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Gift that keeps on giving. (OBSCENE and Rainbows)

Alex sighed at the answer he got from it. He just assumed that he would be killed if not accepted. He would just have to think about that later. He coninued to follow Sari all of where he was led, remembering everything from where things were to the fact that Midas liked chocolate covered strawberries. He nodded that if he was ever lost just find that door and he would be set. He thought that to be very important because he was pretty sure he would be getting lost quite often, expecially at first. He sat down with Sari, which was interesting because he wouldn't sit down for Midas. He sighed at the question, running his hand through his hair as he thought about the best way to answer. "Kind of. I'm mad at him because of all of this, if it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't have been taken as a... as a gift." He paused, looking down at the strawberry he still held. "And because of what he wanted to do with me tonight..." He left that subject at that. "But I'm not really mad because he's actually been kind of nice to me considering the circumstances..." He did understand what Midas had done for him. "But that doesn't really make up for the bad things." He looked back over at Sari, wondering if he knew what he was talking about. He was pretty sure he would, but he didn't know for sure. He didn't really know for sure.
"Midas didn't cause debt, or ask for you." He pointed out, "You are his gift, but he did not brought you here." He paused, certain he'd phrased that wrong. "And what he ask of you... would have been expected, taken willing or not, the first night. Usually willing, it an honor. He thinks it kind to give you first night off... he likely don't understand why you protest." As his words quickened, his grammar began to fail, and he looked irritated by this. "Ask for time, he will give you that much." He stretched slightly, feeling more at ease in the servant's quarters. He'd grown up there after all, unable to be seen with his mother as a child. Her first pregnancy was Arabia's biggest secret. "I hope you will learn to like it here..." He spoke very slowly, trying to be sure the sentence made sense. "Midas needs someone like you." He stood, offering Alex a hand to help him to his feet, "Nn, never offer left hand." he said, realizing that was a difference he had forgotten. "It is... impolite."
Alex just looked at him as he spoke, not quite sure what to say to it all. Sari was right. he should have been thankful that he didn't try to do it on the first night. He knew better than to speak of what he had been told and such, not that anyone would be able to understand. He sighed, looking down at the floor. Everything was just so complicated. At least to him it was. He looked up at Sari as he offered him a hand up. He took it, remembering what he had said. He decided not to think about his problems any more and started running through the things he had been told on their walk. But the main thing that stuck out was what Sari said. That Midas needs someone like him. He didn't really get that, but oh well, he would probably find out later. He stood up tall as he could and stretched upwards. "So, what happens now?" He asked, wondering how much time thier walk and then the talk had taken up. He was curious as to what would happen next. He had only been told about getting measured and Sari showing him around so he wondered if anyhting he hadn't been informed of was going to happen as well.
"We'll see the seamstress, see the rest of the palace, then return to the room." He said as he led Alex along.

After they'd finished Alex had been given a pair of white flowing pants that gathered at the ankles with a god belt that matched the collar. Broad gold wrist and ankle cuffs signified who and what he was, the cloth bindings removed and retied through the small loops in the wrist cuffs, left unusually loose as Sari's request.

Sari led him back to the king's room, which was, for the moment, empty.
Alex nodded and followed him around, doing all he was told by Sari. He remembered quite a bit and was pretty proud of it. He liked the pants much better. They were way more comfortable than the sheet he was wearing earlier. he kind of liked thr wrist cuffs, though he still didn't like the cloth that bound him. The ankle cuffs would click together every once in a while if he was walking if he wasn't careful. He walked back to the enpty room with Sari, and as they entered Alex felt a bit better about what how he was going to react around the king. If all else failed he could always bribe him with chocolate covered strawberries.
Sari looked up as the doorknob rattled, "You will be fine." he assured Alex softly before Midas slipped in, accompanied by a tall man who stopped at the doorway, arguing loudly with him in Arabic. A small woman scurried in after Midas, setting quickly to cleaning up the room a bit. She put things in place, pausing at Alex. She pushed his shoulders back, barely able to reach, nodded her satisfaction, and moved on. Sari caught her by the wrist and she looked terrified, although she knew better than to meet his gaze. Sari's grip relaxed instantly once she'd stopped, and with a few soft words she nodded, then turned and curtsied to Alex with a hushed word. "An apology." Sari explained briefly.

"Ah...ahpah.. lo.. gee." she repeated, trying to communicate it to him properly before scurrying out of the room.

Midas motioned for Sari to leave as well, waiting for him to do so before slamming the door in the face of the man who'd been shouting at him. "An adviser." He explained, "He's unhappy that I declined an offer... but the country offering is in fits of war within itself, I want nothing to do with that..." He fell quiet, realizing if Alex had an idea what he was talking about, he probably didn't care.

