I created managed to temporerily weaken you, but it didn't deliver the desired effect. I had hoped it would remove them entirly, but it seems upon investigation that I can't fully remove wuthe ability without syphoning it into some kind of container or killing anyone." he seemed to now natter on as he explained the various functions of the suit.

"I remember the heroes from the comics. Made in a time when these types of powers and confrontation were mere fantasy and nothing else. They were the type of heroes I would be happy to join, even as a minor hero who made equipment or continued to update defences on their base, but no...many of these heroes are greedy with their powers. I even remember there was a fight between two heroes argued who should hand the villain in and continued to tear the city down by fighting themselves, leaving the villain to escape." he said, sighing as he looked over to her and gave her a little smile "But I know a few of you do it to help the people, however those are the ones that end up being shot after saving school bus from disaster. I want to change that. I want to eliminate the evil in the world and put the earth under a dictatorship, showing how the normal human beings should live!" he exclaimed loudly. He clearly had alot of hatred for mankind, which didn't make sense because he appeared perfectly normal and human.
When he turned off the programming she felt the weight lift off her, the girl slowly feeling her powers come back. Her hand curled, the fingers stretching wide before she made them go back to normal. It was small, but it made her feel a lot better. A lot. She knew she could change her form, which was a great relief. "The reason you couldn't steal my powers is because it was integrated into my body. It is my DNA, I was born with it."

The reason why that fact was because she had told people she was hit with radiation. That would mean her powers were not as removable as someone might think. Radiation was a lot more easier to remove then her actual DNA. It would probably work for other Supers, but not her. "You wouldn't want to remove my ability and move it to someone else. They wouldn't want it."

As she said that she begun to change her form, becoming the creature he was used to. The large member slipped away, her breasts looking slim compared to her curves. As she admired herself in the mirror she begun to look back at him to see his speech. He seemed...Furious. All he wanted to do was make the place better...But it was a little twisted. It made her hair stand up on end, his words making her frown. Just slightly, for she knew what he was talking about. She had met a number of asses in the League, most of them making her groan. She knew at least eleven who were douches, five who were liars, and six who deserved to die.

But, she wouldn't say so. Instead she just frowned at him. "So you want to be a hero by turning them all into humans and controlling the Earth? But what after that? Will you be a dictator? Will you change the population to your liking? They are not in the same position I am. Unless you put a shock collar on all the humans in the world, which I doubt you can even do."
"Not every hero. I won't do it to you. You are too special. You are a real hero." he now said to her as he watched her change shape and frowned when she did that. "I perfered you in your natural form. You looked beautiful." he admitted to her as he watched her. He wanted her still though.

"Other heroes are like you...there must be some way to manipulate the genes. Over a few months I could probabaly analyse the blood, find the exact gene and then remove them all, unfortunatly I need to be able to weaponise that so that it happens instantly, but it seems beyond my capability for now." he then grinned as she mentioned putting shock collars on the whole human race. "Why not? You don't think anyone on the surface is innocent, do you?" he grinned broadly, clearly mad with his own power and ideas of wanting revenge and to change the world.
"I was not beautiful. I am something that never should have been created. A Mutant." She mumbled, letting her form change again. Her hair became brown, her dark blue eyes unwilling to change. Yet...She wished she could cover them. She felt naked without the thin pair of goggles. But she already asked too much, and she could see the goggles hung along the wall, a trophy proclaiming his victory. "I think there are some truly innocent people. They are few and far between. But those are the people I fight for. The ones I protect from people who are over zealous."

As she whispered that she moved away, laying down upon the bed. What was she supposed to do now? She could only train for so long, sleep...Being a prisoner was very boring. She couldn't bare this for long.

"I see that you are over zealous. You cannot judge all of humanity. How can you proclaim to know all of these people? Heroes maybe judged, but humans are too complex."

With that said she rolled onto her stomach. "Am I forced to stay in here forever?"
"Only until I trust you enough. You are very bbeautiful, don't let anyone tell you different. It's normal people who are horrid." he told her, though part of him did listen to her about there being very few innocent people and him being overzelous. "Hmm...well maybe you are right, but when you feel that you are right, you can't analyse yourself effectivly." he pointed out.

Seeing her look at the goggles he grinned, taking them off the pin and spinning them around his finger.
"I could enhance your goggles too. Make them stronger and even give you special technical things, like a zoom when spying ot read outs on your enemy, pointing out their weaknesses, but before I give this pair to you there's something from you I want." he then grinned as he turned off the sheild. "I want to make love to you again. In your natural beautiful form." he explained to her as he continued to walk closer to her.
When the man picked up her goggles she looked over, her hand reaching out to grab them. Yet he just teased her with them...Her face blushed when he told her he wanted to give her sex. How could she just give herself to him for goggles. They were hers in the first place?

She stretched out her arm, the hand reaching out to grab the goggles. She could stretch again, the fingers curling around the other side of the elastic strap. Part of her...Well she wanted the pleasure again. To feel it course it through her. But she wouldn't let herself. "I am not some whore." She snapped, turning away from him as he mentioned what he wanted her for. Seriously?

The girl pulled away, her form once again changing. Her hair turned fiery red, unnatural from her fury while her body grew petite, thin and tall. "I don't think I will take up your offer. Away Doctor."
"If I thought you were I whore I would have you chained up to my bed and throw you money everytime, but I don't treat you as such." he told her as he came towards her, closing the shild behind him and opening the bars so that he could gain entrance and they would be locked inside the room together.

