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Professional Divides (LunarWolf & GuardianAngel)

Lilly moved carefully once she reached her room and instead of putting on jeans like she wanted she put on a sundress so that it was easier to look at her ankle
Lilly clentched her jaw when the female messed with her ankle as she was trying to avoid screaming as she didnt want to hurt the females ears
The female got it wrapped up, enough to at least keep it from getting more injured.... until she could get to the hospital anyways. "There that will help support it a bit more. I don't have much more with me."
Lilly sent a text to the director letting him know what happened as well as she agent so that they were both aware that she was headed to the hospital to get looked over
The director saw the message and was telling her he hoped for her swift recovery and was apologizing to her, as though it was somehow his fault it had happened. Even though it wasn't his fault at all, it wasn't anybody's fault. Things happened all the time.
Lilly shook her head and told him it wasn't his fault she had moved wrong during the scene and told him she would keep him up to date and if she could still work with out her feet being filmed
The director was just responding that if her feet couldn't be shown they could figure something about although he would let her know for sure. 'We may not to worry about refilming that scene at all. You did fumble at the very end but we can easily find a way to add it in as though that is what was suppose to happen since this is just before she goes to the hidden room to gaze out the window.'
Lilly sent back a thumbs up and then suggested a little lip be put in place if they needed to give it the look that while she was in a hurry she tripped over it. Lilly didn't think she would be able to take anything off if she did damage her ankle but they could figure it out
The director was giving a thumbs up in return. No they could make it seem like it had been intentional. That it had meant to happen. Yet most chase scenes were a little unrealiatic if somebody didn't trio at some point in time.
Lilly looked at the hospital when then arrived and carefully got out of the car so that she could head in and have her ankle looked at. it took several hours but they confirmed that due to malnutrition she had managed to break her ankle but not so badly that she had to be on crutches. Lilly ended up in a walking boot and was still able to du the rest of the filming.


Lilly sat and watched the girls get ready for the premier of the film and smiled they had all met up at her house to get ready rather then on their own. not wanting to really stand out Lilly was in a comfortable set of sweats and just watched as the others did their make up and hair before stepping in to their dresses. "you guys look amazing" Lilly was so happy the things in her life had gotten better and after the broken ankle she had worked with her doctors and manager to get healthy while she was still really slim she didn't need custom clothes anymore as she finally fit in things she could buy.
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Six months had gone by and it was finally the time for the premier of the film. And everybody was more than excited for that to happen. And shockingly the general public didn't really know much about the film, they had managed to keep it quite hush hush during filming. So it was going to be a surprise to say the least when people actually got to see who was in the film. And if they didn't recognize people by face then they were going to be mind blown when they saw the credits to see who had been in the movie, and who they had been acting as.
Crystella was giving a faint smile as she finished up her makeup and was changing into her dress for the evening, and just pulling her hair out from under the dress. She was just looking at herself in the mirror before she was going over to help Desdemona with her hair after the other female had changed into her gown for the evening.
Lilly smiled as she watched them happy that they would be going and looking amazing as well "you guys are going to have a blast tonight"
Angelique was just looking over before she spoke, "We are all going to have a blast. You are coming with us. It is your night as well. You are one of the actresses in the film."
"I know and Ill have fun dont worry" Lilly hadn't expected to like acting but she had and working with her manager she had another fit lined up and would be staring in it with one of the two male leads from this movie
Angelique was just giving her a look up and down for a moment before she was commenting, "Sweetheart... We should probably get you into a dress though. Or something nice. Reporters will be all over you if you show up like that."
Lilly winced "that is not something I want as it is after the photo shoots for the designer me and Crys did I have had issues with them I dont need more" Lilly really didn't want to dress up either as she was still getting use to dressing up in something other then baggy clothes
Crystella was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "This is unfortunately the downfall of being famous. You are going to get a lot of attention. But you'll want to do what you can to keep it positive... trust me they'll be all over you worse than before if you show up in sweats." Desdemona was just nodding her head before she was scoffing, "They are like vultures."
"more like annoying stalkers" Lilly had looked at getting a dog but every time she went out they followed her around and she really didn't like it
Desdemona was just giving a small chuckle before she was speaking, "Oh we know. Crys had it far worse out of the three of us when the band formed. This was around the same time that she had appeared on the cover of her first magazine. Swim suit edition nonetheless. So it is perhaps a good thing that when you do photoshoots you wear more conservative stuff than Crys." "I enjoy showing off." Crystella was commenting without much problem saying it.
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