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The Chill Between Them (CasualVelociraptor x Alisa_Perne)

Yasmine leaned back and turned off the shower, "Bed." she said in a commanding tone, "I want you on your back so that I may coat you with my seed." She grinned.
Yasmine grinned and picked up Shiloh in her arms and carried her bridal style to the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed as she crawled on top of her and kissed her lips passionately. Her eyes had a fire behind them as she drank in Shiloh's beauty. "I love you." She said with a smile lining herself up perfectly with Shiloh's slit and gently thrusting forward.
"I love me too," Shiloh joked; pretty low hanging fruit, she admitted to herself, but she was feeling giggly from recent fucking by Yasmine, that she was putting herself through again to make sure Yasmine was secure. Her smile was quickly erased by the entrance of the trans woman. "Ohhhh, fucking HELL, Yazzy...fuck me like it then, and don't you dare hold back," Shiloh added, referring to their little inside talk about fucking each other like they were in love.
Yasmine grinned, and leaned back on her haunches and grabbed Shiloh's hips and started moaning as she slowly began to pick up speed, giving Shiloh long, deep strokes, making sure she felt every single inch of her magnificent cock. "Harder?" She asked with a moan.
"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to, silly," Shiloh panted, then smacked Yasmine's ass to emphasize her point. Shiloh being as strong as she was, Shiloh still wanted to think that she was in control, even though she knew she was just going along for the ride here. Literally.
Yasmine let out a moan, "Yes mam!" she said and started to speed up, grabbing Shiloh's hips and thrusting into her, she skipped a few steps and went straight to pounding Shiloh's eager hole, she even leaned back so her massive cock would back a bulge in her stomach as it hilted.
“Mmmm…baby, baby, hold my legs up in the air while you do that,” Shiloh squeaked the moment Yasmine began leaning back and absolutely railing her from a reared up position.
Yasmine had no words, she was lost, she just heard Shiloh's request and complied. She leaned forward and licked the girls calves and kissed them as she plowed her.
"Oh, yeah, that's may be marrying someone else, and in love with all of us, but right now, you're mine, got it, bitch?" Shiloh asked with the commanding tone of the heroine she'd shaped herself into being, as opposed to the scared little runner who scurried in the shadows. "So, fuck me like it's our honeymoon, and you're about to give it up for your wife."
Yasmine kept plowing, harder and harder she went, Shiloh was begging for it and her aim was to fuck her so hard that she would be bedridden for several hours. She was not sure if she accomplished her goal through the vigorous pounding she was dishing out, but one thing was clear, an orgasm was coming soon. At the last possible second she slid out and blew her load all over Shiloh.
Shiloh vanishes in the morning, leaving only a note
“Ohhhh…fuck, baby,” Shiloh panted. “That was, that was…I don’t even know what that was. But you were amazing. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to be on that big, comfy bed with all of you every night."

That remained top of mind for Shiloh as she actually showered off this time, borrowed one of Erika’s black silk kimonos that fit her very well (that Erika, true to form, later complimented her on), and accepted profuse apologies from both Erika and Jane for pushing her into a foursome when she wasn’t ready (and in fact rebuffed them, since Shiloh hadn’t even known that she’d be overwhelmed by it all, so how would they?) Shiloh then expressed just how glad she was to finally be able to rest, and smiled in the middle of the bed as Yasmine spooned her softly from behind that whole night, both women sleeping on their left sides. Jane, ever one for military training, slept with one eye open on her right side just in case. And Erika was sprawled on her back, though a little less than she would like

And yet, all of Yasmine's lovers went to bed with worries on their minds. Jane wondered whether she'd be able to protect her fiancee, when they would be able to get married in all this craziness, if they would live to be able to do that, and if she'd ever have a normal, comfortable relationship with Yasmine in public. Erika was determined to keep running as long as she could, and yet feeling more tired than she ever thought possible, and that made her then start to wonder if she'd ever be useful again, as she'd put her. She knew she was going to keep the baby, but she also wondered whether she'd made a mistake bringing up a new life here, in this terrifying hellscape. And yet, the whole world was coming down around their ears; so where, exactly, would ever be safe enough for their family?