Cyber Lord grinned as he came up behind her, placing her goggles on his own head, up and on the forehead before grappling her breasts and squeesing them through the tight material.
"I know you loved it. I was your first. The first one to look at you in such a way and the first to play with you." he grinned as he moved a single hand down her body, stroking over her stomach as his fingers traced their way down and between her legs to rub her through the material "Go back to your natural form, beautiful. You know no-one will ever look or touch you in the same way I do." he whispered into her ear, smirking as he told her what she would know as the truth through years of rejection.
The heroine watched as he opened the door, hissing at her about what would have been her fate if she truly was a whore. Chained to a bed, money? She had once been asked to shoot a porno after a male had seen her physique, and just the idea of money for sex seemed to make her blush. Her head turned away, her face staring at the wall as he approached her. She told herself that she wasn't going to care. She wasn't going to be attracted. She wasn't going to fuck again. Yet when his hands moved under her arms and onto her breasts she almost instantly blushed. His hands seemed to find the point, playing with the tits that were sensitive from the constant squeeze of the spandex. Many might think that spandex was tight, but every step gently teased the nipples. And his hands were only making it worse. Her hand slid down, gripping the bed before she heard his whispers.

She moved her neck slightly when he moved along her neck, his words tickling her ear. It was an odd touch, her eyelids fluttering as his hand moved lower. She let out a small gasp when he touched the spot, a whimper escaping before she felt herself loose control. Her body slowly changed in his arms, turning into her natural form. Her hair turned to dark brown, slipping down her shoulders while the familiar member grew under his fingers. As she let it grow she turned her face away from his, ashamed at her weakness and how easily she could become aroused.

"Why do you look at me?" She whispered, looking at his face with her dark blue eyes, seeing the goggles upon his forehead, "How can you stand seeing me...As I am."
"Because I think you're beautiful. Your body is special and unique." he grinned as he started to remove her clothing, wanting the suit off and undamaged. "I worked hard on this suit. I don't want it damaged." he told her as he made sure to undress her, grinning as his hands continued to trace all over her body, touching her and stroking her. He then wrapped his fingers around her own cock and slowly started pumping it.

"Would you feel such pleasure if you didn't have this?" he grinned as he looked at her and started to undress himself. He then bit her on the neck softly, loving the feel of her flesh. "You like me touching you this way. You've never felt anything like this, right? Well I've got a secret to tell you." he paused as he moved his lips to her ear. "It get's better the more you do it." he grinned as he knew this would continue to tempt her. He was curious if he should fill her other hole too, just to show her what the other hole would feel like and what pleasure it could bring that she would never have found out by herself.
She bit her lower lip as the clothing slid from her, the spandex slipping from her as she made herself slightly smaller to slip it off. It was something that had come in handy, unlike most heroes who had to battle their way into their tight suit. It slid off her shoulders, pulling her arms out of her sleeves as he felt him go deeper. Her heart was practically racing at his touch, the way his light touches made goosebumps grow, how her member was already rising before his hand found the shaft. She let out a low moan as he did so, a wave of pleasure slamming into her mind, making her regret never having this experience.

Her hands pushed down the suit, letting it slip to her thighs before she took it off all the way. She set it on the bed, managing that much in her state. Yet her knees were already weak from his touches, the way his mouth teased her skin. He was true in his remarks, that no one had ever done this. And she wanted more. His hot breath along her skin made her body practically beg for his, her hips shaking slightly as she let his hand continue. The gentle caress along the hardened shaft made her head lay back against his shoulder, her eyes fluttering. She wanted to, she needed to, continue.

Her hand slid from her side, gently rubbing against his thigh as she looked back at him. Her dark blue eyes stared into his before she left a light kiss on his neck, a caress that was as gentle as a heroine like her could be. Yes, there was passion in it, but she was still hesitant. Her lips continued upwards, and as she tasted more of his skin she realized there was...A scent to him, not awful, but...Different. The smell of smoke from his machines along with something...

She couldn't quite put her finger on it. But she liked it. She pressed her lips against his, nibbling at his bottom lip before she let a small smile grace her lips. "It get's better?"
Cyber Lord groaned loving the feel of her teasing him and turning him on as she was coming towards him. He enjoyed feeling her put her hand on his thigh and move so close to him, kissing him back too. he pulled her closer to him, holding her against his body before moving one of her hands to his own hardness, then returning his fingers to their positions, playing with her breasts and dick.

"Didn't your parent's teach you? School atall?" he asked her "It's a scientific fact. Sex get's better the more you do it." he taught her, kissing her against on the lips and holding her close to him, loving the feel of her flesh against his. "Let's get started." he told her, changing the position of his fingers to her pussy, playing with it andfingering her before sticking his hardness at her entrance to push inside. He loved how easy it was to turn her on, though he loved the idea of teaching her many things.
When she felt the man grab her shoulders and pull her towards him she let out a cry, the now normal sized breasts pressing against his chest. Her hand ran down his chest, the light fingers feeling the muscles under his skin, the bones before he lead her to the groin. She let her fingers roam over his member, her fingers moving up and down the length as she felt his fingers move down as well. His fingers moved down, rubbing against her sensitive area, either along the already hard member, or the sensitive nipples that were already poking against his hands. It made her groan, arching her back against his skin.

"It...Cannot be true." She whispered, remember what sex was like the first time. How could it be better? She just couldn't believe it. No, instead she let herself be taken away, his lips pressing against his, her body practically burning under his touch. Sweat was already sticking to her body, the Futa woman feeling his hand touching the wet area between her thighs. Oh, she wanted it. She spread her hips a little farther apart, the girl leaning back as he pressed his head against the tight spot. This time, she wasn't as frightened. No, she almost...

Was she looking forward to it? The girl blushed a the mere thought as he pushed himself inside her. Once again she felt her mind clear, her eyelids fluttering as she shook her hips against him. She rubbed her hips against him, wanting to feel it deeper inside her.

"But...I want it to be better."
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