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Professional Divides (LunarWolf & GuardianAngel)

Lilly thanked them and then headed off knowing that the others would likely join them and have fun but she did have work to do.

Alexander nodded and since he didn't drink he assured people he would give them rides home as well if they needed on
Crystella was just giving a faint smile although it wasn't long before she was walking up beside Lilly and questioned, "My manager wanted me to ask how it was going with your new manager? Are you guys getting along well?"
Lilly smiled "we are she has gotten several scripts and asked me to look them over and see if any interested me and then we would go over that contracts together" Lilly loved her new manager as the woman worked with her and explained rather then just had he sign things and wear her out
"I wanted to thank you if it hadn't been for you I would still have my old manager and things would have been hell for me" Lilly smiled at her brightly and it was easy to see how they fit the photo shoot theme
Crystella was giving a faint smile before she was commenting, "That is good to hear." She was glancing at her phone when it buzzed and she had a rather exasperated look for a brief moment in time. But it quickly disappeared and she was tucking her phone away before she stated, "Well I let you get going. See you in the next few days."
"whats bothering you and don't say nothing you got that notification and seem upset" Lilly knew she probably didn't see her as a friend since she was just a co-worker but Lilly worried about her
Crystella was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Before I became famous I had a boyfriend that I was madly in love with, and he is the one who encouraged me to get into modeling; as he was a male model himself. Yet he grew jealous when I started to become more famous than him and he started get abusive. It was Des that actually broke us up after he put me in the hospital; and didn't tell me at first. Flat out told him that I was done with him and left it at that. This was three years ago, then a few months ago we ran into each other and he has been stalking me, trying to get back together with me."
"you need to tell the cops and maybe come stay with me for a while I have a state of the art security system if he sets foot on my property we will have proof of trespassing and stalking especially if he shows up multiple times" Lilly worried about her even more now after hearing her story
Crystella was just commenting, "I'm not too worried. He won't dare step foot on my property at all. He just tends to stalk me everywhere else." With that she was showing her a picture of her from earlier in the day.
Lilly sighed "that isn't good but what if we set a trap he wont sent foot on yours but what about my property Ill be more then happy to press charges"
Crystella was just looking over before she was stating, "Don't worry about it. Things will be taken care of. He has a restraining order on him now and Des' brother is usually around; he works as a police officer."
"I hope so but still I do worry" Lilly didnt think the male would actually leave the girl alone even with a restraining order "if you want i'll come get you after the party to be safe"
Crystella was just waving her off and commenting, "Thanks for the offer but I'll be fine. After the party I'm going back with Angel and Des so that we can work on getting stuff packed. After we finish up filming in a few days the three of us are leaving out of the country for about a month for a tour."
"stay safe and I am assuming youll be back for the rest of the photo shoot as well?" Lilly walked with her to join the others before heading out
Crystella was just looking for a moment in time before she spoke, "Oh my goodness.... I totally forgot to tell you. Since the photoshoot is the week that I am getting back, the photographer is pushing it out a week later. I was talking to him about it and told him I would tell you." Granted it had only been a few days ago that they had spoken about it, and it was still a good month notice about the change. But she was apologizing for not telling her right away and was giving her the new date.
"its ok it not like I was being told the day off this gives me a little more time to get things settled on my end" Lilly smiled at her to reassure her that she was ok and not upset at all
Crystella was just giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Still I'm sorry. It has been a busy past few days for all of us."
The next few months had gone by quickly for everybody. The filming had continued on nicely, and then the band was away for a month on their tour; many of those that had been working with them watching the highlights of the shows through access to exclusive interviews. It seemed like the band had even decided to give the world a heads up about the upcoming movie, at the directors insistance that they say something; to gain attention. Well that had definitely caught the attention of many people, and it came the director a bit of hope that people would actually look into his film and see it in a different light. If anybody had done research into his movies... they were good movies, well written... but he wasn't a top director, not even close... which meant that the actors that he could afford were usually mediocre at best. The fact that he had been able to get two hotshots like Alexander and Malakai had been impressive in itself. And the only reason his movies in the past had tanked and gone badly... hadn't been because of the storyline... it had been because of the acting.

"Thank you world! It was such a wonderful time preforming for you all live once again! And I hope that you will check us out in the upcoming movie coming out. I promise you won't come to regret it at all!" Crystella was speaking into the microphone before she was kissing her hand, and blowing it out to fans, which just had people shrieking even more loudly than usual. Desdemona and Angelique were also doing the same thing, and waving good bye to everybody before they were heading off stage.
Lilly was sitting back and smiled as she had watched the concert on her tv. she then looked at some of the script changes and smiled the director had done a good job setting up for the next few weeks of filming when the rest of the cast returned. so far they had filmed all the scenes without the band that they could so when they returned the would ramp up once again and finish filming
Soon enough the band was able to leave from out of country so that they could return home, currently they were sitting on their private jet just talking about how the concert had been. Then they jumped into talking about the filming, and how they had received the script changes in the mail while they had been gone. Seemed last minute an actress had gotten injured so they had to change a few things around. Luckily it had been one of the background actresses, but sadly it had been one of the more noticable to not be there anymore actresses.
Alexander looked at the director as they needed to figure out how they would replace the actress and with who as they didn't think it would be easy to put someone new in her place
The director was obviously trying to figure it out before he was speaking, "We will just have to shift some of the characters around a bit. Thankfully she was a background character.... and the cultists aren't above sacrificing their own for the sake of their goals. She has already said that if this is a route that we would have to take, that it was fine." He was tapping his fingers a bit before just stretching a bit then looking at Malakai, who just seemed to be trying to figure something out as well.
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