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The Pirates Curse (Lunarwolf and GuardianAngel)

Sin was just looking towards him before she shook her head then spoke, "I could never be mad at her." With that she was actually trying to continue to stop the bleeding although it wasn't long before Evie did seem to be coming over with a few herbs. She could tell that the younger girl was shaking but she was still managing to hand over the herbs, and telling her to press them to the wound to help with the bleeding. After that she was going over to Adrianna to give her some to try and help as well; although who would have figured that in her shaken state, while trying to snap out of it she had actually grabbed the wrong plant. It wasn't going to harm them or cause the bleeding to become worse... but it wasn't going to help the bleeding stop at all. No it was just a normal plant that had no special medicinal properties.
Richard smiled at her “good I love you even when the seas take you far from me” Riched pulled her close so that he could hug her tight
"be strong my love and move on you loved me so i know you can love again" Richard finally let death claim him and his arms dropped from around her
Sin was just holding him tightly and she was giving a sob, but her emotions were hardening up once again. It seemed that some of the pirates had decided that they were going to pick up their weapons to try and go after the two woman while they were down. They didn't get very far at all, Sin seeming to be on the move right away - her clothing a mixture of Ricard's blood, the blood of her enemies, and a little of her own blood. "Get their bodies moved onto the ship. Carefully." Sin was ordering their men, her voice hollow and derived of all emotion.
Soon the bodies were loaded onto the ship and a few of the pirates were coming over to lead the girls onto the ship; Sin seeming to be walking without any issue at all. One of the men did end up resulting in just carrying Evie, the girl's legs just seeming to give out from beneath her. It didn't seem like long before they were on the ship once again and there was no shock that despite having jelly for legs, Evie was retreating up into the nest. That was her safe zone; and already there were a few of the other pirates that were keeping a close eye on her. Another of the veteran pirates was looking towards Adrianna and Sin before speaking, "You two go and wash up, rest for a bit. I'll take over; just tell me our heading."
Adrianna looked at him he was one they had told about the fountain and he had used it to heal as well “the island their gave their lives to save ours they deserve to be buried there” Adrianna then turned and headed below her emotions gone as she was too Distraught to care about all else
This had the man giving a nod to her order before he was calling out orders. Everybody seemed to be listening to his orders without any questions at all, already knowing that when the other two were able to captain then he was the one that was in charge.
The two older girls just crawled into their beds; Sin seemed to actually cry herself to sleep. Evie spent most of her time up above, sketching although eventually she did end up coming down, one of the crew assisting her the last few feet when she seemed to slip.
Morning came around and both the older two woman were up and about, but it was obvious that they weren't alright. Evie had gone down and seemed to be asleep at the time.
It took them a few days but they were finally arriving at the island; the girls seeming to be a little more with it but definitely still not themselves. Although while Sin was grieving and hurting, everything that had happened seemed to be hitting Evie even more than anybody else. Probably because she had watched four people she cared about die before her... and she hadn't been able to help them. She knew herbs and medicines... even at such a young age and she seemed to have more medical knowledge at times than people who had been doing it for centuries, but she hadn't been able to help them. So she was really beating herself up over it; and half the time if one went looking for her she was in the nest buried in some medical books that they had stashed away.
Adrianna assured Evie over and over that she wans't to blame for thier deaths and that she needn't feel bad. Adrianna was also still dealing with her greif but she didnt want Evie to beat herself up over everything
Evie seemed to hear her words but didn't seem to heed them at all, was just too engrossed with blaming herself, and currently delving into more medical knowledge. Soon enough they were arriving at the island and the bodies were moved onto the shore, one of the veteran pirates asking where they wished to have them buried.
Adrianna pointed to a grove of flowers where a large patch was open "over there the flowers will make a good headstone for them" Adrianna hade to wipe the tears off of her face but she kept calm for the time
This had the men nodded and they were taking care of getting the bodies buried and once they were done they were letting the ladies come over to say their last words to them.
Adrianna guided Evie over to the area along with sin so that they could say their final good byes. while they did that Adrianna made her mind up about something she had been thinking about
once she was able to Adrianna said her final good bye as well and then looked at the others "I am going to the fountain to get a drink" she knew that this would tell them what she was planning
The others that were around were looking towards her when she said this. The other two ladies were nodding their heads but the nearby pirates that were listening were taking steps away. A few of them were deciding to go with to take a drink, but that was more so that the island always had protectors as they knew what it did.
Soon they were all heading to the fountain, and those that were wanting to drink from it were. Evie had been a bit unsure about it but in the end she was.
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