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Professional Divides (LunarWolf & GuardianAngel)

Lilly chuckled "that you do I though the designer was going to faint when he saw you in that one dress" the dress she was referring to was low cut in the front stopping just below the navel and low cut int he back stoping just before the crack of her ass leaving little to the imagination
Crystella was giggling a bit before she commenting, "And the worst part about that... is he was the one who designed the dress. I still love that dress though. I'm glad we get to keep the clothes that we try on."
"they are nice ill give you that and I dont thing he was expecting it to fit you as well as it did" Lilly smiled and then looked over when the designer they were speaking of showed up as all the dresses the girls had were his designs. when he spotted Lilly he gasped out in horror
Crystella was just looking over as the designer was showing up before she was giggling and speaking, "Speaking of the devil."
"oh no oh no no no no you are not going in that I will not let you no" the male then pulled a rack of clothes in to the room and went to work on finding the perfect dress for her
The other three girls were chuckling a bit before Desdemona spoke, "He didn't this same thing to me one time. He designs our outfits for our shows as well. Our first concert I was comfortable in my ripped jeans and crop top.... but he made me change into something to fit with the other two. But it still suit me and it was something that I liked. A darker style that really contrasted to the lighter style that Angelique goes with and the mix that Crys has."
Lilly watched him her eyes wide as she looked like a deer caught in then headlights. the man then looked at them "ladies can you do her makeup and hair please I will find the prefect dress for her as well as shoes and accessories "
This had the three others giving thumbs up and soon enough they got to work getting Lilly's hair and make-up done. They didn't go too overboard with the make-up. Just doing a very light layer of it, just to help cover up the tired look that she had, and to give a little bit of glow to her features. And her hair they put up into a more elegant updo but within her comfort level. Simple to take out when she wanted to take it down.
Lilly sat still while they worked as she knew that if she didn't want it to take longer she had to keep still. Lilly looked over when the designer walked over holding a midnight blue dress and silver accessories as shoes "like a star in the night sky this dress suits you perfectly
"and it suits her perfectly" the male then gave everything over to them so they could help her in to the dress as it had a lace up back while it was a little more sexy then she normally wore it was still in her comfort range
Soon enough Lilly was all dressed up and with perfect timing, the director coming in to let them know that it was time for them to head out.
Soon enough they were headed off to the premier in the limo. As they were stepping out of the limo, there was an person announcing who was walking down the red carpet at the time. Desdemona and Angelique were talking down the carpet together, which wasn't a shock to many at all.
Crystella was just looking around for a brief moment in time then looked towards the boys as they arrived, Malakai offering his arm to Lilly has he was her partner to walk down the red carpet. It only made sense that one of the main characters walk down the carpet with another main character.
Lilly took his arm lightly and then smiled at him "thank you" Lilly then took a stabling breath and headed down the red carpet with him.

Alexander then walked over to Crystella his own arm "shall we our little siren" Alexander had started calling her that because of her haunting songs in the movie
Malakai was giving a faint smile before he was walking down the carpet, pausing now and again to get pictures with fans, or even to sign something. Not unusual for celebrities to do that at all.

Crystella was looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was giving a nod of her head and taking his offered arm, before gliding with him.
Crystella was greeting people and even taking some pictures with people, kneeling down so that she could get a couple of pictures with some children.
one little girl got past the top and Lilly carefully scooped the little girl up in her arms and she smiled and hugged the child this caused the cameras to go off as they snapped pictures of both females with the children
Crystella was giving a small smile although her attention was being taken towards a little boy in a wheelchair that was holding out one of their albums, which had already been signed by the other two band members as well. This had her taking it from him and she was signing it before she was having a reporter take a picture of the pair of them together.
Lilly handed the little girl over to her mother before joining Crystellla and pulled a CD out of her bag it had their newest single as well as some bonus songs "her you go little man"
The boy looked a bit taken back by it before he was taking it from her happily. "This CD isn't even in stores yet. You, my dear, are a lucky fellow." Crystella was smiling.
Lilly chuckled and then looked to Crystella "he deserves it its not often you get such a cute and sweet fan" and she was telling the truth the boy was cute and very sweet
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