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[Kolath] When a Student loves a Teacher [LunarDysis]

She smiled and laughed softly, "Just because I have my lines down doesn't mean I shouldn't practice." She said and rested her script under her arm and she looked up to him. "But if you really think I should head home.." She trailed off and shrugged. She smiled and turned on her heel as she picked up her bag. She didn't want to leave at all, but it might be best if she did. Hanging her bag over her shoulder she looked to him. "Well, seeing as we only have this week. Just call me when we need to practice." She nodded, turning to leave the audotorium.
He watched her leave nodding and calling out to her. â??Yeah Iâ??ll let you know when we need to take time to practice.â? He sat down in one of the chairs dropping his head into his hands hiding his face as he struggled to keep his emotions under the surface. â??Come on Ralph this is just wrong you have put yourself into a place where you will end up kissing one of your studentsâ?¦you are in so much trouble.â? He leaned back sighing closing his eyes, before long a smile was touching his lips as he thought about the scene where he would end up kissing Joicee.
She smiled, her heart was pounding as she walked down the hall. She was going to kiss him in the play and she swallowed before she glanced up and gasped as she ran into someone. Looking up, seeing it was the Principal who hand his hands on his hips. "You, Ralph and I need to talk." He said and pointed back down the hall and Joicee swallowed. "What about?" She asked and he reached the door to the audotorium and pulled it open. "I heard some kids saying that He was going to play as the main character because someone didn't show up." He said and glanced up seeing Ralph.

"Ah, Ralph. I need a word with you and Joicee." He said and crossed his arms. "What is this that I hear that you are playing the the main male character?" He asked and tapped his fingers.
Ralph stood looking up as the principle walked into the auditorium a look of concern and a bit of fear passed over his face then disappeared quickly. He stood there watching them before his eyes settled on Joicee a look of concern for her staying there on his face. â??Yes Mister Walker thatâ??s right the young man who was playing it refused to show up on time. And with no other player available that would fit the character I was forced to take it.â?
Principal Walker sighed and then looked to Joicee, "This correct?" He asked and Joicee nodded. "Yes. And truth be told sir. He is the only other one who fits the part, has the hair color and has all of the lines down. We have less than a week." She said and frowned and the Principal sighed softly. He knew of the kiss that was in the play and bit his bottom lip, "All right. Before you begin the play, I'll let the Audience know that you were forced to play the part because one of the students didn't show up." He said and sighed. "Hopefully I don't get in trouble for letting you do this, Ralph." He said and pointed to him. "The play better be damn good." He said with a slight grin and left.

Joicee sighed softly and touched her head. "At least he's okay with it." She said and scratched her head, looking up to him. "I..I better get going." She nodded and smiled.
Ralph laughed lightly at the principleâ??s grin knowing that he understood the problems with having this hot of a girl as a student. Ralphâ??s eyes shifted over to Joicee his heart reaching out wanting to ask her to stay and be with him but knew that wasnâ??t right. â??Yeah you probably shouldâ?¦itâ??s the best thing.â? The last said quietly under his breath not really meaning her to hear but wanting to say it none the less. He looked into her eyes never leaving those deep blue orbs wanting to get lost in them.
She thought she had heard him say, 'It's the best thing' though she didn't think to ask. She brushed her hair back and placed her bag on her shoulder as she sighed. "Alright, Mr. Ralph." She nodded her head slowly. "I'm free all week after school. So anytime we need to practice just let me know. I'll see you tomorrow then." She said and turned.
He nodded wanting to reach out and stop her from leavingâ?¦wanting to spend more time with her but he knew they were already on thin ice with the principle knowing about the kiss and having Ralph play the lead. He sat there for another few moments thinking about the play and all that would come to pass if things went the way they were heading. He sighed, â??Well Ralph you really have gotten yourself into a mess now.â?
Her heart pounded in her chest, the principal was all right with them kissing in the play. But would Ralph himself be all right with it, she longed to feel those lips against hers and it was almost close. Just a few more days and she would. She'd feel those lips would be for a play. Not because he loves her or has those feelings for her. She knew it too, it was for the school and to entertain the audience. She touched her head and frowned as she left to her car as she got home, waiting for the next day to come.
Ralph was shortly on his way home also. He knew that this play was going to be quiet the scandal when the local gossips found out about a teacher kissing a student. Not caring what they thought of him he sighed laying back on his bed looking up at the ceiling. He didnâ??t know what to do about thisâ?¦he loved the thought of finally being able to kiss her to feel her lips pressing against his but there was something more that he wanted. He sighed, he wanted it to not be a actâ?¦he wanted her to want it too, but how could he say that too her? rolling over he closed his eyes and just passed out waiting for the next day.
And she did want it, she wanted it so bad. But she wanted it to be as that he loved her truly and not because of the part he was playing. He was a teacher..she sighed and looked down as she found her way to her bed at the night before slowly falling asleep. Waking up the next day, showering and getting ready. She pulled on a pair of blue jeans, her black knee high boots and a nice black and red button up shirt. Curling her hair she was ready for school, heading out and arriving. Stepping into the high school after parking her car she made her way up and into his classroom.
e was already at school sitting at his desk. He hadnâ??t been able to sleep well and so had decided to show up early to school. He had spent his time on the stage that they would be using under the pretense of checking it out but he was really looking at where he would going to be able to kiss her. finally it was getting close to the time that students would be showing up. He walked in and sat down waiting wearing a maroon t-shirt under a dark forest green button-up shirt that was open to mid chest and black jeans as he sat there reading over the script again.
"Hey." She said with a soft smile and let the door shut behind her as she had her script in her bag before setting it down onto the floor beside her desk She breathed in softly, knowing they'd have to practice the kiss and soon before the play. It wasn't just a peck where most people did in a place, theirs was a long deep, passionate kiss that had meaning. True love and she knew she'd put her heart and soul into it, was her love for him. she bit her bottom lip and moved as she sat down and gave him a soft smile.
He smiled up at her nodding and replying, â??Hey,â? that was all nothing more nothing to show how his emotions were burning to say things that he shouldnâ??t. his eyes followed her for a moment being naughty and taking in her beautiful curves. He shook his head and before she turned around he was back to reading his script. He needed to say something as they both would be sitting there for a time before others showed upâ?¦he gave a sly smile then quoted.

