Anjeru's hangout~

Veras: I'm not going to get sick :p

Plus, I kept trying to sleep but people wouldn't let me.

Zal and Kai: Heyo~
Kai: yes, I know.

Veras: this is when I'm told I'm too nice for my own good.

I don't have it in me to tell my friends to fuxx off so I can sleep.


Zal: Mom kept waking me up for stupid shit, then my package came, then my sister wouldn't leave me alone and then, just as it seemed like I might get some sleep, friends came over and stuffs.
Aww, well you should be sleeping now then :)
We all love you on BM, but you should rest

Also, post #200! ^_^
Veras: I will soon. Might as well wait another few hours until after dinner that way once I'm sleeping, I'll sleep the night through. If I go to sleep now, I'll wake up at like 1 and not be able to get back to sleep. XD

Zal: I try to avoid uneccassary narcotics, lol. Cept when I have a toothache, heartburn, or am just in a lot of pain. Lol.

Kai: this is true, but you really have to piss me off for me to be mean on purpose.
Thank you ^_^
Also, a latte made with vanilla soy milk is amazing, a nice little change of flavor without adding all that sweet :)
Y'know, I've never had vanilla soymilk... just the regular kind. Although chocolate soymilk does sound very good. o.o -Nod-
I'm not really a fan of soy milk, but the vanilla soy is also very good with chai too. Especially if you put just a pump or 2 or chocolate in there
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