He blinked and did a double take, noticing the new clothes with a small smile, "Well, you look very nice..." He approved, reaching over to grab the bindings. He gave them a light tug, pulling Alex closer so he could undo them. "Better?" He asked, tossing the bindings aside. "You haven't caused any trouble, I think you've earned some mobility, hm?"
Alex watched as the three entered. It was quite different from what he had seen today. He was a bit confused as the woman fixed his posture but didn't think much of it. The look on Sari's face as he grabbed her wrist actually scared him. As she apologized Alex only smiled and nodded, accepting her apology. He kind of wanted to pat her on the head, but he didn't know how that would have been taken. As Sari left Alex suddenly felt a bit nerveous, not quite sure what to do first. He just stood there, watching Midas. He just stared at him, completely confused as to what he was talking about, but he listened none the less. He smiled as he said he looked good in the new clothes. He stumbled foward a bit as he was pulled foward, but smiled as Midas took the bindings off. "Thanks." He said, looking at the cuffs around his wrists. They were quite nice.

He looked off to the side for a moment. figuring he should go ahead and say this while he was thinking about it. "Listen... I want to apologize about how I acted earlier..." He said, obviously quite akward at these things. "I just... Uhh..." He paused rubbing the back of his head. "I should have been more understanding but... I'd like to take it slow..." He said, feeling like he was trying to talk about a relationship between the two of them. It was very akward, at least for him. Midas might think it to be funny.
'Funny' wasn't quite the word he would have used, but there was something amusing about the way Alex approached it, an adorable awkwardness. "You aren't my girlfriend you know." he said with an amused smile, "Your apology is accepted, but I understand. I was too forward, and you're still very unused to our culture." He said with a small shrug.

He moved to the door and stepped out a moment, surprised to find the girl from before leaning against the wall. She jumped and straightened, hurrying off after Midas requested something of her. "It looks like you have a helper for the week." He said as he stepped back into the room. "If you need to go anywhere or if you need anything she'll help you find it." He moved to sit on the bed, certain this was a result of her action. One of the elders had probably tried to punish her, the task seemed very much like something Sari would assign to get her off the hook.

"Come, have a seat." He said as he sat cross-legged on the bed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything unpleasant." Midas assured, taking off the dozens of thin gold bangles one at a time, and stacking them in a neat pile on the bedspread. "In the mornings, while I have to work, I would like you to take lessons... probably with Sari since he's clear with English. You'll need to understand at least the basics of Arabic to get by here. Most of the time you'll be with me, but when you're on your own you are free to do pretty much anything you like. don't enter any of the royal rooms other than my own, they're all marked with gold symbols, and don't, for any reason, leave the palace grounds. The moment you step off the grounds, there's a bounty on your head for being an escaped slave. Keep the braces on when you aren't in here, they signify your rank and are the only form of protection you have when you're alone." He paused, trying to be sure he'd covered everything. "If you get into trouble you'll be brought back her and tied to your bed... which, speaking of, did you notice?" He pointed to a large basket like thing by the window. It was scallop shaped with a high back, plenty large enough and very elegant. a soft mattress rested in it, and that was covered in blankets, furs, and pillows very similar to Midas' own.

There was a small knock on the door, and with a word of approval from Midas, the girl brought in a small platter of sweets, including expensive looking chocolates, strawberries dipped in chocolate, small cookies, and a few sweet that would be unfamiliar. Midas nodded at Alex to take the tray."I thought we could use something sweet." he said with a small wink before dismissing the girl. "So... you were at a co-workers party... where did you work?" he asked, turning a strawberry over in his hand to look at it before holding it up with slender fingers and peeling the chocolate from the tip.
The comment about him not being his girlfriend only made him blush a bit, he had tried to avoid it sounding like that, but that was how it came out anyways. He looked up at him as he accepted his apology, smiling a bit. The stuff he added after seemed as apologetical as the king would get with him for being too foward so it was good enough for him.

Alex watched as he walked out for a moment and then the girl that corrected his posture ran off. He looked up at Midas quizically, wondering what had just happened. He nodded as he said he now had a helper for the week. That sure would come in handy, that way he probably wouldn't get lost unless he went off on his own. He thought about it a bit longer and then decided it was still going to be kind of hard though because they wouldn't be able to comunicate. But he would manage somehow.

