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The Pirates Curse (Lunarwolf and GuardianAngel)

365 years after they all drank from the fountain Adrianna stood looking out the window in her office of the school the three of them ran and watched as the students arrived for the start of the school year. the school housed students from kindergarten to a doctorate-level degree in college. Adrianna had been the one to make the suggestion of opening up a school and allowing students to study there. at first, only females were allowed and then as time went by the girls made the school co-ed. the school housed dorms so that students from all over could study. Adrianna was the headmistress of the school and taught a class dedicated to pirates and covered the years that the girls had spent being pirates before and after the death of their loved ones before retiring.
While Adrianna taught a class that was dedicated to talking about pirates, Sin taught a physical education class - considering she preferred to be on the move more than anything else. This was the perfect job for her to do, although when she wasn't teaching physical education she was teaching a language class; teaching different languages each school year. This year happened to be German, and next year was going to be Korean. While Adrianna and Sin were teachers, Evie had taken to acting as though she was a student that had gotten into college early. Yet at only being sixteen she was still brilliant, and was studying even more to become a doctor in that area. Thankfully with the medical knowledge that she already possessed, and had researched over the last three hundred and sixty five years..... she was definitely one of the most knowledgeable doctors in the world.... when she actually became a doctor anyways.
Adrianna looked at the other two as they were in her office "Well a new school year has started once more" Adrianna then looked at the group painting that was hanging up in her office it held the three of them along with Adrian, Dimitri, and Richard painted only three months before their deaths "and another year with out them maybe if we are lucky they will come back to us this time" while the girls didn't actively hunt for them they did hope that they would run in to someone who would be their loves reborn
Sin was giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "I hope as well." She was looking at Evie, who seemed engrossed in a medical book at the time but the female was looking up briefly to nod her head.
Adrianna smiled "you will make an amazing doctor Evie and I can't wait till you complete your degree" Adrianna was going ot ask her to head up the hospital she wanted to have attached to the school once she had completed her residency and such .

Adrian looked up at the gates of the school before walking in and locating the collage. it was his first day and he was excited to see how things were going to go. Adrian was a law major and he hoped to be able to find a good job once he graduated
Evie was just looking towards Adrianna before she was speaking, "I hope that I can become a great doctor anyways." No after what had happened to the guys she had gone into a state where she just could do anything medical. It scared her.... but eventually she had needed to break out of that state to help Cobra and Angel - to save them from dying. And that had been enough to renew her want to continue medicine. With that she was looking at her watch before getting up stating that she was needing to get to class, and was heading out.

As this was happening, Dimitri was sitting in his office just looking at an email from his superior who was wanting him to interview the headmistresses of the school that had been open for a while. Get an inside look as to why they had decided to open a school such as that, and to get their inspirations behind it.
Adrianna watched her go and then looked at Sin "how are Cobra and Angel doing" the two had also drank from the fountain and now ran the school's daycare center but Adrianna hadn't had time recently to go and see them. Adrianna was glad that so many of their friends had joined them in immortality so they weren't alone.
"They are doing well. Angel is "out sick" right now, so Cobra is running the daycare for the day." Sin was commenting after a moment in time. No every now and again they did pretend that they were sick considering diseases didn't actually effect them anymore.

As this was happening, Evie continued through the hallways so that she could get to class although she did find herself being pushed by somebody else and she was falling into Adrian, completely on accident. "O....Oh I'm sorry!"
"ok I'll stop by later and see how he is doing and then maybe hire some more staff" Adrianna often had more business matters on her mind then she did in her class "so what language are you teaching this year?" because of their long lives the girls all spoke multiple languages fluently and they didnt mind teaching them either.

Adrian supported her till she got her feet under her before speaking "its ok but they should pay better attention to where they are going" Adrian then looked at her and instantly felt like she should be in the highschool and not the collage but given that she was carrying collage text books he figured she was rather brilliant
Evie was just looking at him for a moment although she was a bit shellshocked when she saw him and definitely had to hide the small gasp of surprise. It was Adrian.... he had been reborn it seemed. "T...Thanks. And it is fine... It happens." She was speaking with a soft smile before she was readjusting her books and heading off to her medical terminology class. Although getting to class she was sending a message to Adrianna and Sin stating that she had seen Adrian.

