- Joined
- Mar 18, 2021
- Location
- Canada

Congratulations on selection and welcome to Project Exodus, the state of the art space colonization program destined to populate and terraform habitable planets in distant star systems. Project Exodus is a multinational conglomerate in cooperation for the sake of mankind. Our goal is of the noblest caliber, to save our species from the inevitable envirmental degradation of Earth. To stop this extinction event from occurring, 'Seed Ships' are being sent to colonize and create new governments on far away worlds. Ark Genesis is one such Seed Ship currently traveling towards the binary star system Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to Earth. Ark Genesis's speed is limited to one-tenth the speed of light over the vast distance of space, making the total travel time 1,000 years to reach its destination. The settlers of Ark Genesis are in a state if cryogenic stasis for the length of the journey, as a means to guarantee you will all see the skies of your new home world.
Ark Genesis is overseen by an advanced A.I named EVE, whom is in control of the Arks systems. EVE has a legion of maintenance drones and holograms that act as her arms and legs on the ship. As a secondary precaution alongside EVE's surveillance, a group of Caretakers periodically awaken during the journey to check the ships maintenance, run diagnostics, analyze data gathered from space, and teach the younger colonists jobs that will be required during planetfall. Lastly, It will be up to you and your crew to decide political policy and leadership.


Earth is dying, and Project Exodus is the only option for our peoples continued existence. Despite what Earth's political leaders say, the tipping point of irreversible environmental damage has long been passed. Our dying planet is stretched to it's maximum population limit, with vast industrial cityscapes dominating are once green and blue world. Food and water are becoming scares, and economic projections indicate the worst market collapse since the great depression. The scientific reality is Earth is no longer viable for sustained life. Project Exodus is your escape to a new life, and a second chance.

At Project Exodus, we exclusively select our colonists from the greatest minds and training Earth has to offer. To safely maintain Ark Genesis over the great journey and during planetfall, experts of any age (25-70) in all natural science fields are open to candidacy in our program. The natural science positions for engineering, physics, chemistry, biology (xenobiology, medicine), geology (terraforming), botany (hydroponics) and many more are all welcome in Project Exodus.
Additionally positions in soft science fields are also open for designing the new governments on our new worlds, and for the psychological wellbeing of our treasured colonists. Available soft science positions include history, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and social science. With no oversight from our founders due to the great distance, It will be your duty and privilege to decide what system of governance your society will take.
Fit (21-36) Security personal with military and combat experience are required for the safety of the ship, as mutiny deterrent, and as a last resort from unknown xeno threats.
Young (16-24) candidates that pass our genetic screening will be selected for genetic diversity your future populations will require. These younger candidates will be trained en route with a mentor of assigned field.
The exception to these standards is our honored donors and their families that helped fund Project Exodus. Without their vision and tenacity, this dream would never have come to be.
Face claim Picture:
Name (& pronunciation):
Date of Birth (& age; date Genesis Ark left Earth 2098):
Place of Birth:
Social Class/Community Status:
Family/Friends on Genesis Ark:
Physical Description
Physical Description:
Regular Routine:
Philosophy of Life/Religion:
Sexual Preference/kinks:
Education/Special Training:
Past Occupations:
Name (& pronunciation):
Date of Birth (& age; date Genesis Ark left Earth 2098):
Place of Birth:
Social Class/Community Status:
Family/Friends on Genesis Ark:
Physical Description
Physical Description:
Regular Routine:
Philosophy of Life/Religion:
Sexual Preference/kinks:
Education/Special Training:
Past Occupations:
- Armory/Security
- Fitness Center/Leisure
- Engine
- Private Residence
- Hibernation Bay
- A.I Core
- Helm/Navigation
- Sick Bay/Quarantine
- Shuttle Bay
- Atrium/Leisure
As early as the second-half of the 21st Century Earth's environment began to significantly degrade at alarming rates, but remained habitable. The population is near 15 billion, causing massive food and water shortages throughout the world. With increasingly limited resources on earth, large space habitats throughout the Sol system were constructed to strip-mine every available asset to support the ever growing human population. Three world superpowers emerged from the 21st century nations. The Union of Progressive peoples (UPP), founded by Russia and China. The United Americas founded by the United States, Mexico and Brazil. And Three World Empire, a union formed by United Kingdoms and Japan. While there have been several large scale skirmishes between the super powers, a full war has yet to be waged.

