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[Kolath] When a Student loves a Teacher [LunarDysis]

He smiled chuckling inwardly, she was smart enough to also notice that their male lead was not doing well on remembering his lines also. Ralph knew why it was, there was only one reason that Aaron Taylor captain of the football team had joined the drama club, there was a girl involved. Namely Joicee, Aaron had joined just because Joicee was in the drama club; and he had insisted that he get the lead just because it was a romantic story.

He smiled as the subject changed to the reading they had done in class today. â??I know It is one of my favorite plays also. The relationship between Beatrice and Benidick is classic. â??I hate you because I am trying not to love you.â??â? He smiled leaning on his fist as he looked at her as they talked, â??there is only one other that I like more, Romeo and Juliet, the forbidden love.â? Even as he said it he wished that he could take it back he just hoped she didnâ??t see what his heart had said in that sentence.
She smiled softly and finished up her food as she set her plate to the side and her smile brightened, "Hey! That's my other favorite as well." She said and nodded her head. "I love Romeo and Juliet. Though the only thing I hate is the ending," She gave a small frown and her bottom lip pouted out. "They share such love for each other... Yes. A forbidden romance." She smiled and nodded her head. Is exactly what she has for him and she sighed back softly. And oh how she wished he felt the same. "Even though it's forbidden, no one can stop their love." She said and looked into his eyes.

Her face flushed a bit and she sat back as she glanced to the side, that went for her truly. No one and no thing could stop her love for him and she gave a soft sigh. Her eyes traveling up as the bell rang and she looked to him. "I'll see you at practice," she said, her hand resting on his arm a bit before she pulled back and stood up slowly.
He nodded as she agreed about the forbidden love. The thoughts that had started to come to his mind about the feelings he was having for her, they were suddenly interrupted by the bell going off. He stood as she left bowing slightly before he sat back down watching her walk away. His eyes traveled her entire body once seeing as he was a man and liked the way she looked, but the settled where her eyes would have been had she been facing him.

