The con is technically 24 hours, friday morning through sunday afternoon.Lyra said:How long is the con, and does the $70 last for all of it or is it per day?
Less Th4n Three said:I'm not sure I can go to Sakura con this year. x.x
; ____ ; So I might not be able to support ya.
Lyra said:So lets say on average you can crank out 1 chibi every 30 minutes. To break even you would have to do 14 chibis which would take 7 hours. So, as long as you think you can do that, you should be good.
Aki-Con in November in Everett.Less Th4n Three said:What other cons are you planning on going to??
A ride or bus.Less Th4n Three said:How the hell are you getting there? D: Damn.
Veras said:7 hours is just short of a full work day. I have faith in her!
This is one reason I'm taking works that I've already done with me, too.Lyra said:Yeah but 7 hours is the minimum to break even. She would have to do much more to make it worthwhile financially.
How can you not have fun at anime cons? XDVeras said:Well, good luck AnjiAnd also, try to just have some fun ^_^
Zalvek said:Meh, I really do fall into that category of "Hardcore anime fan" when I go to a con, so I don't see a lot of dram. I usually end up hanging out with a lot of older anime fans in their 30s and 40s and we all just kind of exclaim, "Fuck this drama shit, we're gonna go watch Macross Plus." x3 My kind of people. -Nod- -Nod-
Although we did get a lot of drama from one my my roomates this year...
Anjeru said:Not in our group of friends.
We have a lot of girls who have issues. Mainly over Kaios. T_T
Yeah, whatever, it's fine.Kaios said:Anjeru said:Not in our group of friends.
We have a lot of girls who have issues. Mainly over Kaios. T_T
-_- Yeah.... This is true...Still sorry Channie.
Veras said:I used to be so much more into anime than I am now. I'm not sure what happened.. I guess I just got busy and lost the ability to find new stuff.