â??Then my lady I fear you came in vain, and must wait till that one can be with youâ?¦sad that one cannot be me. For if it could I would start that life with you this very moment,but you know it cannot be you are promised to another.â?
She smiled softly and blushed, wishing he could start his life with her. She looked down and bit her bottom lip with a light sigh before peering back up towards him and speaking softly back to him, not needing her script as she had went over it many times.

"Then I shall die.." She whispered softly and peered to the floor. "If I can not be with you, then my life is not worth living." She gave a light smile. "Leave with me tonight, for if not. I shall kill myself with this blade, on thy wedding night." She shook her head slowly.
He kept his eyes down cast the script tossed to the side as he didnâ??t need it either. His eyes were brimming with tears as they almost spoke in code to eachother but neither knowing that the other felt the same way.

â??I do not wish that my ladyâ?¦â? he looked up at her the tears now running down his check, â??I wish for only your happiness.â? He wished he could do what the character did at that line and rush over to her kissing her deeply.
She heard that line and she breathed in as it made her feel a bit better but it was only the characters, knowing they kissed deeply right there and her eyes closed. She opened them once more and looked up to see a few tears streaming down his cheek and her heart broke, did he really feel the same way or...was he really great at this part?

"Then leave with me, my love." She said and stood up slowly, walking from her desk and slowly towards his. "Forget this place, forget everyone. We belong together, I have the horses ready in the stables. They believe I am going for a nights ride. We shall make our escape." She said as her hand touched his cheek and she ripped it back and she peered to the side as a few teenagers walked in, giggling and talking amongst themselves. Her cheek flushed, her eyes watery and she turned on her heel to move to her desk.
Ralph sighed as others came into the room wishing that they could continue this but knowing that it wouldnâ??t sound right even if they did know what it was about. He watched her waiting till the rest of the class came in and he then started his eyes not staying off of her for long knowing that it was going to be a couple hard days till the play.
Though the hour passed, noticing him looking at her more often than usual but soon as well the day was over and they had practice today after school but it wasn't for very long. Though she looked up to him and she brushed her hair to the side, "Shall we practice?" She asked, "This might sound awkward. the play. You do know that they kiss a certain way and that's the way we have to.." She said and bit her bottom lip. She knew they had to get the kiss right at least as well. It couldn't be a peck on the lips or cheek, it was a full on passionate smashed lips kiss.
He blushed looking at her as she walked up to him after class. He nodded looking down a little knowing she was right they needed to kiss just right or it wouldnâ??t work right. â??Yeah I knowâ?¦it is going to be a bit awkward, but we do need to practiceâ?¦after school perhaps? We could go out somewhere maybe to a park and we can practice there somewhere that we wonâ??t get you in trouble doing it.â?
"The park will work." She nodded her head and gave a small smile, "Rotary park would be best, not a lot of people there during the week days." She shook her head and if anyone was there it would be the little kids as there was a playground. She stepped back and breathed in, "See you there after school." She nodded her head and turned on her heel and slowly out of the classroom.
He watched her go looking her over neither as a student nor as a woman that he wanted sexual but as woman he wanted emotionally and intellectually and the fact that she was also a very attractive woman was just a bonus. He went through the rest of the day watching the clock hoping for the bell to hurry and end the day. Finally the bell rang and he was able to pack up his stuff and get out to his car. He looked over to where he had seen her car looking for her making sure she still wanted this.
The bell for school to end rang and she left, getting her things together before leaving to her car. She sighed, her heart pounding at the thought of kissing him and she got into her car as she started it up. Slowly pulling out and driving to the park they had decided on, once reaching it she parked her car and stepped out. Grabbing her script she stepped out and stepped over the parking block and onto the grass, there was no one here which was nice and she stood by the big oak tree, leaning against it.
Ralph saw her get up and go out to the park they had agreed to meet at, and he followed quickly. He arrived moments after her and slipped out of his car. He looked across at her leaning against the tree, she looked like a picture almost a dream. His eyes traveled up her long legs to her short school uniform skirt and over the white blouse that came with it. Finally his eyes met hers and he just stood there looking at her wondering if they ever could be more then actors doing this.
Leaning against the tree she sighed and fumbled with the necklace around her neck and her eyes peered up and over to see Mr. Ralph standing on the sidewalk looking at her. She smiled and rose her hand up slowly to wave and have him come over. She wished they could be more than just..actors doing this. She wished she could see him everyday, feel his arms around her. His chest to hers and their lips pressing together. Though she pushed the thought aside and frowned before covering it up with a smile, looking to him.
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