He slid back into his seat just sighing, â??Yes my dear a forbidden love indeed.â? He sighed resting his head on his arms as he leaned forward on the table glad he didnâ??t have another class till much later.
She moved to the door and turned her head to look back at him, though smiling as she saw him looking at her and she slipped out of the cafeteria. Moving down the hallway before reaching her locker to grab her bag. Going to her next two classes as the next hours passed on by slowly. Though soon the day ended and she sighed softly, happily as she left her last class and moved to her locker as she put her bag up and then turned on her heel to enter the auditorium where they would be meeting for the drama club.
Ralph slipped into the auditorium just a few short moments after the bell rang. He was glad to escape to these ancient halls of music and drama, ok so he had romanticized the schoolâ??s auditorium but hey it was fun to do that and there did seem to be a barrier when he walked into this room; any woman that had been hitting on him or trying to seduce him stopped at the door way and lost all interest in him. He looked down at the lone figure in the large hall, well almost all of them, but he didnâ??t mind her and she never intentionally threw herself at him. â??Glad to see youâ??re here on time as usual!â?
She turned around to see him and she smiled softly, "Of course. Why wouldn't I be here on time?" She asked with a silly grin and she hugged her bag to her side. "can't get enough of theatre." She sighed softly and she glanced over to see some of the kids. About ten minutes passed and then soon all of them were here except for one. The boy who had the main part and she grumbled. "We need to find someone else if he isn't going to show up." She said and touched her head.
Joicee was his main star and so he often included her in the discussions about what should be done with the play. It also helped she was the leader of the drama club. He growled himself it was already ten minutes past the time they had agreed to start. â??I know this is just in tolerable.â? Sighing as he leaned back in his seat next to Joicee as the otherâ??s milled about getting their costumes or reciting their lines making sure they had them just right. â??But Joicee there is a problemâ?¦there is no other guy that we can use. Adam was our only red haired boy and you know that his part is always a red head.â? He sighed slumping down in his chair causing his Copper red hair to toss a little.
She sighed softly and nodded, "I know.." She mumbled and glanced down as she rested her head on her open palm along the arm of her chair. Her eyes traveled over to see his red copper hair move a bit as he sat and she breathed in softly. Her face slightly flushing and she breathed in, "Well..we have one more option.." She said and turned, looking to him. "You." She nodded slowly, "You have the same red hair color. I don't think the principal or anyone will mind. If they know that this was last minute. I mean, he's not going to show up." She said and shook her head slowly. "And I will die if we can't do this play."
Ralph just looked at her, his mouth hanging open wide. She couldnâ??t be serious, could she? â??But Joiceeâ?¦they donâ??t know about that one scene.â? He was referring to the scene where the hero and heroine profess their love for each other and kiss a deep long passionate kiss as the curtain closes on the first act. There was no question that he wanted to do that with Joicee but he was her teacherâ?¦it just wouldnâ??t be right. â??Joicee you know I canâ??t play that partâ?¦I meanâ?¦umâ?¦wellâ?¦â? he let that thought trail off as he wondered if it would be worth it losing his job just for one kiss from her. No question it would be well worth it.
"I know." She said and breathed in softly, "But if they get mad. We can tell him that he didn't show up and you had to play as the hero. I mean we're not lying. You have the red hair and you fit the part perfectly." She said and nodded her head slowly. "But you can." She said, nodding her head slowly as she watched him. "If they get mad about it. Just tell them that it was my idea. It is my idea. You're the only other one with red hair. It won't work if we have Derek play it. He has black hair or Jordan. He has blond..and they already are set to certain parts." She shook her head slowly.
He sighed, damn her logic. She was right there was no one else that could play it as well as him, even their lead couldnâ??t play it as well as him. He sighed again looking at her a sly smirk spreading slowly over his lips, â??You know that means that we will be forced to work closely together and be able to reach each other at any time in case a idea for how to do a scene hits us.â? He couldnâ??t help but allow the smirk to stay there as he waited for her reaction. He realized that this had to be the weirdest way he had ever asked for a girls number, but was that what he was really doing?...yes. He wasnâ??t making it up as the two leads for a show it was best that they remain in contact just so they were always able to share thoughts and ideas. All secondary motives aside he would enjoy doing the play with her and had to be sure it was done well.
She nodded her head slowly, "Yeah I know." She said and she opened up her bag, pulling out small piece of paper along with her pen. Writing down her cell phone number before bringing it over and holding it out to him. "You'll need this. So incase we do need to practice our parts with one another we can get ahold of each other." she nodded her head and placed it into his hand and she closed her bag up. Though her eyes widened a bit and her face flushed they would have to..kiss in front of the audience. Her heart skipped a bit, she really wanted to kiss him but in front of a huge and live audience? It made her world spin a bit and her eyes closed slowly.
He smiled nodding and slipped the paper into his pocket. â??We better get to it then.â? He stood and walked to the stage the group falling quiet as he did. â??Hey everyone, got a bit of bad news, Adam isnâ??t going to be with us anymore. He hasnâ??t shown up for the last two rehearsals so Iâ??m having to just stop this right now and say we will have to find a replacement for him.â? The entire cast looked around at each other one obvious question on their mind, finally Tomas asked it, â??Who are we going to get?â? Ralph smiled shrugging his shoulders â??I donâ??t know, until we do find someone I will stand in and if need be play the part if no one comes that fits the bill.â? The group looked at each other again then one turned to Joicee, â??Joicee are you ok with that?â?
She heard one of the kids questions and she sighed, "If we can't find anyone, I'm fine with it. I mean we've been practicing this for way to long to just stop because Adam is stupid and isn't showing up." She said and glanced to the side. "If the only way we will get this play going is if he plays the part. Then we'll do it." She nodded her head and she breathed in as one other kid asked. "Well that's fine. But you do know that the two characters have to kiss. Wont you get in trouble?" He asked him.
Ralph watched Joicee as she answered the question. He agreed there was no other way that they would be able to get the play on track again unless he did this. His face froze for a brief moment as the other question was asked about him getting into trouble. Turning to look at the student that asked that he smiled nodding, â??Yes, if I was to do it without the principalâ??s knowledge or blessing your right I wouldâ?¦but I would never do that so this point is mote.â? He saw that there were several other questions that the group wanted to ask but he didnâ??t feel like dealing with all the other problems with the plan. â??Alright come on guys are we going to stand around and talk all day or are we going to get to work on putting this play out?â? he clapped his hands and they started to get back to their work as he cast one last look at Joicee.
"Yes sir." The kids said and scattered as they got their scripts out and began to practice their parts. Some getting on stage and saying their lines to one another. Joicee glanced over towards him and then down as she moved back on stage and she pulled her script from her bag. Motioning one of her friends over she began to practice her lines with the girl until she moved up to him. "Well..if you are going to play in it. Shall, we practice?" She asked and glanced around and held her script to her chest.

"Lets start when they first realize they love each other and decide to meet one another outside of the party." She said with a nod and looked up to him as she set the script down, almost knowing it by heart and she breathed in, practicing with him.

"I came here tonight because, when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. And I can wait no longer."