Shiloh's state, however, was the worst of out of the three. At least Erika and Jane were able to sleep at all; Shiloh's ears were acutely aware of all the city's noises, and her mind raced with the faces of everyone she'd ever encountered as her thoughts became all the potential comments from fans upset and concerned about her disappearance, and the dark ceiling was alive with flashes of the things she'd done, and the people she'd had to fight to survive. How could she ever face them if she sought comfort instead of justice? Who was she if she hung up the armor of Deirdre, after all this time? Just a toy meant to please Yasmine? All that anxiety meant her eyes were wide open for most of the night, and yet she didn't move in order to not bother Yasmine while she pleasantly slumbered, and she only lost the battle with sleep because her eyelids were crushed by the weight of her exhaustion.

Then, in the morning, instead of Shiloh, Yasmine would find a note lying on the pillow to her left.

"My dearest Yasmine,

I want you to know, before you read anything else, that this is not goodbye. I realized last night how deep and true my buried feelings for you are, and that is still the case.

But we can't be together. Not yet. Not in the way that I so desperately want us to be. Not as long as that (likely fat and old) Councilperson continues to track our every move. If they suspect that I'm suddenly not attacking your businesses, then he'll throw everything he has at you. At Erika. At Jane. I can't put you all in danger just because I want to spend every night in your arms, making all my shit up to you. And, besides, I'm more useful out there, tracking down who this person is, who this 'Toussaint' I keep hearing about is, and what if anything they want from us.

I should emphasize that this does not mean I'm out of reach...just try not to find me until I let you know it's safe. I have my BioJack up still, and will broadcast where I am when I would like to rendezvous with you. And I'll still try to sleep on this bed when I can, because seriously?! It's so fucking soft. Like, how? I digress.

One last thing...I've been thinking a lot about Connor. About what he meant to me, to everyone. At first, I was a little fixated on whether it would indeed be wrong to pursue you, and whether I'd made a mistake. The thing I realized, though, is that you and I both know that Connor always put others before himself. He made life in a cold, abandoned construction project not only bearable, but full of life and laughter for all of us, because he was only ever concerned with whether the people he loved were happy. I think, if he were alive, he would be ecstatic for us...after a great deal of trademark Connor teasing and innuendo!

The most important thing is that this city snuffed out his light, and that the only way we're going to be able to happy, and finally, truly grieve for him in peace, is if we stop these people, any people who seek power to the exclusion of all other goals from taking any more Connors away from any more families. I thought you were one of those people once, but you proved me wrong. So let's prove them all wrong.

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When Yasmine awoke she rolled over to wrap one arm around Shiloh, her intentions were to pull her in close and kiss her and say good morning, and ask her if she could do this for the rest of her life but when her arm found nothing but the crinkle of paper she sat bolt upright and grabbed the letter. Immediately fear coursed through her. Had she left after a night of passion and professing their desires through the intimate act of sex? As she poured through the letter she was hit with a wave emotions. 'Can't be together, not yet.' Generated tears and sadness, Then she let out a smile and a chuckle when she read the comment about the bed being soft and that Shiloh would try to sleep on this bed when she could. The mention of her son made her heart soar, she had loved her son so much, he was everything to her and the fact that he would always be in their hearts made her happy and she cried more tears, but this time, tears of joy. Her jaw tightened with resolve when she read the part about proving them all. "All of them are wrong." She said to herself quietly as she kissed the letter and held it to her heart, "All of them."
"Here." She said, handing Jane the letter, wiping tears from her eyes. She tightened her jaw with resolve and got out of bed, and stepped onto her balcony and overlooked the city. "You're out there somewhere love, just promise me you are safe." She said to the wind.
“Shiloh’s made some dumb moves before, but this…how the hell are you letting her go at a time like this?!” Jane wondered. That woke up Erika, who then had a panic attack at the thought of losing Shiloh to the city again, even if Shiloh had promised to return when she could.
"Because I don't want the same thing to happen to her that did to my Connor." She said, finally getting it. "I kept Connor under such tight security and surveillance, he was my heir, and I treated him like an object, instead of a human being. Like a priceless item you would not want to see damaged. This pushed him away from me. If I had just allowed him his freedom he might still be alive. I know Shiloh will be safe. I trust her, I cannot keep her caged, she is a bird and she must fly lest she bash her brains in on the bars of her cage." She smiled, "Don't worry about her, she will be safe, she promised me that, and a Legato never breaks a promise." She grinned.
Hominid Flu makes itself known as a threat
"So, are you marrying her now?" Jane asked, partially sarcastic, but partially feeling a little pushed to the side and slightly unsure of her place in all of this now that Shiloh had come in and stirred everything up.