Alex looked at him and hesitated for a moment as he told him to take a seat, but after what they had just talked about he trusted Midas a bit more. He walked over and sat next to him, pretty content for once since getting here. He watched him stack the braclets and then looked at his face when he spoke. He thought about taking lessons in the morning, that would be annoying, but come in handy after a while so he would do it. He got kind of confused at the part where he was talking about the gold on the doors, Sari had told him that if he went through that one door he would find Midas, but Midas don't go through and of the doors with the gold on them. He would have to clearify that. The though of having a bounty on his head if he left kind of scared Alex, he definitly wasn't going to try and leave now. And he would have to leave on the braces on his wrists and ankles. That would be slightly obnoxious, but he would deal with it. He looked over at the bed that was his. It was quite odd looking, though it did look quite comfy. If he hadn't been talking with Midas he would have run over and jumped into it. "No, I hadn't noticed, I was too busy acting like your girlfriend." He said, laughing a bit at the end to signify it was a joke. It was the first time he had laughed and only the second time he had smiled in front of Midas.

Alex only stared as the small platter was brought in. Everything looked so good. He took the tray as he was signaled to, though he would have taken it even if Midas hadn't told him to. He just wanted a closer look at all the delicious looking things. They looked quite good, even the things he didn't know what they were. He looked back at Midas as he asked about his work. "I am... was an artist. There were a few people I knew that owned a studio and they let me work there, drawing sometimes but mainly cleaning up the place for them." He said, thinking about it. It was quite a bit of fun working there, even if he did have to clean sometimes. He watched as Midas peeled the chocolate from the strawberry, wondering why he was doing that.
Midas smiled softly, enjoying Alex's smile and laugh. "An artist..." He repeated. "Would you mind showing me?" He leaned forward slightly, biting the berry from the stem. "What's your medium? I'll have supplies brought right away." He lifted a petite chocolate rose, "Try one of these, they're delicious." He said, handing it off before getting to his feet. "I like seeing you cheerful. I really do... will you make a habit of it? I'd like you to be happy here."

((Sorry this is so short! ;3; ))
Alex was quite huble when it came to his art. "Ahh... well I'm not very good... I usually use charcoal or pencil." He said, not sure that he should have said anything about it now. He stared at the mini rose for a moment before taking it. He watched Midas get to his feet before asking him to be happy more often. "I can try." He said, obviously wanting to be happy but it was going to be hard considering if he got in trouble he was going to be tied to his bed. That was pretty weird and he didn't like the sound of it, but he would try anways.
(btw, the door Sari points out lead to the royal hall, where the rolaty bedrooms are, he's allowed there, just not -in- the rooms. Midas has no idea how the servant quarters works. XD ))

Midas asked the girl to get the art supplies, then moved back to the bed, stretching out. "I still want to see what you can do. Afterwards I'll show you the gardens... they're gorgeous just after sunset." He said, glad to have thought of something they could do that wouldn't make Alex terribly uncomfortable.
(Ahh, I see I see. That makes complete sense.))

