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Savage Love (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

Ludwig wrapped his hands tight around Arthur’s throat. “I will do with her what I please. You will take my charity and leave or you will leave devoid of funds and breath.”
Ludwig’s eyes were dead calm. He was serious. Worse than that, he seemed to have no second thoughts of killing a man. He released Arthur and let him fall to the ground. “I am not without mercy or compassion. You will not starve for a fortnight if you leave now and save the money I give you. This is a chance for your rebirth, Arthur. A chance to grow a spine.”
Arthur couldn't muster the courage to look at Ludwig, body shaking with fear, "O-Of course, brother...I-I cannot thank you more for your mercy..."
“Good, now take this and leave.” Ludwig said as he tossed a bag of coins down to him. “If you return with a similar attitude in the future, I will show far less restraint. I wish you luck, for your sake.”
"Your Lordship, the Lady wishes to speak with you.." One of the maids stopped before him when he entered and bowed, "She is unhappy, Lord...perhaps still from the visit.."
When he came into the room, Aileen was by the window, Annelise sound asleep in her crib, "What words did you give to him before he slithered away...?"
"You shouldn't have given him anything.." She said softly, but didn't seem angry, "And he accepted these terms?"
“I gave him little other choice. A firm tone and firmer hand persuaded him that leaving would be prudent.” He said
She nodded, "I agree. He is that and more." She said, "I must admit, however, seeing you be so protective of me has caused me to fall further in love with you.."
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