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Zavodila (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

Something loud, something inhuman was behind a now rending metal door beneath the staircase. "Melta, melta, they've got a pu-" Edric was cut off by the scream of metal giving way as a massive Purestrain Genestealer burst from behind it. Edric racked another phosphex round and hit it squarely in the chest. It was burning, but not down. The soldier carrying the melta was running, but the Stealer was almost on Edric.
She fired a gamma round each into its legs, hoping to make it stop or fall. She had never seen a xenos eat a phosphex and keep walking. The fact that her gamma rounds only managed to tear its knees out from under it shocked her. But she didn't want to use the full strength of her pistol with Edric so close. If it even clipped him, he would be no more than ash.
She could hear him screaming. Not in fear, in rage. He racked another round, and blew one of it's arm to pulp at point blank. Another round to the head managed to knock it back, but he didn't stop. Round after round, until the shotgun was empty. He grabbed it by the barrel and began swinging it like a club, slowly bludgeoning the dazed creature. The trooper with the melta was close now. "Kill it, kill the fucking monster!!" He shouted, only moving back at the last second before the trooper completely erased the creature's head in a bloody mist.
Something flickered inside her, something she didn't really understand. Was it...excitement? Why? "I'll ignore your lack of censorship this once, Commander.." She said lightheartedly, wanting to make light of the new tenseness, "Are you ok?"
He huffed and took out his pistol, firing bolt after searing las bolt into the thing's chest. "Better now." He said.
Oh. How attractive. Wait, what? No, don't think that, there was nothing attractive about his barbarism. Her survey pack squirmed as the servo skull crawled out again, scittering down and toward the Purestrain Genestealer. It took a few blood samples as well as skin and tissue, clicking and beeping gently as it worked.
He eyed the mechanism suspiciously before looking back to her. "Satisfied enough for research?"
She looked to him, wondering why he sounded so angry, "I can assure you, taking back all this data will help stop such a thing from reoccurring.." She told him as the servo skull finished and climbed its way back into her pack, "We have more pressing matters, I think?"
"Agreed. Sparks, you take a squad of your choosing and do a sweep. Brood nests, survivors, anyone who doesn't look like a hybrid, no mercy. You know the drill." He said.
She didn't say anything more, staying quiet as she watched his men go to work. There was that rude attitude again. Honestly, she wondered if she could last a whole Terran year with him if this was how he acted.
He issued more orders, instructing troops to check the dead, and to secure any clean ammunition and fuel. Weapons were fine, but no food or medicae supplies. Finally, he turned to her. "And Magos? Thank you, thank you for your assistance."
She blinked, genuinely taken aback, "Oh, uh..." She cleared her throat, "Of course. Can't have you dying on me before your task is finished, eh, Commander?" There was a hint of teasing in her tone, hoping to get him to relax some.
She followed him, keeping her gamma pistol ready just in case. She didn't know what was out there now, especially since they pissed off a whole nest.
"So, Commander, what now?" She asked, "I suppose your men have the rest handled. A relief, to say the least." She looked around, scanning, making sure nothing was out hiding, before looking up at him to allow him to respond.
"Now? We head back, re-arm, refuel, and get ready for tomorrow.." he said. "And, grab a drink." He said, that grin again.
She felt her cheeks heat up and she glanced away, "I've never had anything that wasn't sanctioned by the magos.." She muttered, almost timidly.
"Well, I don't see any besides you. So, what they don't know won't kill them in this regard." He said.
She wondered if it would taste any different than what they had for sermons on Mars? She gave a nod, "Agreed. I won't tell anyone if you wont."
He nodded and the two of them headed into the Salamander. One of the Chimeras stayed behind, as the rest of the convoy headed back to the staging area.
She nodded and removed her chestplate with a bit of effort. He didn't realize he had been staring at her bust struggle to free itself from the armor until after she had gotten it off.
He averted his eyes. Without adrenaline or the pompous air of the mechanicum's superiority, he hadn't yet realized how easy she was on the eyes.
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