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The Pirates Curse (Lunarwolf and GuardianAngel)

Adrian reached over before pulling her close and hugging her "I don't have long this time around love but as our memories mesh you will see more of me" Adrian higged her close and then rubbed her back lightly
Evie was just hugging him back although she was drawing away after a moment so that she could wipe away some of her tears, least this incarnation of Adrian come to the forefront and see that she was crying.
Adrian smiled and then wiped her tears as well "dont worry love I will still be here it will just take a little bit of time is all but the more time you two spend together the less time it will take for our memories to merge" Adrian had been through this enough times that he knew the more they were together the better the fact that it hadn't even been a day since meeting her and taking the class before his memories started to surface was a good thing
"that may be but you could easily pick up and interest in law as he has a dabbling interest in medicine" Adrian smiled at her before giving her a light kiss
Evie was just looking before she spoke, "Perhaps law would be good for me to look into... I was always trying to be a peacekeeper so long ago - while I was helping my father..." No there was still a hint of grief in her voice as she mentioned her father. Actually she was still hurt by a lot of what had happened way back then... feeling more and more like she should have been able to safe them. But she hadn't been able to.
"don't take on more then you can handle love and its time for me to go for now" Adrian could feel himself getting pulled back but the pull didn't feel as strong this time around
Evie was just giving a nod of her head before she was moving away a bit more, to not make it so awkward when the incarnation of Adrian this time around came forward.
Adrian laid back down as he knew the pain would knock him over once more and soon the Adrian she knew was gone replaced by this times Adrian who grimaced at the pain he was in
Evie was just watching him for a moment before she was smiling softly then spoke, "Oh good you are awake. I was worried when i found you passed out int he hallway."
Evie was just frowning before offering him some pain killers. Although as they were sitting there and she was tending to him a few others came into the room and one of them was demanding to talk to Evie. Just a normal asshole that liked to try and force her to do his homework for him - because he didn't like too.
Adrian was in pain and cranky because of it which was somethign both versions of himself had in common and when the male tried to force Evie to do his work ADrian stepped in and informed the male if he didn't do his own work from now on he would be taking this issue to the headmistress
Evie was just waving her hands and stating that it was fine, that he didn't need to worry about it at all. It wasn't a problem at all if she helped. This was definitely how the past Evie had been as well... just nodding and saying okay, not wanting to pick a fight.
Adrian looked at her "no its not ok he should be doing his own work the school has an honor policy for a reason. he isn't doing the work so he doesnt deserve to be here the entrance exam was tough to pass to get in"
"Please don't worry about it." Evie was speaking in a soft voice - almost as though implying that she really didn't want to deal with the consequences of not doing what the male wanted. Last time she hadn't done his homework for him... he had cornered her in an alleyway when she had been walking to buy groceries and beat the shit out of her.
Evie was just looking over before she was just waving her hands towards him before she was looking towards the male then spoke, "I shall assist. But your teachers did say that if they found out that you haven't actually been doing the work yourself... it is your sports scholarship you are ruining."
Adrian shook his head but he wasn't going to argue with the girl as it seemed she was rather stubborn and wouldn't listen to reason. granted he did like the subtle threat of losing his scholarship if the teachers found out and it wouldn't be hard to notify them of the fact that he is making someone else do his work
The male definitely seemed upset about it and had the express like he wanted to hit her but seemed to rethink his actions. "Come to the library after classes are done and I'll help you." Evie was speaking after a moment in time and the male seemed like he wanted to argue, but he didn't say anything. No while it seemed like he was in control... Evie was definitely the one who had the upper hand at that point in time.
Adrian looked at he "you should just let him drown I am curious how he even got in the exam to enter is brutal" Adrian had scored top marks but he had still struggled on the practice tests while studying for the exam
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