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Anjeru's hangout~

Hehe, Zal, you seem to have as bad as luck with phones as I do.


-nums on fruity pebbles-
Yeah, I do have pretty bad luck. .___.;
That first time I broke my phone? It was a day after getting it. >___<
Yup, Zal, definitely like me. Lol.

I have a horrible habit of dropping my phones. Purely by accident.
Lyra said:
@Kaios: What time period do you like to play?

Well lets see.... After the empire was established there was a huge decrease in power crystals for lights sabers and the jedi order was all but extinct....So...... Hmmm.
So, Anji, how about that hair?

Ooh, ooh, I so have to tell you about the dream I had last night.
Are you going to Sakura-con this year?
I'm really annoyed by women who will stand there and stare at you and assume you know that means you're supposed to talk to them....
BBY means Before the Battle of Yavin which, I believe, was a pivotal battle in Palpatine's little plan to take over the Republic and slaughter the Jedi.
So, about 400-600 years before that.
Lyra said:
I believe, was a pivotal battle in Palpatine's little plan to take over the Republic and slaughter the Jedi.
Arguably it wasn't a pivotal point for Palpatine, but for the Rebellion. It was the first point where anyone had put together a solid, concrete resistance against his Iron-Clad rule.

Plus it was when Star Wars: A New Hope took place, so everyone knows what happened then.
Lyra said:
BBY means Before the Battle of Yavin which, I believe, was a pivotal battle in Palpatine's little plan to take over the Republic and slaughter the Jedi.
So, about 400-600 years before that.

Anyway, to tell you the truth I think the thing that really led to Palpatine's downfall was not letting Anakin die after he fell in that lava.
Addendum: The battle I think you were talking about was the end of the Clone Wars, where Palpatine gave the infamous Order 66, which was hard coded into almost all the Clone Troopers and they turned and killed the Jedi. This happened 19 BBY.

>.> I'm not a nerd... why do you ask.

*hides in the corner*
Notte: If I did my hair, it would probably after sunday.

And yes, I'm going to SC; I'm registed and I have the hotel reserved.
Lyra said:
Anyway, to tell you the truth I think the thing that really led to Palpatine's downfall was not letting Anakin die after he fell in that lava.

I am not so sure.
While it's true that he wasn't really one (too attached to the people he cared for and not enough attachement to the power that makes a good Sith, ala Bane [WHO IS AWESOME I MIGHT ADD!]), he was a very powerful force user, which made him an ideal tool. The big flaw was really trying to turn someone who Vader cared for to the Dark Side. If Palpatine, instead, had just killed Vader at that point and used the anger Luke had to turn him to the Dark Side, he would have made the perfect Apprentice. Luke would want to avenge his father. The only way to do so would be to get power... power over the Dark Side... and use that power to kill Sidious. :twisted:
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