"I trust Shiloh too, even though I'm worried for her and would've pleaded with her not to go, but I need to find a way to fly too," Erika said, ignoring Jane's crack after reading over the letter some more. "I'm sick of feeling sick, of constantly peeing, of having my feet swollen...if she's out there, trying to help, I need to track down what I can too, for as long as I can."

"You decided to get pregnant," Jane said. "All that shit comes with the territory, or so I hear."

"Yeah, but like...I don't know..." Erika sighed.

"There may be a spare exoskeleton I can give you. But there's something else...something I'm keeping an eye on," Jane said. "Have you heard of HOMV-51? A respiratory disease also known as Hominid Flu. It's just spread like wildfire across Africa in the past month, killing thousands of people and gorillas, and leading to lockdowns more aggressive than anything seen during COVID-19 in an attempt to combat it. My guess is, with their civil war going on, it'll hit the US next, and Europe from there, and you know how air travel goes. So just, if you do go outside, try to limit contact with people as much as possible."

"That should be pretty easy with how barren the rooftops I want to visit are. And besides, we're pretty isolated from the rest of the world, aren't we?"

"We can be, if they lock down the island's borders, but it's extremely expensive, as a lot of the economy of all these IceBurghs depends on tourism. So the Council might decide it's more prudent to sacrifice a few thousand of our citizens for some extra money. With how the Councilperson attacking Yasmine has been acting, I wouldn't be surprised."
"No." Yasmine said flatly, "But she is still a part of this family even if not by name." She turned to Jane, "You are, and will forever always be my wife." When Yasmine heard Erika's words she took pause for a moment, "I....the child...Erika...please do not put yourself in harms way, I won't force you to stay, that is not me anymore, but I beg you, your life, and by proxy the life inside of you means so much to me." Her lip quivered. "Everything."
"Well, then set a date to make me an honest woman already, and I'll be there in my best power armor, ya nerd," Jane grinned.

"And I know how you feel," Erika replied in her parallel conversation with Yasmine. "Maybe I'll try taking you up to a rooftop one of these days, like I planned before we got pregnant, and if I don't feel well, even with the exoskeleton, then I won't ever do it again."
"Tomorrow." Yasmine said, "Get invitations to couriers, find Shiloh, let her know. I want her there, I want the whole family there. Spare no expense, we get married at sunrise tomorrow on the top of my tower." She grinned.
"Tomorrow it is. Though it's gonna be a bitch to plan all this, so I hope you don't mind if it's your expenses I don't spare," Jane teased. "Erika, if you'll help me get the invitations out, I'll get you that exoskeleton in 3...2...1..." Then a canister landed in the middle of the room through the open roof hatch. The Neo Varangian gunship that had dropped it flew away, and moments later, the legs walked themselves up to Erika and bent down to a seated position for her to get on them more naturally, which made her nervous. Even though she wanted to do this, she also worried how much of her humanity she might give up by relying on it...
"That is what I meant dear." Yasmine said with a smile as she strode up to Erika, "Promise me, above all else, that you will return to me safely, and if anyone harms you, notify me and I shall bring my wrath down upon them the likes of which this city has grown to fear." She leaned in and kissed Erika, "Promise?"
"I will keep myself safe, because this child deserves to know their entire family," Erika said as she kissed Yasmine on the forehead after their lip kiss. "And I want us to both grow old, you hear me? Like so old I'll have fake teeth and you'll need to use a walker, got it?" she then joked, using humor to once again deflect from the pain of leaving Yasmine behind, even for a second, after being by her side constantly for months. This was the glossy edge of the mirror of Erika's life. Between fantasy and reality, love and war, and physical limitations and endless love.
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