Alex watched as the girl then ran off to get the supplies. He just continued to sit on the bed, and finally ate the rose he was given. He chewed for a moment then smiled. "These really are good." He said, looking down at the tray. He smiled looking up at Midas. "That sounds nice." He said thoughtfully. He really liked gardens. Considering he was an artrist he liked to see gorgeous things like that. Maybe he would be able to draw them sometime. He was better at scenery than people, but he was still amazing at both.
The girl returned with the art supplies and Midas set them up quickly. "Is this good enough?" He asked, moving the padded stool from the vanity to the small easel. He collapsed on the bed again, laying in such a way that he could still watch. "So... aside from art, what else do you like?" He asked.
Alex watched as everything was brought in. He was surpised that they got a hold of such things so quickly. He looked at the supplies, he didn't recognize the brand, but he was sure that they would only have the best for the king. He nodded and sat down as Midas moved the stool over. He looked at the canvas for a bit before looking back over to Midas. "Umm... I like..." He paused, thinking for a moment. "Sweets. They're very good." He said, not really sure what else to say. "Oh, I like being outdoors." He said, not sure if that was the type of answer he was looking for as well. He looked back to Midas "What would you like me to draw?' he asked, He had never been put on the spot to draw like this before so he didn't really know what to do.
"Anything you'd like, you're the artist." He said as he picked up the stack of bracelets and started sliding them back on. "If you write down specific brands and items I can have someone get them for you... I know artists can be picky." He glanced at the tray of sweets, it was something they had in common. "Have you ever sparred? You know, with swords? I've become very good with that. I can use a gun too, but it somehow feels like I'm cheating." He said as he rolled onto his back, toying with one of the bangles. "I've done art before, but I'm not very good. not at all. My talents lie in music more than anything, but that doesn't do me much good as a king, so my parents and advisers frown on it."
Alex just nodded as he was told anything. He looked around the room for a moment before smiling a bit and turning the easel around so he was facing Midas and started to draw, quite quickly at first, making a rough outline, but then started to do more detail. He paused as he spoke, looking at his a bit confused as he mentioned sparring and then guns. "I've shot guns before, but never sparred" He said. He perked up as he mentioned him being good at music. "Really? What instrument do you play?" He asked, quite interested. "I'd love to hear you play sometime." He said, then went back to drawing. He was actually drawing Midas, and was doing quite a good job. A few times though he thought about just quitting and starting something else.
As soon as Midas realized he was the subject, he froze for fear of making it difficult for Alex. "Mm, I can manage just about anything... I'm best with strings, but I can ply the piano pretty well too, although technically that's strings too." He said, trying not to move his lips. "Tomorrow I'll play for you alright? We'll have to go somewhere else though, so I don't get a lecture."
Alex couldn't help but laugh a bit as Midas froze. "You can move if you want, jsut don't change positions please." He said, then listened to what he could play. He was a bit shocked that he said he could play just about anything. He found it pretty entertaining, but not unbelievable. For some reason that seemed completely likely for Midas to do. He nodded as he said he'd play for him tomorrow night but somewhere else. He would enjoy that quite a bit.
"You know... It's a crime to laugh at the king." He said with a completely straight face. "I might just have you beheaded for that." He stared at Alex for a moment before breaking into a wide grin to show he was kidding. "You know... as long as you don't pull anything too drastic, you're safe here." He said sincerely, "They won't do anything permanent without my order, and I'm not as strict as most of the people are here."
Alex thought he was joking at first but then as the joke played on he grew stiff, suddenly thinking he was telling the truth. He looked a bit mad and went back to drawing as the king smiled. Alex listened as he drew and was sure he wouldn't do anything too durastic. He even smiled as he said he wasn't the most strict. "I've notices that." He said with a small smile, though he never looked up from the paper. After a while he turned the canvas around, showing it to Midas. It was almost a perfect replica of him laying down and laying with his bangles.
Midas got to his feet, moving over to the canvas to take a closer look, his eyes widening slightly. "Wow, you ween't joking, you're really good..." He said in awe, his figer ghosting over the image, careful not to actually touch for fear of smearing it. "Do you mind if I keep this?" He asked as he finally moved away, heading back tothe closet. He pulled out two floor lengths cloaks, one black, one white. The black one he pulled around his shouders, clasping the small gold hook in the front. The white one had wrapped over Alex's shoulders, hooking it for him. He stayed like that a moment, sort of draped over Alex, "You wanted to see the gardens, right?"
Alex shook his head as he said he was really good. "No, I'm not that good." He said, watching as the king seemed so interested in it. He couldn't help but smiled a bit becuase he liked it so much though. He nodded, laughing a bit as he asked that. "Go right ahead. I'm not sure I'd have a use for it." He said, smirking a bit. He was a bit confused as he soon walked away. He looked at the cloaks and then realized what they were for. He smiled a bit and was going to put his on by himself, but Midas put it on for him. He smiled, not minding that Midas lingered for a moment. He nodded excited about seeing them. "Yes, I'd love to." He said, smiling at the thought.
He finally stood, heading to the door. "It's late, I doubt anyone other than guards or servants will be about, so I'm not going to bother with the bindings." He waited for Alex to join him, mumbling a few instructions to the girl before leading Alex through he halls and to the north courtyard. The garde area was large, obviously intended as a place to entertain. The walkways were large, the ground mirrored to refelect the garden and the moonlight, making it seem much larger. The garden held all sorts of plantlife, with no regard as to what grew well there. The servants knew well how to take care of the plants, evenything from common roses to the rarest of lilies filled the soil beds, with the occasional large stature or bench.
Alex smiled and nodded, following him to the door. He was happy that for once he didn't have to wear those annoying bindings. He was a bit curious as to what he told the gir, but didn't bother asking, sure he would find out eventually. He walked quitely next to Midas. As they rached the garden Alex looked around in wonder. He had never seen a garden this big and gorgeous before. It was amazing to him. As they walked around he smiled, looking at all the different types of flowers. He had never even seen over half of these kinds of flower and plants before. It was all so facinating to him. He seemed to happy the entire time they were out there. After a while of looking he walked over to a bench and sat down, getting a closer look a one of the flowers that he had never seen. It was simply beattiful
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