Sin was just looking for a moment before she was commenting, "Oh I'm teaching German this school year." With that she was looking at her phone to see why it was buzzing.
Adrianna nodded before looking at her own phone and then smiled after reading the text "it looks like Adrian is back now to see if his memories return or not" Adrianna hoped they did but if they didn't she had a chance to date the one she loved once more and win his heart back. "we have been getting a request to do an interview about the school I am going to go ahead and do it playing it off as if it was out ancestors who started the school and that they three of us are sisters if your ok with that"
Sin was nodding her head before she was speaking, "Hopefully but who knows. Anyways I am not opposed to the interview. Sounds like good publicity for the school."
Adrianna nodded and then sent the email confirming an interview witht he reporter who was requesting it. Adrianna didn't even dare to think that the Dimitri asking was her Dimitri.
Dimitri got the email response and was giving a grin before he was emailing her back to inquire what day and time would work best for her.
Adrianna responded with either that day ro tomorrow as after the classes started in ernest and it woudl be hard to get a sub to cover the classes she taught
Adrianna looked at her schedule and asked if he was available during lunch between 12-1 pm as that was the first full free hour she had that day otherwise they would have to stop and start frequently because of classes and meetings. Adrianna then gathered her things so she could head to her first class of the day. when she arrived she told the students to settle down as this class was a mix between high school seniors and college freshmen. "good morning class welcome to Female Pirates in History" The girls knew enough about female pirates through time that they were all considered experts in the field but only Adrianna had the degree to go with it, granted she had several degrees in her name as she learned things easily and has been collecting them for centuries
Dimitri was looking at his own schedule to see if that would work for him before messaging back that it worked out for him, and that he would see her at noon the following day. With that he was turning away from the computer so that he could go over the list of questions that he had been putting together for the interview... whenever he got it. Shockingly it was happening sooner than he thought that it was going to.

While Adrianna was teaching her Female Pirates in History class, Sin was hosting her physical education class. That day they were going through an obstacle course - although they weren't doing it to see who could get through it the fastest - they were more just doing it to have fun. And to test out how athletic people were - it helped her get to see where her students were at with what they could do. Helped her see where she was needing to help students build muscle wise.
Adrian settled in to his class on pirates and listened to the instructor lecture. with how she was speaking it was as if she had lived the life. through out hte lecture pain would shoot through his head causing him pain and making it so that he eventually had to leave class early. Adrian made it half way to his room before the pain became too much and he cholapsed

Adrianna had seen him leave but as she was in the middle of a lecture she couldn't up and leave the students to tend to him so she sent a silent alert to security but she also knew Sin and Evie would get the alert on their phones as well
While Sin got her alert she wasn't able to leave at that point in time, considering she was tending to a student who was having a minor asthma attack and helping him calm himself while another students ran to get his inhaler from the locker room. Evie on the other hand got the alert and she was able to easily leave class, probably because it was more of a study session at that point in time - voluntary if they decided to be there. It was a study session for a major test that they had coming up in a few days but she knew that she was going to be fine so she gathered her stuff and left so that she could find out what had caused the alert to occur. Although eventually she did happen to come across Adrian collapsed in the hallway and was just dropping her bag against the wall nearby and kneeling down to tend to him, checking over his vitals and everything. However she didn't move him at all, as she didn't know what had happened.
Adrian let out a pained groan when she touched him and he curled up tighter his hands moving to grip his head. Adrian kept having flashing of images some where he was working ropes on a ship others where he was holding a girl close and some were even very intimate. Adrian didn't know why he was getting these visions but it was causing him such pain that it felt like his body was on fire
Soon enough security was coming over and a stretcher that was kept in the infirmary for moments where they couldn't have them moving on their own, was brought with as well. Evie was helping them get him onto the stretcher and they were heading to the infirmary soon enough.
the nurse in the room looked at Evie and smiled "miss Evie I am assuming you want to tend to this young man?" the nurse was aware of who Evie was and that she had more medical knowledge then most doctors did
Evie was just looking towards the nurse for a moment before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I found him collapsed in the hallway. His vitals are all fine although with how he is grabbing at his head... he is in pain. The cause of it... I'm not quite sure as of yet." No she had no idea that he was having flashbacks but she would definitely try to find out.
"do you wish for me to give him a mild pain reliever to see if that helps enough he can tell us what is wrong" the nurse would follow her directions as the doctor wasn't in that day for some odd reason and she would be talking to Adrianna about it
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