She said and it about broke her heart as it was true, wanting him to know it.
Ralph nodded back at her getting out his script which was also pointless as he knew the words by heart as well. He took his place standing with his back to her looking over the edge of the balcony that wasnâ??t there. His eyes stared off into the night sky and he let out a heavy sigh just a moment before she started talking.

He turned looking at her sadness in his eyes. â??Then my lady I fear you came in vain, and must wait till that one can be with youâ?¦sad that one cannot be me.â? He took a step closer to her holding his hand out just so they could almost touch, â?For if it could I would start that life with you this very moment,â? his hand dropped, â??but you know it cannot be you are promised to another.â?

He was shocked twice in one day lines that they would say to each other would fit the feeling in his heart.
She glanced down at his hand and her hand moved forward, touching it and she peered back up into his eyes and she heard his words. She swallowed, wishing that was how he truly felt but why would he? She was a student, with a silly girl crush though she stepped forward and looked up to him, right into his eyes and she shook her head slowly.

"I may be promised to another.." Her hand moved up and touched his cheek, once again getting deeply into the character. "But my heart stays with you." Her hand moved and grasped it, placing it against her bosom a bit just over her heart. Her face flushed a bit as she was still following the script and she swallowed. Though there was the part where they'd kiss and she swallowed and glanced to the side a bit and she glanced down for a moment. She glanced down to skip over the kiss, "I have created a plan, love." She smiled. "We'll disappear into the night, never to be seen again. I won't be promised to a man who I know not, nor love."
He held his breath as she stepped forward starting to part where their characters kissed. His lips almost begged to be pressed against hers in a deep passionate kiss. But he let her lead on that and when she just skipped over the kiss part of him was extremely glad.

â??I canâ??t ask you to throw away so much of your life for me.â? He pressed his hand to her cheek looking lovingly into her eyes. â??What of your Family?â?
Feeling his hand on her cheek, her eyes closed and she leaned into his touch. Her hand dropping from his cheek and rested her hand against his chest softly. Feeling his chest under her fingers and subconsciously ran her fingers along it a bit as he spoke.

"My family is the reason I throw it away for you, love."
She said and looked up and into his eyes. "They want me to, they beg me and plead me to marry this pathetic man.." She said with a soft scowl. "I don't love him, I love you." She said and her heart pounded in her chest. "If I don't have you, I don't think I could live for a minute. I'd die with out you.." She said softly.
His eyes truly teared up not just because they were meant too in the play. He was really moved and wished with all his heart that she really meant that. He shook himself inwardly, this was just a play.

He turned his back to her again, â??I am a commoner my lady that has been brought to high station because of tricks and cunning words, nothing more.â?

((sorry very bad block on this post.))
(It's alright. =] )

"Then it is a commoner I love."
She said and nodded her head slowly, turning him to look to her and she gave a soft smile. "It does not matter what you are, or what you are not." She looked up to him and touched his cheek softly in her hand. "If I can't be with you, I'd rather drink poison, love" She sighed and breathed in, which meant that she would kill herself if she couldn't be with him.

She looked at her paper and then back up to him, "Love, someone is coming. Meet thee at the barnyard tonight. If you truly love me." She set her paper down and gave a soft smile, "First scene done." She said with a wide smile.
He knew there was a second kiss there at the end just before her character ran off the stage and his slipped back over the balcony to the ground. The story continued that he was caught that night as he tried to escape and it took everything she could do to save his lifeâ?¦finally revealing her love to one of the maids and working with a group of her servants they ended up taking the kingdom but that was the second act.
Nodding he smiled, â??That was very well doneâ?¦you have you lines memorized perfectly.â? He looked into her eyes for a moment wishing that he could lose himself in the story as kiss her.
She gave a soft laugh and looked up to him, her hand still on his chest and she found herself leaning up a bit though she suddenly pulled back. She almost kissed him! In front of the class and she would have gotten herself and him in trouble. She breathed in and touched her neck before she stepped back though she glanced up as the bell rang and she smiled softly. "Where shall we practice more?" She asked and looked to him as she grabbed her bag, the class leaving the room.
He looked at the clock and shrugged seeing the class leaving. â??Well we could continue hereâ?¦or go out to the front lawn but it is time that you should think about heading home isnâ??t it?â? he didnâ??t want her to go but as her teacher it was his duty to think about her safety and he was having such problems controlling his thoughts about her that she would probably be more safe not being alone with him. â??you do have a good skill with the part so you donâ??t need to practice so muchâ?¦just making sure we understand each otherâ??s timing.â?
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