Over the next few hours they busied themselves with shopping, although soon enough it was time for them to board the plane so that they could get going. Although as they were waiting to board the plane, Soreana had a seemingly random anxiety moment. One of those hyperventilating "I can't breath" moments. If anything it was more of a feeling that they shouldn't board the plane and there were a few a couple of was questioning her if she was alright, considering Hikaru had run off to the bathroom quickly. "I saw the man that she was with go to the bathroom, I'll see if I can't find him." the woman's husband spoke and was getting up to head to the bathroom, thankfully running into Hikaru. "Excuse me. You are with the woman in the wheelchair, aren't you?" he was questioning and when he was given the answer he was wanting to hear, he was briefly explaining what was going on. The hyperventilating and seeming terrifed about something, but she wasn't saying anything.