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The Vampire Hunters Mistake (LunarWolf and GuardianAngel)

Rose. Chuckled “we need to find the smith and his family” Rose knew with his large family it wouldn’t take long to restore everything
Chrissanth just looked for a moment before she questioned, "What smith are we talking about? Give me a general direction and I can go with Xyvo to look for him." Upon hearing his name the dragon that she had taken to riding was just looking over with a rather curious look.
"He made all of the hunter armor but his daughter was born a purebred vampire so him and his rather large family fled" Rose pulled out a small note book and flipped till she found his location and then offered it to her "let him know its a safe haven and that his whole family will be welcomed"
Chrissanth was giving a nod of her head and was heading off. The dragon she had been with landing next to her.
A few days time and it would seem a new group was arriving. The blacksmith and his family, although if one looked they would see that there wasn't anybody sitting on the back of the dragon. Nope Chrissanth was currently asleep in one of the wagons. A few of the family members had insisted she get some sleep since she had been leading them and guarding them the last two days.
Rose greeted the male who headed the family smiling at the little girl who ran up to her “welcome we could use some help fixing everything up and it is of course great to see you again”
The newcomers were being greeted by those within the old kingdom already. Chrissanth was awake again and just kind wandered towards everybody.
The little girl in the group spotted Rose and ran to her hugging her and squealing in delight. Rose picked the child up and settled her on her hip greeting everyone and watching as the male turned several shades of red “if you don’t want to hear a lecture filled with curses I suggest you run and do so now” Rose warned the group only moment before the male blew his top
"Don't start yelling right now... Please don't... " chrissanth was mumbling before she was wandering over to Romeo and just falling into his arms.
Chrissanth was just mumbling that the kingdom had been long abandoned, even nature had taken over. After that she was just resting her head on his shoulder and was commenting that she was seriously beginning to strongly hate these dark-eyed vampires.
Romeo chuckled "we have cleaned the nature out and except for the wall around the city and its gate everything else is still in good shape mostly" Romeo knew there were a few areas in the castle itself that they would need to repair but they could wait as both Shayne and Circe agreed with him on fixing the wall first
Chrissanth was just commenting that she had been working on it with Xyvo while they had been waiting for everybody.
"I know we have seen where you did your work and the maid were complimenting your skills" Romeo looked over when the little girl squealed and then started laughing at the look on Rose's face as the child was nose to nose with her staring at her eyes
Chrissanth was just yawning a bit before she was mumbling that she just wanted to sleep for a bit, although at the same time she wanted to help with the cleaning process.
"sleep and then you can laugh at Rose" Romeo turned so she could see what was going on and it seemed like Rose struggled to keep the child at a distance as the girl was freaking out over her new status
Chrissanth was just commenting that it had been a long few days of being awake and constantly on the go. Which was quite true for her, even that of Xyvo could attest that she hadn't rested much the last few days.
Chrissanth was just mumbling that it would probably be a good thing for everybody to do, especially with how bad things have been lately. "Xyvo has kept me in the loop with how the party has been while traveling in case I had to move out to assist again."
"it was bad but we are taking shifts sleeping right now those who have been up the longest and are the most worn-out are sleeping first" Romeo was one of the few who were functional but he was waiting for a few others to hit the ground after passing out
Chrissanth was just looking at him before she was commenting, "Xyvo says that you need to rest as well. He states that many of the dragons are agreeing with him that we all need to sleep, that while they are here we are safe enough."
"While we trust and respect them none of us want to put that stress on them if a couple of them want to stay up and help with patrol and warn if a person is looking ready to fall asleep standing up I would appreciate it. Romeo knew he needed to sleep more then he had but he had at least gotten some rest others hadn't
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