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The Pirates Curse (Lunarwolf and GuardianAngel)

Richard nodded his head lightly "ok then lets head to the sitting room while the tea takes a bit to brew I think you will like it"
"Trust me. I feel you. Father fell ill a couple of months ago and it hasn't gotten better. Nobody knew where big sister was so I received the message about it first and have been running the port. Not easy... " Evie was commenting after a brief moment.
Richard nodded his head "sounds about right we found things odd when we got a new tea shipment but your father is known to send us new teas to try so we didnt think anything was wrong until my brothers started getting sick and the more tea that they drink the sicker they got" Richard looked over when the maid brought the tea and she had brought silver spoons with as a precaution at his request.
Evie was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "My father is close allies with you so he definitely wouldn't have done something like that intentionally." With that she was brushed some of her hair out of her face and let out a huff.
“We figured as much and believe me once he is well we will invite him over for a meal”. Richard then sat up when the maid came back it with their tea but all the utensils were silver which would Blaine of e spider to a toxin of any kind
Evie was just looking over before she spoke, "We are hoping that he gets better. Depends on if Sin can find what is needed to save him or not..."
"she will you sister is an amazing person" Richard then told her about her sisters time there so she knew that he understood just how amazing her sister really was
Evie listened to what Richard had to say before she spoke, "I'm sure that Sin was miserable after a time though. She hates even being in the port. She is definitely one with the sea."
“Yea she wasn’t happy and even became depressed thankfully we were able to get her back out to sea quickly” Richard smiled lightly at the memory
"she really did help us out thought my father had gone mad and with out her help things wouldn't a peaceful as they are now" Richard added a little bit of sugar to the tea that he was drinking before staring it pleased that the sliver didn't darken when he did.
Evie was just sipping at the tea without too much hesitation at that point in time. With that she was looking towards him before she was commenting, "I suggest that yourself and your brothers start slowly microdosing on poisons. Build up an immunity to it."
Evie was nodding her head before she spoke, "I can help as well if you wish. I can help mix poisons in with their drinks so that their body recognizes that there is something there. They will feel a bit sick, perhaps get sick, but it won't be anything fatal. And we will just continue to do that a few times every day for a month, then after a month we will up the dosage some."
"ill have the doctor come and speak with you on this as I want to make sure that its safe for them after this most recent incident we are all still under the weather" Richard trusted her and knew her method would help
Evie was just looking for a brief moment in time before she questioned, "Do you still have any of the poisoned teas? I should be able to tell what kind of poison it was, and tell you how to cure it faster."
Evie was just taking the tea from him for a brief moment in time before she was opening it up and smelling at it for a moment in time. She was then looking towards him for a brief moment in time and stated that she was going to brew herself a cup.
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