As early as the second-half of the 21st Century Earth's environment began to significantly degrade at alarming rates, but remained habitable. The population is near 15 billion, causing massive food and water shortages throughout the world. With increasingly limited resources on earth, large space habitats throughout the Sol system were constructed to strip-mine every available asset to support the ever growing human population. Three world superpowers emerged from the 21st century nations. The Union of Progressive peoples (UPP), founded by Russia and China. The United Americas founded by the United States, Mexico and Brazil. And Three World Empire, a union formed by United Kingdoms and Japan. While there have been several large scale skirmishes between the super powers, a full war has yet to be waged.

The UPP is a powerful socialist block that controls a vast, resource-rich sector of sol space. The combined Russian, Chinese and smaller socialist client states joined into a massive political conglomerate. Virtually since its formation, the UPP has been locked in a state of cold war with the United Americas, and although behind its rivals in the space and arms race, they still maintained a formidable interstellar fighting force. Indicative of their inferior technological prowess, most of their advanced technology was seemingly reverse-engineered from black ops skirmishes. In the UPP, they say trust your enemy to be your enemy, but never trust your neighbor to be your friend.
Notably, the Union of Progressive Peoples was the only major federation of its era not to be influenced by corporate concerns, a fact that often put it at odds with its rivals the United Americas and the Three World Empire.

The United Americas is the most powerful starfaring and colonizing nation in the 22nd century. An economic and political giant in both the Sol system and throughout the offworld colonies, the military might of the UA was unparalleled. Formed by the combined power of North, Central, and South America in response to the other growing world powers. Megacorporation's play a overwhelming role in United Americas economy, working as a shadow government that sways political decisions and plans.
The United Americas is essentially an extension of the government of the United States of America, and as such is run by a President, Vice President, and a Congress representing all member signatories. In the Outer Belt, any encounter with UA leadership is likely to be with a Colonial Marshall, a bureaucrat from Colonial Administration or a commander of the Colonial Marines.

The Three World Empire was the first of the so-called "conglomerate nations", forming in 2056, a full 4 years before its nearest equivalent, the United Americas. As a result, the 3WE pioneered space exploration and established most of the long-term colonies in the inner systems, becoming the most technologically prosperous interstellar superpower of its time. Even before its formation, founding members the UK and Japan had led the way in space exploration and settlement technologies, primarily through the British Corporations and the Japanese technology firms, which became the first companies to construct human colonies on other planetary bodies within the Sol System.
It was this dawning of the interstellar age that triggered the formation of the 3WE — confronted with the possibility of potentially endless resources among the stars, the UK and Japan jointly realized that they would have a stronger base from which to pursue this newly unlocked potential if they pooled their resources. Thus they, together with India and several developing nations, united to begin the process of travelling out into the stars and colonizing new worlds. Due to their preexisting technological advantage, the 3WE quickly spread throughout the Inner Belt and into the resource-rich Outer Belt.
Much like the UK and Japan before it, the Three World Empire was a parliamentary democracy overseen by a constitutional monarchy. The monarchy, consisting of the former royal families of Britain and Japan now joined by marriage, served as a figurehead for the state but in reality held little real power. Governance was instead handled by an elected parliament consisting of representatives from each territory and former nation, led by a Prime Minister.
This rp could be primarily focused on slice of life, are characters intermingling while running the colony ship. I'll likely have occasional 'events' that take place and need to be solved by the group. It could have survival/horror elements if we want to roleplay beyond simple character interactions, such things like malfunctions, aliens, rouge AI, etc. It could have a mystery element, strange things going on in and around the ship. Overall I'd like to have the feeling be based in realism, or plausibility. Having some knowledge in what your character's expertise is would be amazing to add to the world building. Please let me know if this idea might interest you and let me know of any ideas you might have related to it. if I get enough interest I'll do deep dive on more details about the ship and what not.
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