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Professional Divides (LunarWolf & GuardianAngel)

The director was just looking over for a brief moment in time before he spoke, "Otherwise I don't really know what else to do at all. At least then we can have somebody else as her briefly... since they would have a bag over their head, to not be able to see what is happening. Nobody would know any better, other than us writing the story. Not an original point but... I suppose it can work."
"how bad in her injury?" he knew she couldn't keep acting like she had but maybe if they played it right they could write her injury in to the story and then have her sacrificed
The director was looking over before he was speaking, "I am actually unsure as of now. She was in a car accident; and I only received word that she was injured. So far I haven't had any details on the severity."
"so why don't we hold off for a bit and once we know more and find out from her doctors if its safe have her come back to do the final scene if you want Ill head there after this meeting" Alexander wouldn't push but it was a suggestion
The director was giving a nod of his head before he was commenting, "That does sound like a wise idea. Either way I'm going to figure out a few other ideas as well, so that there is a definite back up plan."
"ok Ill head over now and see how she is doing" Alexander then stood up and headed to the hospital to check on her and find out how badly she was injured
The director was giving a nod of his head and soon enough Malakai was actually settling down across from him at the desk and helping him brainstorm through different ideas.
Alexander took care driving to the hospital and then after finding out what room she was in he headed up to see her and see how she was doing
The woman was asleep at the time although it didn't look as though she was too banged up. A broken leg, fractured ribs, although the worrisome thing was the minor brain bleed that she had.
Alexander walked to her side and gently took her hand "how are you feeling?" Alexander would ask her and her doctor before anything could be decided
The woman seemed to rouse a bit although just blinked at him more confused at that point in time, before just looking around slightly. "Hmm... In pain...."
"No... it is fine... They just left actually. Pain killers should kick in here soon..." the woman was mumbling.
"that's good I did want to talk to you and Ill speak with your doctors as well to be sure its safe but we were wondering if you would be willing to make one last appearance in the move we had talked about because of how badly you are hurt of having your character killed off sacrificed by her own people this would allow of the director to write in your injuries bit as I said Ill speak to your doctors first to ensure that you are safe and not at risk" Alexander sat down so she wasn't having to look up at him
The woman just tilted her head a bit before she was commenting, "I would be alright with this. I suppose writing in the injuries works... an injured cultist would be seen as useless."
"they would but again I am going to ask the doctors if it is safe as I don't want to put your health at risk" Alexander smiled at her lightly and then rubbed the back of her hand
The woman was giving a nod of her head before she just closing her eyes again lightly, feeling the exhaustion kick in.
Alexander waited till she was asleep and then he left and went and spoke to her doctors about her doing one last scene but in a way that wouldn't but her heath at risk as he wouldn't want to do that as she had agreed but if the doctors said no then he would let the director know it wasn't going to happen
The doctor listened to what he had to say before he was questioning, "When are you thinking that this final scene would be filmed? I know we want to keep her here for a couple of days to be sure that everything is alright. Otherwise it should be fine as long as she is still able to rest as needed."
"of course we would make allowances for her heath as that is our top priority and we need a few days anyway to prep everything if you want we can have trained medical staff on hand to keep a watch on her as well and they will determine if its safe for her to continue filming that day" Alexander understood their concern and he would make sure that she was well taken care of
This had the doctor stating that he would discuss it over with her team and that they would give an answer by the following day.
The doctor was inclining his head and was soon enough heading off so that he could check up on a few other patients.
Alexander then headed out and called the director letting him know that she had agreed but the doctors wanted to wait a few days to make sure of no complications and the possibility of medical staff being on site
The director listened to what was being said before he was letting out a breath of air and stating that it wouldn't be a problem to him. This few days gave him the chance to figure out the sacrifice and see if he couldn't find a way to tie it in easily.
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